Remove a search engine in Firefox Klar for Android

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar Last updated: 12/13/2021 100% of users voted this helpful
Hakuna mtu amewasaidia kutafsiri makala hii bado. Kama tayari wajua jinsi ya ujabinishaji wa SUMO hufanya kazi, waweza kuanza kutafsiri sasa. Kama unataka kujifunza jinsi ya kutafsiri makala kwa Sumo, tafadhali anzia hapa.

Firefox Klar comes with built-in search engines and you can even add additional ones. You can also clean up your list by removing unwanted search engines:

  1. Tap the menu button next to the address bar:

  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Go to Search.
  4. Tap Search engine.
  5. Tap the menu button at the top right.
  6. Tap Remove.
  7. Check the box next to the search engine you want to delete.
  8. Tap the trash Focustrash-icon icon at the top right.
  9. Tap the back arrow to save your settings and go back to the previous screen.

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