Okno informacji o stronie

Informacje o wersji
  • Identyfikator wersji: 1300
  • Utworzono:
  • Autor: GmbH
  • Komentarz:
  • Zrecenzowano: Tak
  • Zrecenzowano:
  • Autor recenzji: AnonymousUser
  • Zatwierdzone? Tak
  • Aktualna: Nie
  • Gotowy do tłumaczenia: Nie
Źródło wersji
Podgląd zawartości
Translation in progress.

You can view detailed information about the page you're visiting in Firefox. To access the Page Info window in two ways:

  • Select Tools > Page Info.
  • Right-clickHold down the Ctrl key while you click somewhere on the page, then select the View Page Info item.


Page title

  • Address: Displays the URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of the page you're visiting.
  • Type: Displays the content type (MIME type) of the page you're visited. This type is determined by the web server.
  • Render Mode: Displays whether the page conforms to web coding standards (Standards compliance mode), or if Firefox must display the page in a way that is compatible with non-standard code (Quirks mode).
  • Encoding: Displays what character encoding the page uses. This can be changed from the View menu.
  • Size: Displays the size of the page in kilobytes (and bytes).
  • Modified: Displays the date and time the page was last changed.


The Meta field displays any "meta" tags located in the page's source code. These can include specifications on file type, character encoding, author, keywords, and more.

Security Information for this page

Displays general information one whether the site uses certificates to validate its identity and whether the connection is encrypted. For more information, click the More button, which takes you to the Page Info window Security panel.


The Media panel displays the URL and type of all the backgrounds, images, and embedded content (including audo and video) that loads with the page. You can click on any item to find out more about it, including its:

    • Location: The URL of the specified item
    • Type: The file type of the specified item
    • Size: The size in kilobytes (and bytes) of the specified item
    • Dimensions: The size of the item on the screen in pixels
    • Associated Text: For images, the "alternate" text that displays if the image is not loaded.

For any item, you can choose to save it to your hard drive by clicking the Save As... button.

Block Images from domain

Checking this optionpreference will prevent pages under the domain specified from loading images automatically. See the OptionsPreferences window for instructions on how to add and remove image loading permissions for sites.


The feeds panel lists URL and type of any web feeds associate with the page. To subscribe to a listed feed, click on it in the list, then click the Subscribe button.


The Permissions window lets you override optionspreferences for the domain listed after Permissions for. Uncheck the Use Default box to specify whether the page is allowed or blocked from doing the indicated action.

Load Images

Specifies whether the listed domain may load images automatically. See the OptionsPreferences window article for instructions on how to add and remove image loading permissions for sites.

Open Pop-up Windows

Specifies whether the listed domain may launch pop-ups. See the OptionsPreferences window article for instructions on how to add or remove pop-up permissions for sites.

Set Cookies

Specifies whether the listed domain may set cookies. See the OptionsPreferences window and cookies articles for instructions on how to add or remove pop-up cookie permissions for sites.

Install Extensions or Themes

Specifies whether the listed domain is allowed to launch the extension or theme installation dialog box. See the OptionsPreferences window article for instructions on how to add or remove installation permissions for sites.


Web Site Identity

  • Web site: Lists the domain of the page
  • Owner: Displays the site's owner, if the page's identity can be verified.
  • Verified by: Displays the agency that issued the security certificate the site uses. Click the View Certificate button to see the certificate.

Privacy & History

  • Have I visited this web site before today?: Displays whether you've visited the site before today, and if so, how many times.
  • Is this web site storing information (cookies) on my computer?: Displays whether the site is storing cookies. Click the View Cookies button to view the cookies if it is.
  • Have I saved any passwords for this web site?: Displays whether you've saved login information for this site. Click the View Saved Passwords button to view the password's you've saved for the site.

Technical Details

The Technical Details section displays whether the connection is encrypted for privacy reasons, and if so, what type or strength of encryption was used.