Firefox Marketplace Apps Stop Working on Firefox 48+ for Windows, Mac, and Linux

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Marketplace has stopped distributing apps for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux in March 2016, and the Firefox feature that enables you to run Firefox Marketplace apps is no longer available in Firefox version 48 and above. This applies to the following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux

After you update to Firefox 48, or a newer version, apps that you've installed from the Firefox Marketplace will stop working. When you start an app, it won't run. Additionally, it may tell you: This app requires a Firefox version between 16 and 47 to be installed. No compatible version of Firefox has been detected.

There are a few ways to work around the change.

Workaround #1: Look for the app on the Web

In many cases, Marketplace apps are also available on the Web, and they can be accessed from a tab in Firefox (and installed as an app via Fluid). Search for the app on the Web using your favorite search engine.

Workaround #2: Use an alternative app

In a few cases, Marketplace apps aren't available elsewhere. For those apps, you'll need to switch to a different app that provides similar functionality. Search for web apps using your favorite search engine, or search for desktop apps using the app marketplace for your operating system.

Workaround #3: Use Firefox ESR

The Firefox Extended Support Release is an edition of Firefox that updates less frequently. It is intended for groups who manage software on many desktops. Firefox ESR will support Marketplace apps until it updates to version 52 in 2017. If you manage many desktops for an organization that uses Marketplace apps, switch to ESR to gain extra time to switch to alternatives.

Note: As Marketplace no longer offers apps for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, you won't be able to install new apps even if you use Firefox ESR.

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