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How to use Foxfire to minimize advertisements on the Internet

Recently I've notice a large amount of advertisements popping in most of the sites I visit on the Internet. This is particularly frustrating for sites where I pay to be … (läs mer)

Recently I've notice a large amount of advertisements popping in most of the sites I visit on the Internet. This is particularly frustrating for sites where I pay to be a member, like the Ney York Times. I'm not sure there is any function in Foxfire to help me with this problem, but if there is I'd like to know about it and how to use it. Thank you.

Frågat av bakerrrr 6 dagar sedan

Password and bookmark recovery/No backup

Hello! A tech rebooted my computer and all files were saved, but this person failed to do a backup of my browsers. I don't think I was logged in to any session in Firefo… (läs mer)

Hello! A tech rebooted my computer and all files were saved, but this person failed to do a backup of my browsers. I don't think I was logged in to any session in Firefox, but my bookmarks and passwords were saved.

Is there any way I can recover that information? I already tried and there seems to be no other sessions than the current one saved.


Frågat av bjcn3 6 dagar sedan

Firefox Youtube Grey Boxes when loading page on new tab

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that … (läs mer)

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that goes away after a long time waiting.

I have tried:

  • Refreshing Firefox
  • Reinstalling Firefox
  • Troubleshoot Mode, which the problem persist in troubleshoot mode so its not an addon
  • Tried creating a new profile
  • User-Agent Switcher which doesn't work all the time.

I want to avoid going chromium-based browsers but this is making me consider.

Frågat av allenjftipay10 1 vecka sedan

Senaste svar av allenjftipay10 6 dagar sedan

Firefox stops responding when using dev panel on site

When a user opens / (famous HR portal in CIS countries) in Firefox, and then opens dev panel and tries to interact with it, especially with the code i… (läs mer)

When a user opens / (famous HR portal in CIS countries) in Firefox, and then opens dev panel and tries to interact with it, especially with the code inspect tool, the whole browser stops responding.

The problem persists even on a clean Firefox profile. Other browsers (Chromium-based) work well with the dev panel on the site.

Frågat av 333hronos 6 dagar sedan

Having connection issues to websites from search and links

For the past couple of weeks I have been getting the "Hmmm, We're having trouble finding that site" error screen quite often from both searches and links from other sites… (läs mer)

For the past couple of weeks I have been getting the "Hmmm, We're having trouble finding that site" error screen quite often from both searches and links from other sites. It's always happened once in a while but it hasn't been anything bothersome. However recently it has become quite bothersome because it's happening a lot! However not all the time. It's not completely broken, just mostly. And it's happening while trying to visit sites that I know and visit frequently such as Amazon, Ebay, and even sites for local businesses that I trust and know are working. I'm not having any internet issues with my home wifi, nor am I having this issue with other browsers. I have however also noticed it on my Firefox mobile browser as well. I posted about this a few days ago and got some email back about an issue with my post. If this happens with this one and I'm unable to get this resolved I will just get rid of Firefox on my devices. FF has been a long time favorite and is usually set as my default browser but if stuff like this is going to continue, I can change that real fast. There are plenty of other browsers that work just fine and have decent customer support.

Frågat av Ray Dunne 6 dagar sedan