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site images often do not load (ex: amazon shopping cart)

This started a week or two ago intermittantly on some websites. Today I cannot see any images of amazon items in the shopping cart. I can see the thumbnails in the righ… (читати далі)

This started a week or two ago intermittantly on some websites. Today I cannot see any images of amazon items in the shopping cart. I can see the thumbnails in the right side bar, and if I click on an item, the image appears on its for sale page. Ebay usually shows the first image, but the rest won't load, unless I click on "unable to load images" and then they might. Or if I use the icon to put the images in their own box, I can < and > to navigate them

Turned the new "secure DNS" feature off & on, no difference. Turned off NoScript, no difference.

Запитання від FireFoxSucks 1 тиждень тому

Остання відповідь від FireFoxSucks 12 хвилин тому

Apple TV+

I was in the middle of watching the Phillies and the Braves play on Apple TV+ 7/5/24. While watching the game, the screen flashed a message I couldn't catch and that was … (читати далі)

I was in the middle of watching the Phillies and the Braves play on Apple TV+ 7/5/24. While watching the game, the screen flashed a message I couldn't catch and that was the end of viewing Apple TV+. From that moment on all that was displayed was the original promotional page (attached) that seemed to have all it's links disabled. After playing with it for awhile with no success I switched to Chrome and the streaming ran okay. I then reinstalled a clean Firefox but I still have the same issue. A dead Apple TV+. I am baffled by this. Need help. Please see attachment. I am running Windows 11

Regards, ctg

Запитання від Precert Guy 1 день тому

Regularly and INCREASINGLY unable to make payments via Firefox, resorting to Chrome instead.

This is getting frustrating beyond belief. Buying things online is one the the basic activities anyone does using a browser these days, yet I am increasingly finding myse… (читати далі)

This is getting frustrating beyond belief. Buying things online is one the the basic activities anyone does using a browser these days, yet I am increasingly finding myself unable to do so.

It's a particular concern because, like many others, I am disabled and depend on the internet for the delivery of essential goods and services.

This problem for me began a few years ago with the Cashflows payment service that many retailers use. The card details entry page would never load up and consequently no payment could be attempted, nevermind passing through the security checks after this. Earlier this year or so, Firefox updated itself and seemingly fixed the problem.

Today, I again have problems with Firefox and Cashflows-enabled websites. I also have problems with VivaWallet-enabled sites now too, and one other that I presently forget the name of. Possibly also Apple's website, but I'm not too sure about this. Taking the browser right down to base settings with no extensions etc, a fresh clean install even, does nothing to resolve it.

The workaround seems to be use a Chrome-based browser instead, undermining the privacy and security advantages of Firefox, although this doesn't always work in all cases. I also find this less accessible as a disabled user, not that Firefox doesn't still have a long way to go towards accessibility - it certainly does, especially since it dispensed with the Nuance extension for Dragon.

Is Firefox intending to shoot itself in the proverbial foot? Because I don't think it will have much of a future if it can't at least get this bit right, for all the security and privacy advantages it cares to boast about.

It's an infuriating and distressing issue. As I encounter more payment issues, I begin to wonder how much more my world could close in on me. Imagine if all the other browsers started behaving this way too? It's a scary thought.

Please, Firefox, make this issue the priority it deserves to be. You can have all the security and privacy bells you like, but a browser that is otherwise dysfunctional is no good to anyone.

Запитання від BlueTurtle 1 день тому

When I press space in another application/ in another tab the video source starts playing

Generally the video source either YT or twitch should only play/resume when that tab is in focus. however since the latest update its being doing it even when firefox is … (читати далі)

Generally the video source either YT or twitch should only play/resume when that tab is in focus. however since the latest update its being doing it even when firefox is not focused and I am working on something else.

Запитання від Weird Creations 1 день тому

"Don’t enable HTTPS-Only Mode" is not honoured when enabled in settings

When I try to access an http:// site, the link is upgraded to https:// regardless of this setting. This broke after a recent update to the browser. I cannot specificall… (читати далі)

When I try to access an http:// site, the link is upgraded to https:// regardless of this setting.

This broke after a recent update to the browser. I cannot specifically say which upgrade, but it worked a month ago, now it doesn't anymore.

It may be worth noting that this broke in Brave (based on Chromium) at the same time.

Запитання від Lifeboy 1 день тому


Hi having a problem with viewing my web site images on any products where the images lay out DO NOT display correctly , and place themselves one below the other as oppose… (читати далі)

Hi having a problem with viewing my web site images on any products where the images lay out DO NOT display correctly , and place themselves one below the other as opposed to side by side.

This means that we have to scroll for a long while to be able to get to the descriptions

We have tried to many things, but no luck

Can someone provide some advise

Thank you

Запитання від Trojan Fitness Sales 2 дні тому

Firefox 127+ Downloaded Filenames Appended With Underscores In Some Circumstances

Problem: When exporting or downloading content from the GUI in the digital forensics tool Velociraptor, underscores are appended to the beginning and end of filenames. Fi… (читати далі)

Problem: When exporting or downloading content from the GUI in the digital forensics tool Velociraptor, underscores are appended to the beginning and end of filenames. File is otherwise downloaded correctly, but removal of underscores necessary if original filename is desired. One hypothesis is that perhaps for security reasons there were changes made in Firefox 127 for how character escaping is performed.

Tested Operating Systems: Ubuntu 24.04, Windows 11 22H2, Windows 11 24H2, macOS Sonoma (14.5) Affected Firefox version(s): Confirmed 127.0, 127.0.1, 127.0.2 Tested Firefox versions which do not reproduce the behavior: 126.x, 125.x > Testing Microsoft Edge, Chromium, Google Chrome on Windows, macOS, Linux: files download with correct name as expected. Testing performed with clean installations on clean VMs with no add-ons enabled.

To reproduce: Download the latest release of Velociraptor from Github (at the time of this writing, 0.72.3) for preferred platform / operating system. Run Velociraptor using the gui switch, e.g. "$sudo velociraptor-v0.72.3-windows-amd64 gui" or "$ velociraptor-v0.72.3-windows-amd64.exe gui" Navigate to Server Artifacts and click the "+" icon at the top Search for Server.Utils.CreateMSI - select and press Launch Select the newly-created flow, click "Uploaded Files" tab and click vfs_path to download the file or, click the Notebook tab and click Download JSON or Download CSV buttons to download JSON or CSV respectively, underscores are appended to beginning and end of filenames.

Запитання від admittedlyimawful 2 дні тому

Остання відповідь від admittedlyimawful 2 дні тому

Secondary Scroll Bar Inaccessible

After installing Firefox on a new Windows 11 laptop, I've noticed some issues with the scroll bar. If I'm trying to view comments on Medium, for example, I am unable to s… (читати далі)

After installing Firefox on a new Windows 11 laptop, I've noticed some issues with the scroll bar. If I'm trying to view comments on Medium, for example, I am unable to scroll in the comments window as the main page scroll bar blocks it. I did not have this issue with Firefox on my previous Windows 11 laptop. I've tried changing some settings to see if it makes any difference with no success. I found a previous question regarding a similar issue where someone replied with a suggestion to toggle the "Always show scrollbar" option in the General > Browsing settings, however this option does not exist in my settings.

As seen in the attached screenshot, both scroll bars sometimes appear at the same time. However hovering the mouse over them activates the main windows scrollbar, making it impossible to scroll in the comments window. Trying to scroll the comments window with the keyboard arrow keys also does nothing.

I would really appreciate some advice on how I can fix this!

Запитання від noir 2 дні тому

Credit Union web page will not load correctly. Company says it is your software. Please fix.

Mission Federal Credit Union account page loads but does not allow account info to load. Mission Federal tech say it is a problem with Firefox. Please fix. same problem t… (читати далі)

Mission Federal Credit Union account page loads but does not allow account info to load. Mission Federal tech say it is a problem with Firefox. Please fix. same problem through two updates of your software.

Запитання від lrichards12 3 дні тому

Since Jun-22-2024, Windows 11 "this page isn't redirecting properly" prevents access to health care provider

I've been using Firefox since the very beginning, and try to contribute to support it and Thunderbird when I can. But today, in order to get messages from my health care… (читати далі)

I've been using Firefox since the very beginning, and try to contribute to support it and Thunderbird when I can. But today, in order to get messages from my health care provider at Kaiser Permanente -- kp.org -- and get a document I needed for physical therapy, I had to sign in via Microsoft Edge in order to log in to my member account. On my Windows 11 Pro computer, I kept getting the message shown in the attached screenshot = "this page isn't redirecting properly".

I WAS able to sign in to kp.org from my mobile phone, but couldn't download the document from there. But at least I was able to send an message to my doctor asking them to send me the document via snail-mail.

At first I thought the problem was the Kaiser web site (which admittedly is pretty gawdawful). Didn't have time to pursue it last week, because I was attending an all-day class Mon-Fri. Finally today, when I got the same Firefox error message, I tried to access kp.org via Microsoft Edge. Sure enough, it worked.

Then I searched Mozilla support, and found a closed message thread indicating that the problem had theoretically been "solved" by some sort of programming fix as of June 12th or thereabouts.

I do NOT want to switch to a browser maintained by Monopolists'R'Us. I still bear a grudge because about 30 years ago they killed or marginalized two of my favorite programs (Lotus and WordPerfect) by giving away Excel and Word for free with Windows. Even if I LIKED Microsoft, the default user interface is cluttered with too many cutesy-poo widgets and AS (artificial stupidity) "help" that I do not want. But I'm an old lady (84), and if I need to communicate with my health care providers, I will have to use whatever method works, no matter how much it galls me.

Hope you guys can find a fix to this problem that works for EVERYBODY (including me). Thanks for your attention.

Запитання від Mandy W 6 днів тому

Остання відповідь від Mandy W 5 днів тому

Firefox Youtube Grey Boxes when loading page on new tab

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that … (читати далі)

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that goes away after a long time waiting.

I have tried:

  • Refreshing Firefox
  • Reinstalling Firefox
  • Troubleshoot Mode, which the problem persist in troubleshoot mode so its not an addon
  • Tried creating a new profile
  • User-Agent Switcher which doesn't work all the time.

I want to avoid going chromium-based browsers but this is making me consider.

Запитання від allenjftipay10 1 тиждень тому

Остання відповідь від allenjftipay10 6 днів тому