Importing bookmarks to Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Последње ажурирано: 10/31/2023 11% of users voted this helpful
Нико није превео овај чланак. Ако знате како ради SUMO локализација, започните превођење сада. Ако желите да научите да преводите чланке за SUMO, молимо започните овде.

To import bookmarks and other data from another browser installed on your Android device:

  1. Sign into your account on a desktop copy of that browser.
  2. Once signed in, install a desktop copy of Firefox onto that computer.
  3. With Firefox installed, follow this guide to Import data from another browser
  4. Now that the data is in Firefox, you can then follow this guide to either set up a Mozilla account or add the desktop copy of Firefox to your existing Mozilla account.

On your Android device, when signed into the same account in Firefox, your bookmarks, passwords and other data will be synced across.

Да ли је овај чланак био од помоћи?


Ови добри људи су помогли у састављању овог чланка:

Illustration of hands


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