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  • E zgjidhur
  • Arkivuar

Changing user agent on Firefox iOS

Hi, is there a way to change the user agent on iOS? The FxiOS part makes the browser way more fingerprint-able than standard safari, even with all the anti-fingerprint se… (lexoni më tepër)

Hi, is there a way to change the user agent on iOS? The FxiOS part makes the browser way more fingerprint-able than standard safari, even with all the anti-fingerprint settings to the max.

Pyetur nga carloalberto 1 vit më parë

Përgjigjur nga Paul 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Mobile iOS Firefox

Hello It’s with a heavy heart that I write this, but it’s regarding something you should know. When I first started working on a computer full time I choose Firefox as m… (lexoni më tepër)


It’s with a heavy heart that I write this, but it’s regarding something you should know. When I first started working on a computer full time I choose Firefox as my browser. The reason being that I thought working on a computer shouldn’t be just entry work. I thought it should be somewhat fun as well.

Now I think my first version of Firefox was around ver. 15. With that one I could change the whole look of the browser to make it more fun, it offered many very useful add ons, and it was a very fast and reliable browser. Because of this when I had to choose an email client I chose Thunderbird, because it had many of the same fun options.

So I worked on a computer for 10 years and I think by that time Firefox was somewhere North of ver. 60. I think due to all of the improvements in speed and security I couldn’t dress it up like the earlier models, but you could change the banner at the top which was neat, and almost all of the add ons had been constantly updated my the developers so I never had to delete a single one. Plus things were continually being added to the browser itself, so all in all I was never dissatisfied with it and recommended it to anyone looking for a browser to use on their computer.

Unfortunately I no longer work or have a computer and I am forced to do everything on an iPad. Naturally my first choice for a browser was Firefox. Of course I can’t do the fun things with this mobile browser, which I accepted because it did pretty much everything else just as it should. Until it started going downhill. Now, your mobile browser is, in a word, awful. Here are just a few of the problems it now has:

1. Web pages. When I first started using it a web page would be there until I closed it. No matter how many pages were open. Now, even if I have only two or three pages open, I close Firefox down and launch it again, the tabs are there showing what pages were open, but no URLs, and thus no pages. Everything is blank. 2. Speed. Our wi-fi has speeds ranging from 100Mpbs to 300Mpbs for downloads. But lately, some of those very same pages, well, let’s just say I could go and get a cup of coffee and they’d still be loading. 3. Logins. This is the worst issue. I must have logged into at least two dozen sites in Firefox and you know how many logins it saved? Two. Totally unacceptable! I don’t have the time or patience to continually look up login info that Firefox should have saved. It doesn’t even ask if I want to save that info.

So, I have kept Firefox on my iPad, and I will check every once in a while to see if there have been any improvements. But, until then, Google has become my default browser. It’s rather sad when the people who make the basic engine for the TOR browser, the world’s most private browser, can’t make a mobile browser that works properly.

So, until later Greg

Pyetur nga Old & Tired 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga Paul 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

put the + back for new tabs. I hate hate hate hate that I have to go all the way over to the 3 lines for a drop down menu for new tabs. it's such an easy fix to put the plus sign back. why do you make simple features SO DIFFICULT

put the + back for new tabs. I hate hate hate hate that I have to go all the way over to the 3 lines for a drop down menu for new tabs. it's such an easy fix to put the… (lexoni më tepër)

put the + back for new tabs. I hate hate hate hate that I have to go all the way over to the 3 lines for a drop down menu for new tabs. it's such an easy fix to put the plus sign back. why do you make simple features SO DIFFICULT

Pyetur nga mkgstar 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga Paul 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

IOS Firefox app update - lost previous session

I recently updated the Firefox app on my iPhone through the App Store. When I re-opened the app all my previous (many) tabs were closed. There’s no option to restore the … (lexoni më tepër)

I recently updated the Firefox app on my iPhone through the App Store. When I re-opened the app all my previous (many) tabs were closed. There’s no option to restore the session and while I still have history of “closed tabs” it doesn’t actually show the tabs the were closed as a result of the update, just the tabs I had closed before the update occurred. Since I’ve had some tabs open for a long time and I open and close tabs very often looking through my entire history isn’t a very viable solution. Is there some other way to restore my previous session like there is in browser?

I’ve never had an issue like this before on my laptop/windows. Thank you for your help.

Pyetur nga Ace 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga AzZA 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Edit/Save Button Missing - Bookmarks

I have taken two screenshots describing what I mean. Usually, you see a edit/save tab when you click bookmarks to either bookmark a page or edit the location of an existi… (lexoni më tepër)

I have taken two screenshots describing what I mean. Usually, you see a edit/save tab when you click bookmarks to either bookmark a page or edit the location of an existing one.

This has been happening for a while. And I have kept my device and all apps updated to latest available.

For this post, I tried to bookmark a page. Then tried to edit it’s location to “Lending” for instance. In both screenshots you can see there’s that edit/save button missing.

Because of this i am unable to edit my bookmarks’ location.

Pyetur nga ankizzy 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga ankizzy 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Bookmark issues

When I go to save a bookmark, the “done” or “save” button is missing. I can’t get bookmarks to save because I can’t complete the selection process. Can someone please h… (lexoni më tepër)

When I go to save a bookmark, the “done” or “save” button is missing. I can’t get bookmarks to save because I can’t complete the selection process. Can someone please help me troubleshoot this?

Pyetur nga otakuwolf16901 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga TyDraniu 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Can you develop a patch for 1password on an ipad

Hi Please can you develop a plugin for 1password in a similar way to the plug in for safari has one so that 1password works on my iPad. Currently i have an iPad pro and… (lexoni më tepër)

Hi Please can you develop a plugin for 1password in a similar way to the plug in for safari has one so that 1password works on my iPad. Currently i have an iPad pro and i cant use Firefox with 1password.... Therefore I have switched to using safari...

Any help you can offer would be appreciated.


Pyetur nga Dominic 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga ysfff 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Keep my tabs open

I would like to know every single option I could possibly turn on or off, or adjust, or do literally anything to, in order to ensure that my tabs stay the [removed] open.… (lexoni më tepër)

I would like to know every single option I could possibly turn on or off, or adjust, or do literally anything to, in order to ensure that my tabs stay the [removed] open. I just returned today to find my 70+ tabs, which I regularly use, completely gone. Normally, if Firefox crashes, it at least has the decency to ask me if I’d like to reopen my tabs, but apparently not this time, for whatever reason. Having to scour through my history to reopen all of my tabs one by one is a frustrating endeavor, and while this is slightly uncommon, it still happens consistently and frequently enough to be a major irritant.

I apologize for my somewhat aggressive tone, but I’m about this close to just using another browser if it keeps pulling this [removed]. So to reiterate, I’d like to know every single possible option I could adjust in some way or to some capacity to ensure that my tabs just stay open.

Pyetur nga Jakob Nielsen 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga Jakob Nielsen 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Firefox opens links in third party apps

I want Firefox to default to opening all links in firefox. Whenever I click a link that is associated with a third party app, Firefox opens that app. It doesn’t happen i… (lexoni më tepër)

I want Firefox to default to opening all links in firefox.

Whenever I click a link that is associated with a third party app, Firefox opens that app. It doesn’t happen in safari and it significantly hampers usability. (E.g. the IMDB app streams videos but doesn’t seem to actually show information about the shows, so to easily access it, you need the actual site to open, not the app.) I would like to disable this feature and have everything open in the browser, the way it does in safari. How do I do this?

Pyetur nga cmagnus 2 vjetë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga raz-firefox 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Using third-party keyboard in iOS app

I am wondering if there is a setting I am missing that will allow the use of a third-party keyboard in the iOS app, or if this function is not supported. If it is not, wi… (lexoni më tepër)

I am wondering if there is a setting I am missing that will allow the use of a third-party keyboard in the iOS app, or if this function is not supported. If it is not, will this be a part of a future update? Thank you.

Pyetur nga willwildebotta 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga Paul 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Firefox not recognizing that i've already downloaded Firefox as I use the app

I am having a problem where as I am trying to download extensions and/or themes from the official firefox add-ons section and it says to first download firefox. The probl… (lexoni më tepër)

I am having a problem where as I am trying to download extensions and/or themes from the official firefox add-ons section and it says to first download firefox. The problem is that I am signed in with my firefox account and am currently using the firefox app in the first place! When i click download the app keeps trying to redirect me to the app store (I'm on iOS by the way) where I already have it downloaded as I have for over four months. Has this happened to anyone else and can someone please let me know how to resolve this issue? Many thanks.

Pyetur nga 07literaturegirl 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga James 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

pull down to refresh is terrible

Pull-down to refresh is *awfully* annoying. It is extremely easy to trigger it when zooming in/out trying to see detail in a photo. If cellular connectivity is poor, it… (lexoni më tepër)

Pull-down to refresh is *awfully* annoying. It is extremely easy to trigger it when zooming in/out trying to see detail in a photo. If cellular connectivity is poor, it is more annoying.

The reported method to disable this feature appears to have been remvoed: Settings -> Customize -> Gestures -> Pull to refresh.

Please restore this option.

Pyetur nga heas 2 vjetë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga heas 1 vit më parë

  • Arkivuar

Can’t send/import .ics to Calendar. Safari already supports this.

Hello, does Firefox on iOS support importing an .ics calendar file into the Calendar app? I can’t figure it out. Safari allows you to tap on an .ics download link and add… (lexoni më tepër)

Hello, does Firefox on iOS support importing an .ics calendar file into the Calendar app? I can’t figure it out. Safari allows you to tap on an .ics download link and add the event to the Calendar app. I don’t see such a method in Firefox.


Pyetur nga mluck94 1 vit më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga mluck94 1 vit më parë

  • E zgjidhur
  • Arkivuar

ad free

I'm a long time supporter of firefox, more from a philosophical point of view than a practical one. it's my daily driver on mac, not so much on windows as chrome works be… (lexoni më tepër)

I'm a long time supporter of firefox, more from a philosophical point of view than a practical one. it's my daily driver on mac, not so much on windows as chrome works better there.

Now my feedback is about iOS. I've tried many times to use firefox but the app is simply not good enough, not fast enough and what I don't really get is why the safari + firefox focus add on is better than the standard firefox app?????? start there, you'll probably get more users. love seb

Pyetur nga Seb Cinquini 1 vit më parë

Përgjigjur nga TyDraniu 1 vit më parë