Fix problems connecting to websites after updating Firefox

Firefox Firefox Senast uppdaterad: 07/18/2014 30% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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This article describes how to troubleshoot problems connecting to websites that start immediately after updating Firefox to a new version.

The cause

If you were able to load websites until you updated Firefox, your Internet security software (including firewalls, antivirus programs, anti-spyware programs, and more) is likely preventing Firefox from connecting to the Internet.

This problem occurs when your Internet security program was set to trust the previous version of Firefox, but no longer recognizes your updated version as trusted.

Note: In some cases, disabling an Internet security program or firewall does not stop all of its parts from being active. A program that reports that it is disabled may still be able to block Firefox.

Fixing the problem

To allow Firefox to connect to the Internet again:

  1. Make sure your Internet security software is up-to-date (i.e. you are running the latest version).
  2. Remove Firefox from your program's list of trusted or recognized programs, then add it back. For detailed instructions, see Configure firewalls so that Firefox can access the Internet.

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