Manage bookmark folders in Firefox for Android

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Bookmark folders keep your bookmarks organized. Using Sync you can save bookmarks in folders across all your devices. Here's how to create, rename or delete these folders in Firefox for Android.

Create a new Bookmark folder

  1. Tap the menu button. Settings icon - address bar - Fenix

  2. Select Bookmarks.
  3. Tap the add folder icon AddFolderFenix in the top right corner.
  4. The parent folder will appear below the name field, tap this to change where this folder will live.
  5. In the Name field enter the new folder name, then tap the checkmark icon.

Rename, move or delete a Bookmark folder

  1. Tap the menu button. Settings icon - address bar - Fenix

  2. Select Bookmarks.
  3. Find the bookmarks folder you want to change and tap the three dots icon.
  • Tap Edit to change the name or location of the folder.
  • Tap Delete to delete the folder. A confirmation dialog box will appear.

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