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Mwanzo, nyumbani na mapendeleo ya kuweka mafaili

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chaguo mapendeleo mazingira ujumla
chaguo mapendeleo mazingira ujumla

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Andiko hili linaeleza chaguo za mwanzo na nyumbani kwa Firefox. Pia, inaeleza mapendeleo ya kuweka mafaili. Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku:
Andiko hili linaeleza chaguo za mwanzo na nyumbani kwa Firefox. Pia, inaeleza mapendeleo ya kuweka mafaili. Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku:


Andiko hili linaelezea mapendeleo yanayopatikana ya ndani ya jopo la '''Ujumla''' ya Firefox [[T:optionsorpreferences]] . {for fx38} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: *Weka Firefox ichunguze kama ndio program yako ya kwanza kufungua internet. * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua Firefox ama kubonyeza picha ya nyumbani * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili * Amrisha mpangilio/mapendeleo ya tabo zako {/for} {for =fx34,=fx35,=fx36,=fx37} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: *Weka Firefox ichunguze kama ndio program yako ya kwanza kufungua internet. * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili {/for} {for not fx34} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili {/for} __TOC__ {for not fx34} {for winxp}[[Image:fx20 options - general]]{/for} {for win7,win8}[[Image:Options General Win 20]]{/for} {for mac}[[Image:Prefs General Mac 20]]{/for} {for linux}[[Image:Prefs General Lin 20]]{/for} {/for} {for =fx34,=fx35,=fx36,=fx37} {for win}[[Image:Fx34OptionsGeneral-Win7]]{/for} {for mac}[[Image:Fx34GeneralPanel-Mac]]{/for} {for linux}[[Image:Fx34GeneralPanel-Lin]]{/for} {/for} {for fx38} [[Image:Fx38OptionsGeneral]] {/for} = Startup = {for fx34} * '''Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup''': Select this setting if you want Firefox to check whether it is the default browser at startup. Making Firefox your default browser will ensure Firefox is used, whenever an application tries to display a web page. **If Firefox is not currently your default browser, click {button Make Firefox My Default Browser} to make it the default. See [[Make Firefox your default browser]] for details. {/for} * '''When Firefox starts''': Controls what Firefox displays when you open it. ** '''Show my home page''' - Displays the home page, which is set below. ** '''Show a blank page''' - Displays a blank page, which is fastest to load. ** '''Show my windows and tabs from last time''' - Restores the pages you were visiting the last time you closed Firefox. For more information, see [[Restore previous session - Configure when Firefox shows your most recent tabs and windows]]. * '''Home page''': <br/> Controls what page(s) Firefox displays when you click the Home icon on the [[Customize navigation buttons like back, home, bookmarks and reload|Navigation toolbar]]. If you set '''When Firefox starts''' (above) to '''Show my home page''', the specified page(s) will load when Firefox starts. For more information, see [[How to set the home page]]. '''Important:''' If your home page keeps automatically changing, see [[How to remove the Babylon toolbar, home page and search engine]] or [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]. = Downloads = {for not fx20} * '''Show the Downloads window when downloading a file''': <br/> Controls whether Firefox will display the Downloads window when you download a file. For more information, see [[Find and manage downloaded files]]. * '''Close it when all downloads are finished''': <br/> If you have selected '''Show the Downloads window when downloading a file''' (above), this setting controls whether Firefox will automatically close the Downloads window after all the files you're downloading have completed. {/for} * '''Save files to''': <br/> If selected, Firefox will automatically save all downloads to the specified folder (such as the desktop or your downloads folder). To change which folder is used, click {button {for win,linux}Browse…{/for}{for mac}Choose…{/for}}. * '''Always ask me where to save files''': <br/> If selected, Firefox will ask you to select a folder for every download you wish to save. {for fx38} = Tabs = <!-- L10N: this is copied from the Tabs preferences and settings article: from the {for fx23} section --> * '''Open new windows in a new tab instead:''' This {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} controls whether links from other applications or from web pages which request to open them in new windows are opened in a new window or a new tab in the most recent window. {note}'''Note:''' If you have chosen to open pages in new tabs, Firefox will ignore this {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} and will open a new window from a link if the page author specified that the new window should have a specific size, because some pages can only be displayed correctly at a specific size.{/note} * '''Warn me when closing multiple tabs''': When you close a window with multiple tabs, Firefox will ask you to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally closing the whole window when you intended to only close the current tab. Uncheck this {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} to disable this warning and have Firefox automatically close the window. {note}'''Note:''' This setting has no effect on the warning when closing other tabs in a window.{/note} * '''Warn me when opening multiple tabs might slow down Firefox''': When you open a large number of tabs at once, Firefox will ask you to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally slowing down your system while the pages are loading. Uncheck this {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} to disable this warning. *'''Don't load tabs until selected''': Firefox will only load the active tab when it starts or restores your previous session. This can make startup much faster if you are restoring many tabs. The other open tabs will be loaded as you click on them. * '''When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately''': When you middle-click on a Web link (or hold down {for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for}{for mac}{key command}{/for} while clicking with the left mouse button), the page will be opened in a new tab. That page will not be displayed and will load in a background tab. Check this {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} to load and display the page in a new foreground tab instead. {for win7,win8} * '''Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar''': When you move your pointer over the Firefox icon in the Windows 7 taskbar, Windows will show you a preview of the Firefox window. With this option check marked, Windows will show you a separate preview for each tab. {/for} {/for}
Andiko hili linaelezea mapendeleo yanayopatikana ya ndani ya jopo la '''Ujumla''' ya Firefox [[T:optionsorpreferences]] . {for fx38} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: *Weka Firefox ichunguze kama ndio program yako ya kwanza kufungua internet. * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua Firefox ama kubonyeza picha ya nyumbani * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili * Amrisha mpangilio/mapendeleo ya tabo zako {/for} {for =fx34,=fx35,=fx36,=fx37} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: *Weka Firefox ichunguze kama ndio program yako ya kwanza kufungua internet. * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili {/for} {for not fx34} Jopo la Ujumla linakuwezesha ku: * Amrisha (u)kurusa za kufunguliwa wakati unafungua * Amrisha tendo la Firefox unapoweka mafaili {/for} __TOC__ {for not fx34} {for winxp}[[Image:fx20 options - general]]{/for} {for win7,win8}[[Image:Options General Win 20]]{/for} {for mac}[[Image:Prefs General Mac 20]]{/for} {for linux}[[Image:Prefs General Lin 20]]{/for} {/for} {for =fx34,=fx35,=fx36,=fx37} {for win}[[Image:Fx34OptionsGeneral-Win7]]{/for} {for mac}[[Image:Fx34GeneralPanel-Mac]]{/for} {for linux}[[Image:Fx34GeneralPanel-Lin]]{/for} {/for} {for fx38} [[Image:Fx38OptionsGeneral]] {/for} = Mwanzo = {for fx34} * '''Kila mara kagua kama Firefox browser ni msingi kila nianzishapo '' ': Chagua kuweka hii kama unataka Firefox kuangalia kama ni browser default wakati wa uwashaji. Kufanya Firefox browser default yako itahakikisha Firefox ni kutumika, wakati wowote maombi anajaribu kuonyesha ukurasa wa mtandao. ** Kama Firefox sasa si chaguo-msingi browser yako, bonyeza {button Make Firefox My Default Browser} kufanya hivyo ya msingi. Tazama [[Make Firefox your default browser]] kwa taarifa. {/for} * '''Wakati Firefox huanza''': Udhibiti nini Firefox huonyesha unapofungua. ** '''Onyesha ukurasa wa nyumbani''' - Inaonyesha ukurasa wa nyumbani, ambayo umeweka chini hapa. ** '''Onyesha ukurasa mtupu''' - Inaonyesha ukurasa tupu, ambayo ni haraka sana kupakia. ** '''Onyesha madirisha na tabo toka mara ya mwisho''' - kutayarisha kurasa ungekuwa kutembelea mara ya mwisho kufungwa Firefox. Kwa habari zaidi, angalia [[Restore previous session - Configure when Firefox shows your most recent tabs and windows]]. * '''Ukurasa wa Nyumbani''': <br/> Udhibiti ni kurasa gani huonyesha Firefox unapobonyeza kwenye kidude cha Home [[Customize navigation buttons like back, home, bookmarks and reload|Navigation toolbar]]. Kama utaweka '' 'Wakati Firefox huanza' '' (juu) kwa '' 'Onyesha ukurasa wangu nyumbani' '', Ukurasa maalum (watu) itakuwa mzigo wakati Firefox huanza. Kwa habari zaidi, angalia [[How to set the home page]]. '''Important:''' Kama ukurasa wako nyumbani inaendelea moja kubadilika, angalia[[How to remove the Babylon toolbar, home page and search engine]] au [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]. = Shusha = {for not fx20} * '''Onyesha Dirisha la Mkono wakati shusha inashida''': <br/> Udhibiti kama Firefox itakuwa kuonyesha Dirisha la shusha wakati unashusha faili. Kwa habari zaidi, angalia [[Find and manage downloaded files]]. * '''Funga wakati vipakuliwa vyote zimekamilika''': <br/> Kama uliyoyachagua '' 'Onyesha Dirisha la shusha wakati kushusha inashida' '' (hapo juu), kuweka udhibiti hii kama Firefox moja kwa moja karibu ya dirisha shusha baada mafaili yote wewe ni kushusha kumaliza. {/for} * '''Hifadhi faili kwa ''': <br/>Kama kuchaguliwa, Firefox moja kwa moja kuhifadhi vipakuliwa wote iliyotajwa kwenye folda (kama vile ya desktop au vipakuliwa folda). Kubadili ambayo folder hutumiwa, bonyeza {button {for win,linux}Browse…{/for}{for mac}chagua…{/for}}. * '''Kila mara niulize ambapo kuokoa faili''': <br/> Kama kuchaguliwa, Firefox kuuliza wewe kuchagua folda kwa kila shusha unataka kuokoa. {for fx38} = Tabo = <!-- L10N: this is copied from the Tabs preferences and settings article: from the {for fx23} section --> * '''Kufungua madirisha mapya katika tabo mpya badala:''' Hii {for win}chaguo{/for}{for mac,linux}kipaumbele{/for} udhibiti kama viungo kutoka maombi mengine au kutoka kurasa za mtandao ambayo kuomba kufungua yao katika madirisha mpya ni kufunguliwa kwa dirisha jipya au tabo mpya katika dirisha hivi karibuni. {note}'''Note:''' Kama umechagua kufungua kurasa katika tabo mpya, Firefox itakuwa inapuuza hii {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}kipaumbele{/for} na itafungua dirisha jipya kutoka kwa kiungo kama mwandishi mtupu bayana kuwa dirisha jipya wanapaswa kuwa na ukubwa maalum, kwa sababu baadhi ya kurasa inaweza tu kuonyeshwa kwa usahihi katika ukubwa maalum.{/note} * '''Nionye mimi wakati wa kufunga tabo nyingi''': Wakati wa kufunga dirisha za tabo nyingi, Firefox itakuuliza kuthibitisha uchaguzi wako. Hii kuzuia kutoka ajali wa kufunga Dirisha la nzima wakati wewe nia ya Funga tu Tabo la ya sasa. uncheck hii {for win}chaguo{/for}{for mac,linux}kipaumbele{/for} lemaza onyo hii na kuwa na Firefox moja ufunge dirisha. {note}'''Note:''' Mpangilio huu haina athari kwa onyo wakati wa kufunga tabo nyingine katika dirisha.{/note} * '''Nionye mimi wakati ufunguzi tabo nyingi inaweza kupunguza kasi ya Firefox''': Wakati wa kufungua idadi kubwa ya tabo kwa mara moja, Firefox itakuuliza kuthibitisha uchaguzi wako. Hii kuzuia kutoka ajali na kupunguza kasi ya mfumo wako wakati kurasa ni upakiaji. uncheck hii {for win}option{/for}{for mac,linux}kipaumbele{/for} lemaza onyo hii. *'''Usipakie tabo bila ya kuchaguliwa''': Firefox utapakia Tabo la hai wakati anaanza au kutayarisha awamu iliyopita. Hii inaweza kufanya startup kasi zaidi kama wewe ni kurejesha tabo nyingi. Nyingine tabo kufungua itakuwa kubeba kama wewe bonyeza yao. * '''Wakati ule kufungua kiungo katika tabo mpya, badili kwayo mara moja''': Wakati unapobonyeza katikati kwenya linki {for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for}{for mac}{key command}{/for} wakati kubonyeza na kifungo kushoto cha kipanya), mtupu yatafunguliwa katika tabo mpya. Ukurasa haita onyeshwa na itapakiwa katika usuli tab. kuangalia hii{for win}chaguo{/for}{for mac,linux}preference{/for} kupakia na kuonyesha Ukurasa mpya mbeleni Tabo la badala yake. {for win7,win8} * '''Onyesha Tabo la muhtasari katika mhimili wa shughuli kwenya Windows''': Wakati unaposongesha pointa yako juu ya Firefox icon katika Windows 7 mhimili wa shughuli, Windows kuonyesha hakikisho ya Dirisha la Firefox. Na hili kuangalia chaguo alama, Madirisha kuonyesha hakikisho tofauti kwa kila tab. {/for} {/for}

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