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Icons added to Forefox Focus Home Screen are chopped off

I did post this before, and Paul replied (thanks) but he didn't suggest a solution. When I add bookmarks to the Firefox Focus home screen, those icons are cut off, so the… (читать ещё)

I did post this before, and Paul replied (thanks) but he didn't suggest a solution. When I add bookmarks to the Firefox Focus home screen, those icons are cut off, so the label is very difficult to read. If this is a bug then I reported it earlier to Bugzilla, but if it is not a bug then how can I fix it, please? Thank you.

Задан BruceWF 1 месяц назад

Последний ответ от BruceWF 3 недели назад

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Favorites Homepage

Hello, my name is Devin. Long time use of all Mozilla Products. I would like to know how to add more favorites or bookmarks to my homepage on Firefox Focus. I have 4 alre… (читать ещё)

Hello, my name is Devin. Long time use of all Mozilla Products. I would like to know how to add more favorites or bookmarks to my homepage on Firefox Focus. I have 4 already. Is there a limit on the amount of favorites you can add?

Thanks, Your Loyal Customer & User, Dev “

Задан Devvyy 1 год назад

Дан ответ Paul 1 год назад