Logging out of your Pocket account

Pocket Pocket Criado: 08/24/2023
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Once you have logged in to Pocket, you will remain logged in until you log out. This makes it easy to save content and keep your account synced automatically across devices.

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to log out of Pocket on any device or browser.

Log out of Pocket for Android and iOS

  1. Open the Pocket app.
  2. Tap Settings in the navigation bar.
  3. Under Your Account, Tap Log Out.
  4. You will be asked to confirm this action, as logging out will erase the local copies of files that Pocket has saved on your device for offline viewing. Tap Log Out.

Log out of Pocket for Web and Pocket for Firefox

To log out of Pocket for Web or Pocket for Firefox, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit Pocket for Web.
  2. Click your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. Click Logout.

Log out of Pocket for Mac

To log out of Pocket for Mac, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Pocket for Mac.
  2. Click the Pocket menu at the top left, then click Preferences.
  3. Click the Log Out button.

You will be asked to confirm this action, as logging out will erase the local copies of files that Pocket has saved on your device for offline viewing. Tap Log Out.

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