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Cannot type into text input field

Hi to all, On website at (like wordl but better) I use to be able to use my keyboard to type in my 5 letter words. Those letters would populate in the box… (läs mer)

Hi to all,

On website at (like wordl but better) I use to be able to use my keyboard to type in my 5 letter words. Those letters would populate in the boxes on the screen. Now when I do that a little pink box comes up in the bottom left corner of my screen and my letters are shown there.

So, I have to manually select each letter on the simulated keyboard on the app with my cursor. I don't know what I did to change this. I have refreshed Foxfire but that didn't help. Image attached but system wont let me attach the pink box.

Thank you so much if you can help me with this!

Frågat av Jane 1 timme sedan

fire browser

Fire Fox browser js still not working right it dont change scenes you click on a link ^ it just sets there & spins back & forth at the top. I have HP warranty th… (läs mer)

Fire Fox browser js still not working right it dont change scenes you click on a link ^ it just sets there & spins back & forth at the top. I have HP warranty they looked at everything they uninstalled it & re installed it still does the same thing. Crome works fine HP says it your website all the up dates is what messed it up sowhy cant you fix it

Frågat av raledj 3 timmar sedan

Everything I Try To Download Fails

I've not been able to download anything on Firefox for about 3-4 weeks now. Every time I try to it immediately fails with no explanation given. The only type of download … (läs mer)

I've not been able to download anything on Firefox for about 3-4 weeks now. Every time I try to it immediately fails with no explanation given. The only type of download that works is "Save Image As..." Even trying to download a picture with a download button instead of right clicking nets an immediate fail. I feel like I've done everything to try and troubleshoot it myself, but nothing seems to be working.

I've restarted my computer, ran Firefox in troubleshoot mode, refreshed and reinstalled it, checked for viruses and malware, tried both nightly and ESR versions, tried running them as admin, logged out of my Firefox profile, cleared my cookies and cache, changed and reset the download folder, ran a repair for Visual C++, and reset my windows security settings. I'm honestly surprised nothing has worked.

The only thing that I know I haven't tried yet it refreshing my entire computer, but that's my very far last resort because I'm able to download files just fine on Microsoft Edge. Only the Firefox applications have given me any problems, so if I were to refresh my computer and have the problem still not be solved somehow I'd be deleting everything to get nowhere.

If anyone has any other ideas to try that be very much appreciated.

Frågat av PoisnedArtist 3 veckor sedan

Senaste svar av PoisnedArtist 8 timmar sedan

Timing out problems

For some months now I have been finding that, when I try to log on to the BBC website or the Youtube website using my default browser Firefox I get a timed out message. H… (läs mer)

For some months now I have been finding that, when I try to log on to the BBC website or the Youtube website using my default browser Firefox I get a timed out message. However, both websites usually open when I try for the second time. This never happened before. For both sites I log on from Windows 10 desktop icons. This defect is now annoying me so much I am inclined to switch to Chrome or Microsoft Edge as default browsers where the problems do not occur. I have tried a number of suggested solutions shown on line but nothing has worked to date. Before I switch default browser I will try further suggested solutions if anyone has any.

Frågat av grtate 1 dag sedan

Send tabs: allow seldom used device in the list

Hi, I am a big fan of Firefox Sync in general, and of the "send tab to other device" feature in particular. I have Firefox on all my devices (Android phone, iPad, PC, wor… (läs mer)

Hi, I am a big fan of Firefox Sync in general, and of the "send tab to other device" feature in particular. I have Firefox on all my devices (Android phone, iPad, PC, work laptop and a laptop in a cabin) and while I'm browsing, I do send tabs to other devices a lot, because it's a cool stuff to checkout, but not in the moment, or not in that context: news articles or blog posts discovered on the couch but relevant to work, some items I see in the shop but I want to check dimensions prior to buying, some cool idea to check out while at the cabin, etc. My day-to-day browsing experience relies heavily on that feature.

My issue is that one of the device (laptop in the cabin) is used only randomly, with sometimes weeks between it's turned on again. And after around 2 weeks, that entry disappears from the possible devices I can send the tab too. I do understand where it comes from, as it allows keeping a clean and meaningful list, I can live with that, no worries.

But is there a way to "keep alive" a device beyond these two weeks? At the minimum, something on the mozilla account's device list, like a "confirm still relevant" button next to the "sign out" one.

Thanks Dietmar

Frågat av derdide 1 dag sedan

Firefox makes windows blueScreen

Hi. i ran into a broken problem. sometimes when i bootup my pc and start the firefox, My windows crashes immediately. what shuld i do and how i can send the firefox log f… (läs mer)

Hi. i ran into a broken problem. sometimes when i bootup my pc and start the firefox, My windows crashes immediately. what shuld i do and how i can send the firefox log files to mozilla team?

Frågat av master.alive 2 dagar sedan

Senaste svar av master.alive 1 dag sedan

Erroneous auto-session restore if Firefox is launched with a private window first, and then a normal window is opened second.

I have set Firefox to not automatically restore the previous session on launch. That is, "Open previous windows and tabs" is unchecked in the Startupsettings. Most of th… (läs mer)

I have set Firefox to not automatically restore the previous session on launch. That is, "Open previous windows and tabs" is unchecked in the Startupsettings.

Most of the time it does not do so, however the previous session will get erroneously auto-restored in the folowing circumstances.

Open a few tabs in a normal Firefox window. Fully quit Firefox (via, for example, pressing ctrl+shift+Q). Open a private window first. Open a normal window second.

What should happen is that the new normal window contains just a single new tab. What actually happens is that the tabs that were open in the previous session get auto-restored in this normal window.

To sum up, there is no auto-session restore if Firefox is launched with a normal window first. There is auto-session restore if Firefox is launched with a private window first, and then a normal window is opened second.

Is this a known issue, and are there any known fixes to prevent the auto-session restore in the latter case also?

Frågat av TechHorse 3 dagar sedan

Senaste svar av TechHorse 1 dag sedan

Internet download Manager download panel is not shown when opening a youtube video in a new tab

Just like title says, there's no download panel when opening a youtube video in a new tab. If i open it in the same tab, it'll show the download panel. How can i fix this… (läs mer)

Just like title says, there's no download panel when opening a youtube video in a new tab. If i open it in the same tab, it'll show the download panel. How can i fix this?

Frågat av Victor 1 dag sedan

Installing PFX certificate

When trying to load a PFX certificate into the latest version of Firefox on a new Windows 11 computer, the certificate will load just fine but Firefox will not offer prom… (läs mer)

When trying to load a PFX certificate into the latest version of Firefox on a new Windows 11 computer, the certificate will load just fine but Firefox will not offer prompts for things such as mark the key as exportable or enable strong private key protection. Tried the certificates in chrome and they work just fine.

This causes strong private key protection to be enabled by default and Firefox prompts for the security certificate as it loads each stage of the login screen. You have to select the certificate at least six times before you can get to a screen where you can enter your password for the site, and then you constantly have to select the certificate for every function of the web site thereafter.

Any work around for this?

Frågat av cedarem 2 dagar sedan

Regularly and INCREASINGLY unable to make payments via Firefox, resorting to Chrome instead.

This is getting frustrating beyond belief. Buying things online is one the the basic activities anyone does using a browser these days, yet I am increasingly finding myse… (läs mer)

This is getting frustrating beyond belief. Buying things online is one the the basic activities anyone does using a browser these days, yet I am increasingly finding myself unable to do so.

It's a particular concern because, like many others, I am disabled and depend on the internet for the delivery of essential goods and services.

This problem for me began a few years ago with the Cashflows payment service that many retailers use. The card details entry page would never load up and consequently no payment could be attempted, nevermind passing through the security checks after this. Earlier this year or so, Firefox updated itself and seemingly fixed the problem.

Today, I again have problems with Firefox and Cashflows-enabled websites. I also have problems with VivaWallet-enabled sites now too, and one other that I presently forget the name of. Possibly also Apple's website, but I'm not too sure about this. Taking the browser right down to base settings with no extensions etc, a fresh clean install even, does nothing to resolve it.

The workaround seems to be use a Chrome-based browser instead, undermining the privacy and security advantages of Firefox, although this doesn't always work in all cases. I also find this less accessible as a disabled user, not that Firefox doesn't still have a long way to go towards accessibility - it certainly does, especially since it dispensed with the Nuance extension for Dragon.

Is Firefox intending to shoot itself in the proverbial foot? Because I don't think it will have much of a future if it can't at least get this bit right, for all the security and privacy advantages it cares to boast about.

It's an infuriating and distressing issue. As I encounter more payment issues, I begin to wonder how much more my world could close in on me. Imagine if all the other browsers started behaving this way too? It's a scary thought.

Please, Firefox, make this issue the priority it deserves to be. You can have all the security and privacy bells you like, but a browser that is otherwise dysfunctional is no good to anyone.

Frågat av BlueTurtle 2 dagar sedan

Missing shortcut tile on New Tab page

My New Tab page has four rows of shortcut tiles, 8 to each row. Total= 32 tiles. I accidentally "dismissed" one tile and now the page has only 31 tiles. I can find no way… (läs mer)

My New Tab page has four rows of shortcut tiles, 8 to each row. Total= 32 tiles. I accidentally "dismissed" one tile and now the page has only 31 tiles. I can find no way to restore the setting for 32 tiles. I looked in the "about:config" file but cannot figure it out. Kindly help. Thank you.

Frågat av opsec789 2 dagar sedan

Firefox ESR crashes when a tab runs multimedia content or when a tab is closed

Hello, Since yesterday, the Firefox web browser crashes systematically. This has happened well over a dozen times. I've tried multiple step-by-step solutions: deactivatin… (läs mer)

Hello, Since yesterday, the Firefox web browser crashes systematically. This has happened well over a dozen times. I've tried multiple step-by-step solutions: deactivating extensions, troubleshooting mode, repairing firefox, uninstalling and installing Firefox, trying several versions of Firefox (Quantum, ESR, Nightly), downgrading to an earlier version, uninstalling and completely cleaning Mozilla folders on AppData, deactivating graphics/hardware acceleration...

At one point, Firefox was crashing after ten seconds of watching a video on Youtube or another platform. After reinstallation, video playback no longer causes the browser to crash, but closing a tab does.

I am currently using Mozilla ESR 115.12.0. After reinstalling, I lost all the reports I sent. Nevertheless, I was able to reproduce the crash to give you the ID: [] Another crash report : []

According to the crash table, the reason for the crash is as follows: EXCEPTION_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN / FAST_FAIL_GUARD_ICALL_CHECK_FAILURE This reason appears on all crashes.

Thank you.

Frågat av Pedro Chiron 2 dagar sedan

"Don’t enable HTTPS-Only Mode" is not honoured when enabled in settings

When I try to access an http:// site, the link is upgraded to https:// regardless of this setting. This broke after a recent update to the browser. I cannot specificall… (läs mer)

When I try to access an http:// site, the link is upgraded to https:// regardless of this setting.

This broke after a recent update to the browser. I cannot specifically say which upgrade, but it worked a month ago, now it doesn't anymore.

It may be worth noting that this broke in Brave (based on Chromium) at the same time.

Frågat av Lifeboy 2 dagar sedan


Hi having a problem with viewing my web site images on any products where the images lay out DO NOT display correctly , and place themselves one below the other as oppose… (läs mer)

Hi having a problem with viewing my web site images on any products where the images lay out DO NOT display correctly , and place themselves one below the other as opposed to side by side.

This means that we have to scroll for a long while to be able to get to the descriptions

We have tried to many things, but no luck

Can someone provide some advise

Thank you

Frågat av Trojan Fitness Sales 2 dagar sedan

Protected Browser.

Switching to Protected Browser... COULDN'T LOAD XPCOM.!! it stopped a month ago and yet to get an answer , from you guys. It seems no one want to answer or try to find th… (läs mer)

Switching to Protected Browser... COULDN'T LOAD XPCOM.!! it stopped a month ago and yet to get an answer , from you guys. It seems no one want to answer or try to find the error issue. Uninstall firefox and reinstall!!! No by doing that you will lose all of your data thats attached to firefox anywhere from you bookmark to user names and so on, Thas not a good solution AT ALL!!

Frågat av me2010_us 3 dagar sedan

Senaste svar av me2010_us 2 dagar sedan

Homepage reset and won't save.

Settings > Home > New Windows and Tabs > Homepage and new windows This setting got reset on me last night. Using 127.0.2. So, I set it to custom, add in a URL,… (läs mer)

Settings > Home > New Windows and Tabs > Homepage and new windows

This setting got reset on me last night. Using 127.0.2.

So, I set it to custom, add in a URL, close the settings, re-open the settings and see it is set.

I close my non-pinned tabs and then close the browser.

Upon opening the browser, I am greeted with an empty tab and the Setting has reverted to "Blank Page".

Frågat av Derek White 2 dagar sedan