Saba Security Plugin - Stop working

Good morning, Our company's firefox add-on(Saba Security Plugin) has stopped working, please let me know what happened. When a new client (version 126) downloads the ad… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Good morning, Our company's firefox add-on(Saba Security Plugin) has stopped working, please let me know what happened.

When a new client (version 126) downloads the add-on, the following message is displayed: "The add-on downloaded from this site cannot be installed because it appears corrupt."

If you install an older version, it works without any problems, what is the reason?

I have already contacted you once at:

And they told me to report at:


Asked by michal.kasprzak 11 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by James 15 நிமிடங்கள் முன்பு

Missing customization colour for AMOLED screens.

I found missing customization option for Android Firefox to be AMOLED black theme, it just gets darker but not pitch black. Or I haven't found the way to do it Keep impr… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I found missing customization option for Android Firefox to be AMOLED black theme, it just gets darker but not pitch black. Or I haven't found the way to do it

Keep improving Firefox :)

Asked by Cavid bəy Cəfərsoy 1 நாள் முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 13 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

How to customize the collections?

I can't figure out how to customize the collections. I want to be able to organize my collections alphabetically, make sub-collections under a parent collection (like one… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I can't figure out how to customize the collections. I want to be able to organize my collections alphabetically, make sub-collections under a parent collection (like one can do in Gmail, for example), it would also be helpful have the option to choose the color of the main/parent collections, and to be able to search within the collections using a keyword in a search box.

With all of these customizable options, I could create a better, more efficient organizational system that would REALLY help to keep & identify collections quicker & easier.

I have had to make dozens & dozens of collections due to the inability to file sub-collections under main/parent collections.

As a result, a frustratingly unnecessary amount of time & effort is spent trying to remember when & where (throughout my ENTIRE history of having Firefox/using collections) a particular collection is located.

I then ALSO have to spend an unnecessary & frustrating amount of time searching within the collection just to locate a particular link as there is no search bar within the individual collection (or from all of the collections, umm... collectively) to facilitate a search.

    • I wanted to make sure it is known that I DO like this feature, regardless if it was intentional by design or not

Once I eventually find the 1. Collection I'm looking for, and then eventually find the 2. Link I'm looking for.. I can click on the link, and I'm directed to the page I saved, but here's the bonus:

When I hit the back button, I'm taken to the page I was on, previous to the page I saved. This is SUPER helpful when I come back to something I've been researching as it helps me to reconnect to the line of thinking I had during the time of research. This helps to eliminate the need to keep such a detailed journal of the thought processes behind each area of research to expand upon or revisit.

So thank you for that!! Also, please don't mess with it? I'm only needing help with the items mentioned at the beginning of this message.

Thank you for your attention, time & help with figuring out how to locate & utilize the customizable, collections organization options.

With appreciation to those who work behind the scenes, doing what they can to foster potential, growth, efficiency & ease,

Celena Morgan

Asked by bso118 1 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 15 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

BetterBird v115 does not load userChrome.css

I have set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to TRUE in both Thunderbird and Betterbird. I have created the file C:\Users\MYNAME\AppData\Roaming\Thunde… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I have set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to TRUE in both Thunderbird and Betterbird.

I have created the file C:\Users\MYNAME\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\r2v9k1zw.default\chrome\userChrome.css

I have successfully entered css into that file that work as expected in Thunderbird v115.12 and has for the past several versions. But I have NOT been able to do anything in that file that works with BetterBird. In fact, using the inspector, I don't see userChrome.css even being loaded! I have also tried starting the file with '@namespace html url(“”)' but that makes no difference either.

How do I get BetterBird to recognize the userChrome.css file?

Asked by Terry W 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by david 20 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

How to change location of address bar?

I woke up and my Firefox address bar are in the bottom of my screen. I don't like it :( I'm on mobile, and especially with mobile sites there's so many features nea… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I woke up and my Firefox address bar are in the bottom of my screen. I don't like it :( I'm on mobile, and especially with mobile sites there's so many features near the bottom, or something like the feature where you swipe down (from the top. because that is where the address bar is supposed to be) to refresh

Asked by Dee Tea 1 நாள் முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 1 நாள் முன்பு

FireFox Android spellchecker status

I really like FireFox mobile, but the amount of misspelled words is starting to become an actual problem for me. I use a Samsung S8 with Android 9 and whatever predictiv… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I really like FireFox mobile, but the amount of misspelled words is starting to become an actual problem for me.

I use a Samsung S8 with Android 9 and whatever predictive text functions it has are turned off because I find them beyond grating and it's just not how I check for spelling errors.

The reasoning to this function being ommitted was (last time someone asked the question) due to space.

Why can't this be an official plugin that people can add?

I'm supporting FireFox entirely for ethical reasons (the only non-chromium browser that still cares about privacy) but I just can't type like this anymore.

Will something be done about this function missing?

Asked by smelly wolf 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 1 நாள் முன்பு

Way the message list is displayed

Refer to two images below. Just loaded Thunderbird on a new laptop. It displays a list of messages with no headings, each message listing in two lines and acres of wast… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Refer to two images below.

Just loaded Thunderbird on a new laptop. It displays a list of messages with no headings, each message listing in two lines and acres of wasted space in the middle. See Image 1 (6300040).

How do I get back to a list of one-line entries with headings at the top of each of the columns (which lets me change the sorting direction)? It works so much better for me. See Image 2 (6300039).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Long-term fan

Asked by michaelmoore 1 நாள் முன்பு

Last reply by david 1 நாள் முன்பு

What is this?!! about:policies

What is this??? Information Your browser is being managed by your organization. about:policies#documentation Documentation Policy Name 3rdparty Set policies that WebExte… (மேலும் படிக்க)

What is this??? Information Your browser is being managed by your organization. about:policies#documentation

Documentation Policy Name 3rdparty Set policies that WebExtensions can access via AllowedDomainsForApps Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace. AllowFileSelectionDialogs Allow file selection dialogs. AppAutoUpdate Enable or disable automatic application update. AppUpdatePin Prevent Firefox from being updated beyond the specified version. AppUpdateURL Set custom app update URL. Authentication Configure integrated authentication for websites that support it. AutofillAddressEnabled Enable autofill for addresses. AutofillCreditCardEnabled Enable autofill for payment methods. AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins Define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user. BackgroundAppUpdate Enable or disable the background updater. BlockAboutAddons Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). type: boolean BlockAboutConfig Block access to the about:config page. BlockAboutProfiles Block access to the about:profiles page. BlockAboutSupport Block access to the about:support page. Bookmarks Create bookmarks in the Bookmarks toolbar, Bookmarks menu, or a specified folder inside them. CaptivePortal Enable or disable captive portal support. Certificates Add certificates or use built-in certificates. Containers Set policies related to containers. ContentAnalysis Enable or disable connection to data-loss-prevention agent. Cookies Allow or deny websites to set cookies. DefaultDownloadDirectory Set the default download directory. DisableAccounts Disable account-based services, including sync. DisableAppUpdate Prevent the browser from updating. DisableBuiltinPDFViewer Disable PDF.js, the built-in PDF viewer in Firefox. DisabledCiphers Disable ciphers. DisableDefaultBrowserAgent Prevent the default browser agent from taking any actions. Only applicable to Windows; other platforms don’t have the agent. DisableDeveloperTools Block access to the developer tools. DisableEncryptedClientHello Disable use of the TLS feature Encrypted Client Hello (ECH). DisableFeedbackCommands Disable commands to send feedback from the Help menu (Submit Feedback and Report Deceptive Site). DisableFirefoxAccounts Disable account-based services, including sync. DisableFirefoxScreenshots Disable the Firefox Screenshots feature. DisableFirefoxStudies Prevent Firefox from running studies. DisableForgetButton Prevent access to the Forget button. DisableFormHistory Don’t remember search and form history. DisableMasterPasswordCreation If true, a Primary Password can’t be created. DisablePasswordReveal Do not allow passwords to be revealed in saved logins. DisablePocket Disable the feature to save webpages to Pocket. DisablePrivateBrowsing Disable Private Browsing. DisableProfileImport Disable the menu command to Import data from another browser. DisableProfileRefresh Disable the Refresh Firefox button in the about:support page. DisableSafeMode Disable the feature to restart in Safe Mode. Note: the Shift key to enter Safe Mode can only be disabled on Windows using Group Policy. DisableSecurityBypass Prevent the user from bypassing certain security warnings. DisableSetDesktopBackground Disable the menu command Set as Desktop Background for images. DisableSystemAddonUpdate Prevent the browser from installing and updating system add-ons. DisableTelemetry Turn off Telemetry. DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking Prevent the user from blocking third-party modules that get injected into the Firefox process. DisplayBookmarksToolbar Display the Bookmarks Toolbar by default. DisplayMenuBar Display the Menu Bar by default. DNSOverHTTPS Configure DNS over HTTPS. DontCheckDefaultBrowser Disable check for default browser on startup. DownloadDirectory Set and lock the download directory. EnableTrackingProtection Enable or disable Content Blocking and optionally lock it. EncryptedMediaExtensions Enable or disable Encrypted Media Extensions and optionally lock it. ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains. Extensions Install, uninstall or lock extensions. The Install option takes URLs or paths as parameters. The Uninstall and Locked options take extension IDs. ExtensionSettings Manage all aspects of extension installation. ExtensionUpdate Enable or disable automatic extension updates. FirefoxHome Configure Firefox Home. FirefoxSuggest Configure Firefox Suggest. GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching when typing single word entries in the address bar. Handlers Configure default application handlers. HardwareAcceleration If false, turn off hardware acceleration. Homepage Set and optionally lock the homepage. HttpAllowlist Origins that will not be upgraded to HTTPS. HttpsOnlyMode Allow HTTPS-Only Mode to be enabled. InstallAddonsPermission Allow certain websites to install add-ons. LegacyProfiles Disable the feature enforcing a separate profile for each installation. LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting. LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites. LocalFileLinks Allow specific websites to link to local files. ManagedBookmarks Configures a list of bookmarks managed by an administrator that cannot be changed by the user. ManualAppUpdateOnly Allow manual updates only and do not notify the user about updates. NetworkPrediction Enable or disable network prediction (DNS prefetching). NewTabPage Enable or disable the New Tab page. NoDefaultBookmarks Disable creation of the default bookmarks bundled with Firefox, and the Smart Bookmarks (Most Visited, Recent Tags). Note: this policy is only effective if used before the first run of the profile. OfferToSaveLogins Enforce the setting to allow Firefox to offer to remember saved logins and passwords. Both true and false values are accepted. OfferToSaveLoginsDefault Set the default value for allowing Firefox to offer to remember saved logins and passwords. Both true and false values are accepted. OverrideFirstRunPage Override the first run page. Set this policy to blank if you want to disable the first run page. OverridePostUpdatePage Override the post-update “What’s New” page. Set this policy to blank if you want to disable the post-update page. PasswordManagerEnabled Enable saving passwords to the password manager. PasswordManagerExceptions Prevent Firefox from saving passwords for specific sites. PDFjs Disable or configure PDF.js, the built-in PDF viewer in Firefox. Permissions Configure permissions for camera, microphone, location, notifications, and autoplay. PictureInPicture Enable or disable Picture-in-Picture. PopupBlocking Allow certain websites to display popups by default. PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS. Preferences Set and lock the value for a subset of preferences. PrimaryPassword Require or prevent using a Primary Password. PrintingEnabled Enable or disable printing. PromptForDownloadLocation Ask where to save files when downloading. Proxy Configure proxy settings. RequestedLocales Set the list of requested locales for the application in order of preference. SanitizeOnShutdown Clear navigation data on shutdown. SearchBar Set the default location of the search bar. The user is still allowed to customize it. SearchEngines Configure search engine settings. This policy is only available on the Extended Support Release (ESR) version. SearchSuggestEnabled Enable or disable search suggestions. SecurityDevices Add or delete PKCS #11 modules. ShowHomeButton Show the home button on the toolbar. SSLVersionMax Set the maximum SSL version. SSLVersionMin Set the minimum SSL version. StartDownloadsInTempDirectory Force downloads to start off in a local, temporary location rather than the default download directory. SupportMenu Add a custom support menu item to the help menu. TranslateEnabled Enable or disable webpage translation. UserMessaging Don’t show certain messages to the user. UseSystemPrintDialog Print using the system print dialog. WebsiteFilter Block websites from being visited. See documentation for more details on the format. WindowsSSO Allow Windows single sign-on for Microsoft, work, and school accounts.

Asked by Bruce Swanson 3 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by cor-el 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

From and subject on two separate lines

Latest Thunderbird update has placed the From and Subject fields on two separate lines in the classic view. Other views I have tried do not put these two fields on the s… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Latest Thunderbird update has placed the From and Subject fields on two separate lines in the classic view. Other views I have tried do not put these two fields on the same line which is what I have had for decades. I have essentially lost half the space I had to view contents of my email inbox and folders. How can I modify my view back to the way it was before with From and Subject on one line giving me a more compact view of things?

Asked by john_brayton 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by david 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Unified "Archive", "Junk", "Sent" in "Local Folders"

recently I learned how to point all accounts "archive" and "junk" and "Sent" to "local folders". But, Thunderbird continues to isolate archived messages into a separate … (மேலும் படிக்க)

recently I learned how to point all accounts "archive" and "junk" and "Sent" to "local folders". But, Thunderbird continues to isolate archived messages into a separate subfolder within each of my several email account(s) - I work with a unified inbox and prefer unified "Junk" and unified "Archive" and unified "Sent"... How do I do teach Thunderbird to start using the intended folder structure ?

Asked by ted31 4 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Jean Ricky 4 நாட்கள் முன்பு

font-size of address bar, tabs, sidebar and toolbar

I tried to change the font-size of address bar, tabs, sidebar and toolbar using the method given in The method given in: [… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I tried to change the font-size of address bar, tabs, sidebar and toolbar using the method given in The method given in: [] gives no change at all of the font-size no matter the value I use. Any ideas? I'm using Windows 10 Firefox 127

Asked by janpaul.peters 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by cor-el 4 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Why does `mailnews.wraplength` exist?

See the previous, now archive post about it. If this option makes emails sent from Thunderbird to any other email client have arbitrary line breaks where the line change… (மேலும் படிக்க)

See the previous, now archive post about it.

If this option makes emails sent from Thunderbird to any other email client have arbitrary line breaks where the line changes in the view of the composer. Please explain to me like I am 5, why is this ON by default? I just spent hours wording and formatting a work email vital for my career just to find out it will most likely look like a poem to the person that reeds it. This mailnews.wraplength "feature" looks a lot like is there to signal to other non-Thunderbird users to use Thunderbird. I really really hope there is a good explanation for why `mailnews.wraplength` exists and is on by default.

Asked by arvamircea 1 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Matt 4 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Help with Configuring 'Copies & Folders' Panel

Hello, I am new to Thunderbird and need help with configuring the 'Copies & Folders' tab in Thunderbird 115.12.2 (32 bit) running on Windows 10. Background: I have… (மேலும் படிக்க)


I am new to Thunderbird and need help with configuring the 'Copies & Folders' tab in Thunderbird 115.12.2 (32 bit) running on Windows 10.

Background: I have just set up a pop3 account to download and locally store all incoming messages to my inbox and also to keep a copy of those messages on the server.

I want to store all sent messages for that pop3 account locally too, in a 'sent' folder.

Questions: 1. If I have more than one pop3 account set up like this, do I: (a) set up a separate 'sent' folder for each of those accounts; or (b) set up one 'sent' folder containing sent messages for all pop3 accounts, or (c) is it personal choice?

2. How do I set up: (a) a separate 'sent' folder for every pop3 account? (b) a single 'sent' folder for all pop3 accounts?

3. Can I keep a copy of all sent messages on the folder in addition to storing the locally; and if so how do I configure this?

4. How do I set up the Drafts & Templates section for the above scenario? My preference here would be to have one drafts folder for all pop3 accounts. I don't use templates.

5. If I uncheck the 'keep message archives in' check box, will that turn off automatic archiving and keep all incoming pop3 messages in the inbox?

6. Is there an up to date manual for Thunderbird? I can't find one.

Many thanks for your help with this.

Asked by paulincyberspace 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Matt 4 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Email filters not working

Like all of us, I get bombarded with spam emails. So I set up filters to separate the "definitely spam" from "possibly spam". I've been doing this for many years now. But… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Like all of us, I get bombarded with spam emails. So I set up filters to separate the "definitely spam" from "possibly spam". I've been doing this for many years now. But recently, maybe for the past few months, I'm finding that these blacklist filters aren't working anymore. The filtering failure seems to be getting worse as time goes on. And, yes, I do a match on "any", but that still doesn't work. As I said above, my filtering rules used to work just fine, but possibly a new Thunderbird update several months ago broke filtering?

Also, is there a way for filtering on the message content URL? I find that sometimes that's the only way to distinguish spam.

Asked by Don Peters 4 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Matt 4 நாட்கள் முன்பு


Trying to all threads to come up when I click on a new email as a default. Already did this:- settings>general - scroll down to config editor - enter mailnews.defau… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Trying to all threads to come up when I click on a new email as a default. Already did this:- settings>general - scroll down to config editor - enter mailnews.default_view_flags and change value to 0. Does not work!

Asked by ies1 6 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Toad-Hall 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Alphbetizing facility

Hi there, Does Thunderbird have its own alphbetizing facility for folders, I don't want to download another app?

Asked by Chris M. Corney 6 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Toad-Hall 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

"Always show scrollbars" option missing from Firefox Nightly 129.0a1

A friend informs me that Firefox settings > General > Browsing > Always show scrollbars has been removed in version 129. This is alarming because I need that op… (மேலும் படிக்க)

A friend informs me that Firefox settings > General > Browsing > Always show scrollbars has been removed in version 129.

This is alarming because I need that option for accessibility reasons.

Could you please check and, if necessary, reinstate this vital option?

Thank you!

Asked by CalQA 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Transfering messages physically between computers

I have a Thunderbird on my laptop with a big folder in the Local Folder. It has a labeled "mail window" having 5,044 messages in a folder named under the internals of the… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I have a Thunderbird on my laptop with a big folder in the Local Folder. It has a labeled "mail window" having 5,044 messages in a folder named under the internals of the Profile as "Family" and "Family.msf". Under "Family" are at the next level called "Archive-A" and "Archive-A.msf". (This may not be a kosher "archive".) I tried to use NanaZip to prepare as a zip by Exporting it the other laptop's Thunderbird in our house, but the process seemed to hang before that could do it. Maybe there had to be two levels, I dunno. Maybe getting from a .ZIP to a .SBD....

Even if that had resulted in a useful .ZIP, I'm not at all clear how I could I succeed in importing it into the main profile on the other TB computer. I am defeated at this point.

I wish I had a "Thunderbird for Dummies", or at least a manual + a lexicon with acronyms.

Could someone help me out?



Asked by oudeheis 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by david 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு