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Extensions policy allowed not working (Intune ADMX)

Hi! Using Intune, we are setting some settings in Firefox. One that is a bit troublesome is the ExtensionSettings Currently looks like this: { "*": { "blocked_ins… (läs mer)


Using Intune, we are setting some settings in Firefox. One that is a bit troublesome is the ExtensionSettings

Currently looks like this:


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "Blocked.",
   "installation_mode": "blocked"
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"
 "addon@darkreader.org": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"
 "@react-devtools": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"


I get the Blocked message if I try any of the allowed extentions like uBlock, Dark Reader or React Dev Tools.

I can add that uBlock had "force_installed" (With URL since that is required for force) and that worked fine.

Frågat av janfredrik 8 månader sedan

Besvarad av janfredrik 8 månader sedan

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What is the proper format for the ExtensionSettings policy registry key/value that is used to manage browser extension settings?

When looking at the ExtensionSettings page for Firefox or Chrome they both use an example that shows the registry key Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings… (läs mer)

When looking at the ExtensionSettings page for Firefox or Chrome they both use an example that shows the registry key Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings (REG_MULTI_SZ) being set to a long JSON string with every extension ID and the settings for that particular ID. For example...


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
   "install_sources": ["https://yourwebsite.com/*"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
 "https-everywhere@eff.org": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"


The problem with this method is that if I am installing an extension, and I overwrite what already exists in Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings then all of those other settings get removed. So even if I am a non-malicious actor and just make a mistake with my installer I can easily delete every other extension's settings. Instead what I have to do is during install I have to read the current value of Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings and then insert my extension's settings into the JSON blob.

So the examples that Firefox and Chrome provides do of course work, however they do not make very much sense to me. Why would it be formatted this way since all of those are additional key/value pairs and that is exactly what the registry excels at storing. So why put all of those into a single key/value instead of breaking them into multiple?

Additionally breaking them a part into multiple key/value pairs does work! So if instead of the example above I were to split them into multiple key value pairs it works just fine!


       "installation_mode": "force_installed",
       "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"

So knowing that this way with multiple key/value pairs works why am I bothering to ask this question at all instead of just doing it the way that makes sense to me? Well the issue is that by breaking it up into multiple key value pairs it actually overrides the other method and makes it so that all those registry settings are ignored. So it doesn't delete them but it still leaves me with nearly the exact same problem.

While I believe "my" way is superior because it uses the registry in a more common sense route, if that is not what the majority of extension developers do then it doesn't matter and I should be conforming to the other way.

As I am typing this question up I did realize just how hard/annoying it is to properly format and make it clear and digestible what the multi key/value format of the registry would look like instead of being a JSON string. So perhaps that is the reason why all the documentation puts it all as one JSON string?

Frågat av perihwk+firefox 9 månader sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 9 månader sedan

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Problem with ExtensionSettings

Hello I have installed german Firefox Version 117.0 (Build-ID 20230824132758) on Windows 10. The following ExtensionSettings policy works as expected. The addons ublock … (läs mer)

Hello I have installed german Firefox Version 117.0 (Build-ID 20230824132758) on Windows 10.

The following ExtensionSettings policy works as expected. The addons ublock and TreeTabs are both installed automatically.


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "My Message",
   "install_sources": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["locale", "extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi",
   "default_area": "navbar"
 "TreeTabs@jagiello.it": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"


But I don't want TreeTabs to be installed automatically on all workstations. So I want to change installation_mode to allowed.


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "My Message",
   "install_sources": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["locale", "extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi",
   "default_area": "navbar"
 "TreeTabs@jagiello.it": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"


But with this setting I'm unable to install it manually from https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/tree-tabs/ The message "An unexpected error occurred during installation." and a popup with the "blocked_install_message" "My Message" is displayed.

The same error occurs without the line (and the comma) "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"

I don't know why this does not work. Please help. Thank you.

Frågat av ewomy 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 10 månader sedan

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Site not loading when using ESR due to CSP

One of our vendors websites does not load under Firefox ESR, with errors in the console pointing to CSP. Error is: Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked th… (läs mer)

One of our vendors websites does not load under Firefox ESR, with errors in the console pointing to CSP. Error is: Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline ("default-src")

However if I load the site under the normal Firefox release, it displays correctly. When looking at errors in console, it is showing 3 errors for CSP, however it does not stop the site from working correctly. Content-Security-Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resources at https://..... ("connect-src") or ("img-src")

The site is https://app.approvalmax.com If you get the login screen then the site is working otherwise just getting a green background when it is not working.

I am unsure why ESR and RR versions are behaving differently in this case. Using the latest versions of each.

Frågat av chris.foster1 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 10 månader sedan

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I can’t change the min and max TLS versions with either policies.json or mozilla.cfg

I need to set the max TLS version to 1.3 and the min version to 1.2 on my shstems. The max and min TLS versions are set to 4 and 3 by default in about:config. If I use lo… (läs mer)

I need to set the max TLS version to 1.3 and the min version to 1.2 on my shstems. The max and min TLS versions are set to 4 and 3 by default in about:config. If I use lockPref(“security.tls.version.max”,”3”), it is still 4 in about:config for some reason. If I set the min version to 2, it is still 3. This also doesn’t work if I use “SSLVersionMin”: “tls1.2” how can I fix this issue? Thank you in advance!

Frågat av Terwassolam21434 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 10 månader sedan

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Unable to set multiple ExtensionSettings through imported admx

I am using the intune preview feature which allows you to import admx/adml instead of using the custom injection method. Everything works far better then with the inject… (läs mer)

I am using the intune preview feature which allows you to import admx/adml instead of using the custom injection method. Everything works far better then with the injection method, except for one settings:

ExtensionSettings this setting is working when I have only one setting set (ex):

{"someplugin@test.com": { "installation_mode" : "allowed" }}

If I add a second line to the entry:

{"someotherplugin@test.com":{ "installation_mode" : "allowed"}}

I understand this is a new feature, but if I had the correct format that would work for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings to allow two plugins to work I belive I shouldn't have any issue getting the admx feature to do this, I even tried manually editing the registry setting and it breaks whenever I add the second line to it.

Frågat av robert.deed 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av robert.deed 10 månader sedan

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Firefox Install Location/Versions

Hello, I am working to convert my Org to Firefox ESR, but in order to this I need to uninstall the per user install of Firefox. We have many users that have the Firefox.… (läs mer)


I am working to convert my Org to Firefox ESR, but in order to this I need to uninstall the per user install of Firefox. We have many users that have the Firefox.exe located in their Local Appdata folder. So I need to test the uninstall of the Appdata install and then the install of ESR. But the problem is I haven't been able to get Firefox to automatically install into the appdata folder. How am I able to do this? The users who have it installed in the appdata folder are not admins on their computers. When I'm testing I've also been using a normal user account. Please let me know how I can install the exe into the appdata folder automatically without me specifically placing it there or which exe version I need to do this.


Frågat av tmlloyd 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av tmlloyd 10 månader sedan

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Firefox GPO: Add Custom Search Engine

We would like to install a custom search engine using Firefox policies. We have the latest version of Firefox installed. We have the latest admx files installed on our … (läs mer)

We would like to install a custom search engine using Firefox policies. We have the latest version of Firefox installed. We have the latest admx files installed on our Domain Controllers. In the Policy, I go into the User -> Administrative Templates -> Mozilla -> Search and setup a search engine using Search Engine One. I then go into Default Search Engine and configure our custom search to be default. What we find is that the custom search engine never installs, so the custom search engine is not set at the default. If I manually add the custom search engine using the Search Engine Helper Add-on, I can verify that the custom search settings do indeed work. With that said, does anyone have thoughts on how to troubleshoot this issue? First, need to figure out why the custom engine isn't installing at all. Thanks.

Frågat av peterc5 10 månader sedan

Besvarad av peterc5 10 månader sedan

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Firefox ESR deployment with MDT Error: 1618

We use Microsoft MDT for computer deployment. We have been installing the Standard version of Firefox for a long time with no problem. Recently we started using AD GPO Te… (läs mer)

We use Microsoft MDT for computer deployment. We have been installing the Standard version of Firefox for a long time with no problem. Recently we started using AD GPO Templates to configure firefox. To be able to configure certain settings you need to be running the ESR version. I downloaded the more recent ESR version: 102.12.0esr.msi file.

When deploying machine MDT to install Mozilla firefox I keep getting this error: Application Mozilla Firefox ESR returned an unexpected return code: 1618

This is the only application having issues and this issue only came up since I change the installation file to the ESR version.

This is the install command being used in MDT: msiexec /i "Firefoxesr.msi" /qn /norestart

I am posting here and not with MDT support, as this only started happening when I changed the installation file to the ESR version. Has anybody else had a problem deploying ESR version through MDT? Any help on how to fix?

Frågat av Joshua_Calais 12 månader sedan

Besvarad av Joshua_Calais 11 månader sedan

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Firefox Extension Management

Hi All, I have recently been enhaciing our security posture and have started sorting out our browser extensions, however I seem to be having errors allowing 2 extensions… (läs mer)

Hi All,

I have recently been enhaciing our security posture and have started sorting out our browser extensions, however I seem to be having errors allowing 2 extensions

  • 1Password; and
  • Firefox Multi Containers.

This is my json:

{ "*": { "blocked_install_message": "version 0.4 - Addon or Extension is not approved. Please submit a ticket to Help Desk if you need access to this extension.", "install_sources": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/"], "installation_mode": "blocked" }, "{bc8367b6-d946-484e-8da6-37691f23ee64}": { "installation_mode": "allowed", "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/1password-x-password-manager/latest.xpi" }, "{2a28e7e4-64c9-4e7f-81fb-0475af840c0f}": { "installation_mode": "allowed", "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/multi-account-containers/latest.xpi" } }

I have tried the obvious and removed the {} from both extensions, however still having troubles.

Is someone able to point me in the right direction?

Frågat av andrew219 11 månader sedan

Besvarad av andrew219 11 månader sedan

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how to disable common users to modify the settings of "No proxy for" in "Connection Settings"

I am an admin of some servers, i modify the proxy settings of firefox in a GPO, and it works, but now ont thing is that users can modify the settings of "No proxy for" in… (läs mer)

I am an admin of some servers, i modify the proxy settings of firefox in a GPO, and it works, but now ont thing is that users can modify the settings of "No proxy for" in Connection Settings, then add the urls, then users can access to any web site which they want to, is there a method to disable this? thanks.

Frågat av fas910 11 månader sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 11 månader sedan

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Dragging and Dropping email attachments into a formula not working

Version: Firefox ESR 102.9.0 (64-bit) - Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 Customers have been complaining for about 6 months that they can no longer drag and drop email attach… (läs mer)

Version: Firefox ESR 102.9.0 (64-bit) - Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2

Customers have been complaining for about 6 months that they can no longer drag and drop email attachments from Outlook (Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 - Exchange) into a Help Desk formula. I tested dragging from Outlook desktop and from the web version.

Drag and Drop works when using Edge and Chrome.

This is not a major issue, since customers can use the other browsers, but since they would prefer to use Firefox, a fix would really be appreciated.  :-)

Frågat av fischer404 1 år sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 1 år sedan

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A specific website wont redirect to their ADFS website.

We use Firefox ESR for along time in our organisation but with the last update, a specific page wont redirect to the ADFS page. In the latest normal version of Firefox it… (läs mer)

We use Firefox ESR for along time in our organisation but with the last update, a specific page wont redirect to the ADFS page. In the latest normal version of Firefox it works and also other browser but not in ESR.

The webpage is https://rx-base.nl/ and https://preprod.rx-base.nl/

We are using the latest version of ESR. It gives a blank page with in the console a error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Fout bij het oplossen van modulespecificatie ‘@rxbase/root’. Relatieve modulespecificaties moeten beginnen met ‘./’, ‘../’ of ‘/’.

Please advise on what to do.

Frågat av b.debakker 1 år sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 1 år sedan

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Configure Firefox to always show menu bar, for all users

We are looking to mass deploy Firefox x64 for Windows to all staff in our organization, using SCCM. I know you can set a default home page in mozilla.cfg for all users, i… (läs mer)

We are looking to mass deploy Firefox x64 for Windows to all staff in our organization, using SCCM. I know you can set a default home page in mozilla.cfg for all users, including future users who don't yet have a profile on the computer Firefox is installed on. Is there a similar option so I can configure Firefox to always show the menu bar for all users? Preferably, another line I can add to mozilla.cfg so that I can easily copy that to all our machines? Thanks.

Frågat av rick.sparrow 1 år sedan

Besvarad av cor-el 1 år sedan

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GPO Settings for AutoFill Address and Credit Cards

We downloaded the GPO Templates for AD and looking to customize Firefox. We would like to disable Forms and Autofill: Autofill addresses Autofill credit cards Also wou… (läs mer)

We downloaded the GPO Templates for AD and looking to customize Firefox.

We would like to disable Forms and Autofill: Autofill addresses Autofill credit cards

Also would like to lock down so they can't reenable if possible.

We would like to do this all through GPOs if possible. I found these in the about:config: extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled

But again want to do through the GPO. Is this possible?

Side note while working on GPOs, I set Exceptions for the popup blocker and they are not showing up in the browser. I also filled out to remove Search Engines but they all still appear in the browsers. These two GPO settings don't appear to be working.

Frågat av Joshua_Calais 1 år sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 1 år sedan

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Firefox Policies

We try to deploy Extension Management Settings via GPO. Goal is to allow only whitelisted extensions, but don't block themes, dictionaries and locales. Below find the J… (läs mer)

We try to deploy Extension Management Settings via GPO.

Goal is to allow only whitelisted extensions, but don't block themes, dictionaries and locales.

Below find the JSON-settings deployed to the client, which should allow all themes and whitelisted extensions. Unfortunately this blocks everything except whitelisted IDs. See example screenshot with error-message, when trying to install a theme. We don't want to whitelist locales or themes, they should be still allowed for installation.

What I'm doing wrong? - Thanks for your feedback.

"*": {
"installation_mode": "blocked",
"allowed_types": ["theme"]
"uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
"installation_mode": "allowed"
"jid1-ZSMfwe4lCAw9oQ@jetpack": {
"installation_mode": "allowed"

Frågat av Mario.Daub 1 år sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 1 år sedan

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Group Policy Templates / Preferences (Deprecated)

I am looking for information regarding the support life for settings that are defined in the Preferences (Deprecated) section of the ADMX templates provided in GitHub. Th… (läs mer)

I am looking for information regarding the support life for settings that are defined in the Preferences (Deprecated) section of the ADMX templates provided in GitHub. There doesn't appear to be a definitive answer as to when these preferences are no longer applicable to a version of Firefox. The term "Deprecated" certainly applies they're on their way to extinction. But only a small handful of preferences have been ported over to non-deprecated template settings (like Auto Update). Is there an expected version of Firefox where all these preferences are meaningless? Or will they be supported indefinitely? "Industry recommendations' from 3rd party security vendors are bloating my policies in the domain space and I can't definitively say they are 'no longer supported as of version xyz' for all these Firefox Preference settings, which happen to be about 80% of the security parameters defined by STIG and/or CIS Workbench.

Frågat av rott3nhippi3 1 år sedan

Besvarad av TyDraniu 1 år sedan

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network.negotiate-auth content changes are deleted after restart mozilla

in our organisation i need several domainnames to be added in network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris and network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris, so that sso for some webappl… (läs mer)

in our organisation i need several domainnames to be added in network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris and network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris, so that sso for some webapplications is working. some are allready in the list. when i make changes to the list, everything is working ok, but when i clos all mozilla windows and restart mozilla, the changes are gone.

Frågat av bonami 1 år sedan

Besvarad av bonami 1 år sedan

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Allowed Extension is getting removed.

Hello, I am trying to manage Firefox Extension using "Extension Setting" via Intune. Source: https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#extensions… (läs mer)

Hello, I am trying to manage Firefox Extension using "Extension Setting" via Intune. Source: https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#extensionsettings I am testing below JSON for testing. <enabled/> <data id="ExtensionSettings" value=' {

 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "Not Allowed contact HelpDesk.",
   "install_sources": ["https://www.example.com/*"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
   "https-everywhere@eff.org": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"
 "jetpack-extension@dashlane.com": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed",
   "install_url": "https://prod.extensions.dashlane.com/downloads/firefox/dashlane-latest-fx.xpi"


When deployed to test devices, all extension previously installed get removed and Ublock get installed, seem like working as intended but when I try to install any "Allowed" I get the block installed message. I see no error in "about:policies". I don't know where else to look for why its getting blocked?

Any help will be much appreciated.

Frågat av bluekind12 1 år sedan

Besvarad av Mike Kaply 1 år sedan