How to help with non-English conversations on Mobile and Social Support

Contributors Contributors Last updated: 11 månader, 2 veckor ago 100% of users voted this helpful
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The Social and Mobile Support is optimized for conversations in English. However, there's a way to optimize usage for non-English locale too. Please note that this optimization is a continuing process and we do this on a case by case basis.

Conversocial detect locale by using keyword detection. We keep a list of keywords for these locales and create automatic rule to automate conversation routing and tagging.

Supported locales

Here's a list of supported locale in Conversocial:

Language Queue name Keywords list Automotion rule Twitter account connected
German/Deutsch (de) Mozilla - Deutsch @mozilla_germany
Netherlands/Dutch (nl) Mozilla - Dutch -
French (fr) Mozilla - French @mozilla_france
Indonesian (id) Mozilla - Indonesian @id_mozilla
Polish (pl) Mozilla - Polish -
Portuguese (pt-br or pt-pt) Mozilla - Portuguese yes for pt-br @FirefoxBrasil
Russian (ru) Mozilla - Russian -
Spanish (es) Mozilla - Spanish @firefox_es
Turkish (tr) Mozilla - Turkish @MozillaTurkiye

Other locales

If you're interested to use Conversocial to optimize user support for other locale outside of the above, please talk to the Community Manager.

How to help with non-English conversations on Mobile and Social Support

Are you interested to help with replying to non-English conversations in Conversocial/Verint? Please talk to the Community Manager to get you the right permission.

Complete Mobile or Social Support guidelines

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