I'm having trouble signing up for Pocket. Can you help?

Pocket Pocket Última atualização: 10/04/2023
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We’re sorry that you are having trouble signing up for Pocket! Here are some solutions to common issues that could prevent you from creating a new Pocket account.

Email Address already in use

If you see a message that the email address you entered is already registered, it's possible that you already have a Pocket account. Click here to log in to Pocket.

If you're having trouble logging in, click here for possible solutions.

Check your connection

If you see a message about a failed connection, please double-check to make sure your device or computer has a connection to the internet. An internet connection is required to create an account.

Enter a valid email address

If you see a message that your email address is invalid, please re-enter it to make sure it is correct and complete.

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