Adding a shortcut to Pocket on your Windows desktop

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 9 månader, 1 vecka ago 25% of users voted this helpful
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Add Pocket to the Windows 10 Start Menu

If you use Microsoft Edge, you can add Pocket to your Windows 10 Start Menu for easy access. Here’s how to do so:

  1. Visit Pocket for Web in Microsoft Edge
  2. Click the ●●● in your toolbar
  3. Select Pin to Start

When you open your Start menu, you’ll find a Pocket tile that can be moved to your desired location.

Add Pocket to the Windows Taskbar

In Internet Explorer, you can easily add Pocket to your Windows Taskbar. Here’s how to do so:

  1. Visit Pocket for Web in Internet Explorer
  2. Click the Settings button in your toolbar
  3. Select Add site to Apps

You’ll notice a Pocket button in your Windows Taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

Offline access on Windows

Third-party Apps

The Latermark app is a third-party desktop application that allows users to access Pocket offline.

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