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Netflix won't load content on Firefox

Despite clearing my cookies and cache, going through every step on [this web page|… (czytaj dalej)

Despite clearing my cookies and cache, going through every step on [this web page|], and trying multiple different Netflix profiles, I cannot seem to get Netflix to load any content on Firefox. This problem seems to have cropped up over the last few days; I last used Netflix on June 11th and had no problems, but tried last night and again this morning to watch anything only to find that it would invariably show me a red loading wheel before presenting me with error code F7111-1105 after several minutes. This seems to be an issue with Firefox on my PC, as I have tried using the Netflix mobile app and (reluctantly) installing Chrome on my PC to test things out -- both had no problems -- yet I'm stumped! Again, I have gone through every option presented by the troubleshooting page; I have refreshed and reinstalled Firefox, made a new Firefox profile and tried it out with no extensions, scanned my PC thoroughly (with no issues presented), and nothing seems to budge.

Pytanie zadane przez igotmyphdindunk 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez techguy150 1 rok temu

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Problem activating firefox browser

Firefox says that it is now my default browser, which is what I wanted, but my browser is still duckduckgo, and firefox browser is not on the available list of browsers t… (czytaj dalej)

Firefox says that it is now my default browser, which is what I wanted, but my browser is still duckduckgo, and firefox browser is not on the available list of browsers to select as default. I downloaded it. I selected "make it my default browser". But it isn't. It's still duckduckgo.

Pytanie zadane przez screaminggeezer 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez cor-el 2 lata temu

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Is there a way to autofill for most sites but not autofill for certain sites while still saving passwords through firefox for those sites. I like to store my bank informa… (czytaj dalej)

Is there a way to autofill for most sites but not autofill for certain sites while still saving passwords through firefox for those sites. I like to store my bank information on firefox behind an master password but it automatically autofills with out asking for the master password. Can I limit the sites that autofill passwords or require the master password in order to autofill? Any suggestions?

Pytanie zadane przez soysaucewasobi 1 rok temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez cor-el 1 rok temu

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How to stop Firefox from automatically opening threads/links in a forum ?

There are a couple car forums that have a thread called “Create a Quick Thread”. It appears near the top of the thread listings & is there for convenience. However … (czytaj dalej)

There are a couple car forums that have a thread called “Create a Quick Thread”. It appears near the top of the thread listings & is there for convenience.

However most times this thread is opened automatically when I access the forum & opens a text box which in turn I have to close. This started happening about a year ago & I thought it was a forum problem but no one else seems to have the problem. Not the end of the world but the box takes up the height of a full screen & is a PITA to keep closing something I never wanted opened.

I tried the MS Edge browser & a Chromebook & neither automatically opened that line so I’m presuming it’s a FF issue.

If I close out of the forum but keep FF open & go back into the forum, the Quick Thread does not automatically open. IOW FF must be remembering to not open it. I wish it always remembered not to open it. I cannot find any FF setting that would control this behavior.

Any suggestions on how to stop this thread from automatically opening?

The first image shows the line the thread is on.

The second image shows what I normally get greeted with.

Pytanie zadane przez Mike109 1 rok temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez cor-el 1 rok temu

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Hitting Escape multiple times reloads tabs, closes them and opens new ones!? WTF?

Hey folks, I hope you can help me. If I press the Escape key three times, it obscures the screen for a second and then rebuilds the frame, so I guess it reloads the pag… (czytaj dalej)

Hey folks,

I hope you can help me.

If I press the Escape key three times, it obscures the screen for a second and then rebuilds the frame, so I guess it reloads the page? The attached picture shows my Youtube start page - as you can see, it's just the frame itself but not the scroll bar, so it's about the page, not the whole firefox window itself.

If I press Escape four times, firefox closes the current tab and opens a new one with my start page loaded.

What the Eff is happening here? That can't be a feature, can it? Has anybody experienced anything similar and can point me in the right direction?

Much appreciated


Pytanie zadane przez firefrog 1 rok temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Paul 1 rok temu

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DarkReader messed up my rendering. Not resolving even after removing the add on and rebooting the system

I installed DarkReader and tried it out. However didn't like the experience and removed it. Now some websites which were enabled by DarkReader are partially black (not da… (czytaj dalej)

I installed DarkReader and tried it out. However didn't like the experience and removed it. Now some websites which were enabled by DarkReader are partially black (not dark not light). No matter what I try it is displayed like that. I tried: 1. Reset Firefox cache 2. Reboot the system

The webpage is loading fine in other browsers like Safari or chrome. Looks like Dark Reader messed up something and removing it didn't reset the state for these websites.

Pytanie zadane przez smuralireddy 1 rok temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Terry 1 rok temu

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Change prefered google login

I have multiple google accounts, one is for work which requires VPN login and an extra password. When I type calendar or Gmail into the address bar, it takes me directly … (czytaj dalej)

I have multiple google accounts, one is for work which requires VPN login and an extra password. When I type calendar or Gmail into the address bar, it takes me directly to this account. Switching to my personal account requires me to log in to a VPN, do DFA, then switch accounts. How can I ask Firefox to log in to my personal account first instead?


Pytanie zadane przez marcell.zimanyi 1 rok temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez JBou 1 rok temu

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How to make FF refresh proxy settings from command line/script?

I configured my Windows 10 Firefox proxy to use system proxy settings, and I have a script can based on different network environment modify the system proxy autoconfigur… (czytaj dalej)

I configured my Windows 10 Firefox proxy to use system proxy settings, and I have a script can based on different network environment modify the system proxy autoconfiguration script address (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\AutoConfigURL) in registry to update the proxy settings. Internet Explorer works well - new proxy configuration usually become effective in 1 or 2 minutes after the change. However, each time after my script changes the registry proxy address (without FF restart), I have to go to Firefox Tools->Settings->Proxy to manually change it to another value (in my case it's from "Use system proxy settings" to any other value), confirm it, and then change it back. Then FF is able to reload the autoconfiguration script to make it work. This is really a headache.

I just wonder is there a way to notify FF to reload the proxy autoconfiguration script address from registry from command line so that my script can trigger it automatically after the registry is modified?


Pytanie zadane przez wjdingdev 1 rok temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez wjdingdev 1 rok temu

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AddBlock Plus

Hello, I've used AddBlock successfully for years but now , to my utter dismay, It has stopped functioning. I tried unsuccessfully to reset Firefox . Have just gone throug… (czytaj dalej)

Hello, I've used AddBlock successfully for years but now , to my utter dismay, It has stopped functioning. I tried unsuccessfully to reset Firefox . Have just gone through the latest StartPage privacy protocol added to Firefox, but I am still beset with beastly adds. Hope you can help, Cordially, Joy

Pytanie zadane przez joy.breeze 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez joy.breeze 1 rok temu

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Videos will not fullscreen completely

Whenever I try to full screen a video the first time I open the browser, the video will not completely fill the screen. It only happens on firefox and the first time I op… (czytaj dalej)

Whenever I try to full screen a video the first time I open the browser, the video will not completely fill the screen. It only happens on firefox and the first time I open the browser. I thought it was my extensions but it was not that. A thread was created on reddit describing the problem I have. I have linked it here. I tried to change themes and that also did not work. Not sure what the problem is. Please help.

Pytanie zadane przez dk 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez dk 1 rok temu

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YouTube super thanks cannot change message

When I try to change the message of a super thanks donation in Firefox on Linux it's not possible. On the other hand when I try the same thing on Chromium it's totally po… (czytaj dalej)

When I try to change the message of a super thanks donation in Firefox on Linux it's not possible. On the other hand when I try the same thing on Chromium it's totally possible so I wonder why that is happening.

Pytanie zadane przez danieln.slr 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez danieln.slr 2 lata temu

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Firefox created a second Downloads folder/library when it opens PDF

Firefox created a second Downloads folder/library when it opens a PDF to view in the browser. file:///C:/Users/Name/Documents/Downloads/NightSkyNotesJan2022OrionDetail.… (czytaj dalej)

Firefox created a second Downloads folder/library when it opens a PDF to view in the browser.


I seem to remember finding lots of temp pdfs and other files in a temp folder under user/appdata/local or roaming and having to delete this files manually from time to time. Putting the files in an easy to find folder is a good step but my Downloads Library/folder had previously been moved to D:\Downloads via choose new target from the library properties. D drive is an internal HD, C drive is an SSD. Why didn't Firefox just use the existing Downloads library instead of creating a new one on the C drive?

Ideally, if you are viewing a pdf in a Firefox tab it would delete the file if you did not download it so it does not clog up your drives. If I know i want to keep a pdf I would save to my chosen folder and view in Acrobat instead of reading in a browser tab.

I agree with a previous post i saw requesting an option for the user to specify a temp file folder on another drive when viewing pdfs to preserve some life on the SSD boot drive.

Windows 10, Firefox 101.0.1

Pytanie zadane przez MikeZZ 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Ming Ze 2 lata temu

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Suggestion: Cookie desired retention and cookie rejection on close of browersr

Hi All I manage my cookies manually as I keep many tabs open permanently. Having to constantly log back in to those accounts would be onerous if cookies were deleted on … (czytaj dalej)

Hi All

I manage my cookies manually as I keep many tabs open permanently. Having to constantly log back in to those accounts would be onerous if cookies were deleted on close of browser. Managing this via manually adding the website exceptions function is also a drag.

Would it be possible to have a 'keep cookie list' that are saved when the browser is closed?

Cheers M

Pytanie zadane przez Kimberl 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez cor-el 1 rok temu

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my computer keeps freezing when using firefox

my desktop computer keeps freezing. after shuting firefox and reopening it, it comes up with 'an old version of firefox is running in the background. firefox needs to clo… (czytaj dalej)

my desktop computer keeps freezing. after shuting firefox and reopening it, it comes up with 'an old version of firefox is running in the background. firefox needs to close this to continue'. How do I delete an old version please I am running windows 7, 64 bit pro

Pytanie zadane przez arwoodward 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez jonzn4SUSE 2 lata temu

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printing in firefox does not print to fit page . It prints BIG LETTERS and they go off the page . No other browsers do that.

printing in firefox does not print to fit page . It prints BIG LETTERS and they go off the page . No other browsers do that.

Pytanie zadane przez johnmelo751 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 lata temu

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I am logged off FF, but passwords and addons are still showing

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up. how to… (czytaj dalej)

so firefox I am logged out, you can tell where it say "save and sync - sign in". but even though I am not signed in, my passwords and addons are still showing up.

how to fix this

thank you!!

Pytanie zadane przez Rick (Proton) 2 lata temu

Odpowiedź udzielona przez Rick (Proton) 2 lata temu

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Sync fails with search engines

Every now and then, somebody asks why Firefox Sync fails so hard when it comes to custom search engines such as those installed from, now https://mycro… (czytaj dalej)

Every now and then, somebody asks why Firefox Sync fails so hard when it comes to custom search engines such as those installed from, now for no apparent reason. We are talking about OpenSearch standard and Sherlock.

As of now, the search results on are either archived or unanswered. Please work on the ranking of search results so users can see

  • when a thread has been started / last updated
  • which answer is actually solving the problem or at least linking to the correct statement of the developers concerning the topic.

Pytanie zadane przez Melchior blausand 2 lata temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Paul 2 lata temu