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Setting bookmarks compared to chrome

I used to use chrome. There, when i add a bookmark, the title and the URL are prefilled. Which is very comfortable. Why is this not a feature in firefox? I always have to… (read more)

I used to use chrome. There, when i add a bookmark, the title and the URL are prefilled. Which is very comfortable. Why is this not a feature in firefox? I always have to copy paste the URL and enter an own title. Chrome has become very slowly on some websites, while firefox does not slow down on those websites at all. So i want to stay with firefox. Good job, team. But the bookmarking UX is improveable.

Asked by bechm73 Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by TechHorse Prieš 1 valandą

cookies will not save after computer turns on

So I do not have the settings for cookies or history to be cleared i disabled that and I made sure it should save but no matter what I have to go through the struggle to … (read more)

So I do not have the settings for cookies or history to be cleared i disabled that and I made sure it should save but no matter what I have to go through the struggle to sign back into everything. I've tried every fix like making a account then signing out or changing the settings nothing has worked. It's really annoying if anyone knows how to fix it that would be great

Asked by Fartblocker33 Prieš 58 minutes

Blurry images on Google Images

Firefox 127.0.2 (64 bit), Windows 10, all extensions disabled. Tested also with a clean portable version (same Firefox version). In private mode, on Google Images, … (read more)

  • Firefox 127.0.2 (64 bit), Windows 10, all extensions disabled.
  • Tested also with a clean portable version (same Firefox version).

In private mode, on Google Images, large images (in the preview pane: if you click on an image in the search results) are sometimes (but not always) blurry. This is not the case in the "normal", nonprivate mode.

It works fine on Android, and other browsers also work fine. I have had this issue for a very long time now, but only now realized that it's a private-mode issue.

Example, which is reproducible for me: Search " new york" on Google Images and pick an image with a sufficiently large resolution.

Asked by shipman Prieš 19 valandų

Last reply by shipman Prieš 1 valandą

security not secure my certifacate expired

i need help to get new certificate Peer’s Certificate has expired. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning… (read more)

i need help to get new certificate

Peer’s Certificate has expired.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:


MIIGTzCCBTegAwIBAgIQDW/zNeNx8RGCBhu7RvQmDDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBg MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMR8wHQYDVQQDExZSYXBpZFNTTCBUTFMgUlNBIENBIEcx MB4XDTIzMDYzMDAwMDAwMFoXDTI0MDYyOTIzNTk1OVowJDEiMCAGA1UEAxMZaW50 ZXJuZXQudW13YWxpbXVzYWNjby5ydzCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC AQoCggEBAL3TIuqmiAlkyYAG+072DwypqtGqR1LxpFErQMSgSN60eKGRkg8yeTIl FOfSVxUJWE1geOgxBS0sEmmIKXlaFXTUBhqCRIB6jv+OitZMqBK3VmB7km9av/2R eF7OZfbUUCmoQHfJrJAfU3qrEUAk+Mk+LhJUaUiqwfgxiFziB8MCPlGRnws9Ii6s 0pltodS6BoPIJiF6UmUyU/SQT6QabYfTnvCD4UoL1iWZHW6xFZlbqHacsMrXBTbE rdMswlLTuaLndcuJyuf22IKK20jnZHCVyk+/+WiES1u/S4A3qlDqIp4+wGyrVXpc vWWW/tM321lqPSEXg6E07bnj5/N7Z/UCAwEAAaOCAz8wggM7MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaA FAzbbIJJD0pnCrgU7nrESFKI61Y4MB0GA1UdDgQWBBSCCcvkepKe2jbdGp/9G1Vi PFYB5DBDBgNVHREEPDA6ghlpbnRlcm5ldC51bXdhbGltdXNhY2NvLnJ3gh13d3cu aW50ZXJuZXQudW13YWxpbXVzYWNjby5ydzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0l BBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMD8GA1UdHwQ4MDYwNKAyoDCGLmh0dHA6 Ly9jZHAucmFwaWRzc2wuY29tL1JhcGlkU1NMVExTUlNBQ0FHMS5jcmwwPgYDVR0g BDcwNTAzBgZngQwBAgEwKTAnBggrBgEFBQcCARYbaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2Vy dC5jb20vQ1BTMHYGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGowaDAmBggrBgEFBQcwAYYaaHR0cDovL3N0 YXR1cy5yYXBpZHNzbC5jb20wPgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGMmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLnJh cGlkc3NsLmNvbS9SYXBpZFNTTFRMU1JTQUNBRzEuY3J0MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwggF/ BgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIIBbwSCAWsBaQB3AHb/iD8KtvuVUcJhzPWHujS0pM27Kdxo Qgqf5mdMWjp0AAABiQ3qfqgAAAQDAEgwRgIhANGvUsVm/6O4hVYUjDrW2hUVJZAn /sfyixA9uE8y8gjrAiEAoIBnPqseqkldYQ5SlcWLcoIyQRjLctWg7pDiltnC8C8A dgBIsONr2qZHNA/lagL6nTDrHFIBy1bdLIHZu7+rOdiEcwAAAYkN6n7RAAAEAwBH MEUCIQDHo32qLX3LwUY45Hup7Yve0u2yN8cARu3TEmwflD/BuQIgB2mSMR2DBpan SCyGrxUFVR7+83D3UjMty1Fg0OqAgVUAdgDatr9rP7W2Ip+bwrtca+hwkXFsu1GE hTS9pD0wSNf7qwAAAYkN6n6lAAAEAwBHMEUCIDTpwZtX7h491dIhdw8lz/2UnLpu Hu2w29KfHarUJkLEAiEA9mto8ZKG8J2117M7sLLelMIuWwWKLFi/K81OmtNDfIkw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAClNPHbav2t0+M6Fphe+aB8ocxL/iOLLDbJYx9OW u27UUKi9cE2Bm+bAW+G8T8DSkzukqAGmTlguSR5mVwsIwaqH/xZqKSPCkcLUNzCR 0+5r8L1M2ZkMT20o2UTsB9UJGN8Sdt6rweQCx7GNAvuC1y/a9uvUljdb241sLSz/ 0thmQBF+UlHR6pqsaQeZeLmLQKhAARbdxyHjz+mfhP+ZUpEoAX1mJuBNANHt8Rdj MgXz75qavZlO9PqmJQJixhkCLIw2MdKoXxkY89Qm8q+OJQepnop8peOnIWbYUd7V /fzuC9qfpQjYfv/dCGN46AFwdj9K5V9v4vffRnr2gSja6QQ=


MIIEszCCA5ugAwIBAgIQCyWUIs7ZgSoVoE6ZUooO+jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBh MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSAwHgYDVQQDExdEaWdpQ2VydCBHbG9iYWwgUm9vdCBH MjAeFw0xNzExMDIxMjI0MzNaFw0yNzExMDIxMjI0MzNaMGAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT MRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5j b20xHzAdBgNVBAMTFlJhcGlkU1NMIFRMUyBSU0EgQ0EgRzEwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC/uVklRBI1FuJdUEkFCuDL/I3aJQiaZ6aibRHj ap/ap9zy1aYNrphe7YcaNwMoPsZvXDR+hNJOo9gbgOYVTPq8gXc84I75YKOHiVA4 NrJJQZ6p2sJQyqx60HkEIjzIN+1LQLfXTlpuznToOa1hyTD0yyitFyOYwURM+/CI 8FNFMpBhw22hpeAQkOOLmsqT5QZJYeik7qlvn8gfD+XdDnk3kkuuu0eG+vuyrSGr 5uX5LRhFWlv1zFQDch/EKmd163m6z/ycx/qLa9zyvILc7cQpb+k7TLra9WE17YPS n9ANjG+ECo9PDW3N9lwhKQCNvw1gGoguyCQu7HE7BnW8eSSFAgMBAAGjggFmMIIB YjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDNtsgkkPSmcKuBTuesRIUojrVjgwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUTiJU IBiV5uNu5g/6+rkS7QYXjzkwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsG AQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMDQGCCsGAQUFBwEB BCgwJjAkBggrBgEFBQcwAYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMEIGA1Ud HwQ7MDkwN6A1oDOGMWh0dHA6Ly9jcmwzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydEds b2JhbFJvb3RHMi5jcmwwYwYDVR0gBFwwWjA3BglghkgBhv1sAQEwKjAoBggrBgEF BQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0NQUzALBglghkgBhv1sAQIw CAYGZ4EMAQIBMAgGBmeBDAECAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAGUSlOb4K3Wtm SlbmE50UYBHXM0SKXPqHMzk6XQUpCheF/4qU8aOhajsyRQFDV1ih/uPIg7YHRtFi CTq4G+zb43X1T77nJgSOI9pq/TqCwtukZ7u9VLL3JAq3Wdy2moKLvvC8tVmRzkAe 0xQCkRKIjbBG80MSyDX/R4uYgj6ZiNT/Zg6GI6RofgqgpDdssLc0XIRQEotxIZcK zP3pGJ9FCbMHmMLLyuBd+uCWvVcF2ogYAawufChS/PT61D9rqzPRS5I2uqa3tmIT 44JhJgWhBnFMb7AGQkvNq9KNS9dd3GWc17H/dXa1enoxzWjE0hBdFjxPhUb0W3wi 8o34/m8Fxw==


Asked by hategekap7 Prieš 1 valandą

I get a prompt pop up on every page Ioad just with "1" in the message box.

Hi. Every page I visit I get at least one message popping up with the URL at the top, the message body of "1" and the option for OK. Many pages have multiple prompts for … (read more)

Hi. Every page I visit I get at least one message popping up with the URL at the top, the message body of "1" and the option for OK. Many pages have multiple prompts for what looks like advertising sites (based on the URLs). Sometimes I get the option to check a box saying "don't allow URL to prompt you again"

Example message for when I go to google:

I guess it might be some sort of debugging mode? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox and it still happens. I am on latest versions: Firefox 127.0.2 on a MacBook Pro (2019) with MacOS Sonoma v14.5.

Can you please help me to remove these prompts? It makes Firefox pretty much impossible to use due to multiple clicks per page load. I've tried searching for help pages but it's very hard to explain the problem to a search engine! Human needed! :)

Asked by warwick.symes Prieš 5 valandas

  • Išspręsta

YouTube Lag

I am using Windows 11 and FF 127.02. I have read the lag issue with Youtube was suppose to be corrected with FF 127.02 but it is not. I have been using FF for many yea… (read more)

I am using Windows 11 and FF 127.02. I have read the lag issue with Youtube was suppose to be corrected with FF 127.02 but it is not. I have been using FF for many years now an love it. It is my understanding that it is the ad blockers causing the slow down. Do you have an estimated date when this will be resolved. I have tried every trick included running it in diagnostic mode or trouble shooting mode. Nothing seems to work. Not even a refresh.


Asked by m.george6162 Prieš 20 valandų

Answered by m.george6162 Prieš 6 valandas

  • Išspręsta

F6 does not "Focus Search Field in Library" any longer?

Hello, when in the library, pressing F6 is meant to "Focus Search Field". This is documented at… (read more)

Hello, when in the library, pressing F6 is meant to "Focus Search Field". This is documented at

However, since a recent update this no longer works. Instead, pressing F6 now switches the keyboard focus to the lefthand tree pane. A further press of shift+tab is needed to move to the search box.

My questions are: Has F6 stopped jumping to the library search box for anyone else? If so, was this a deliberate design choice? Does anyone know of an alternate keyboard shortcut to jump to the searchbox? Finally, is there anyway to revert to the old F6 behaviour?

Even if you can only answer the first question that would help, so I can determine whether or not it is just my Firefox. Although I have already tested in a brand new profile with the same results.


Asked by TechHorse Prieš 3 dienas

Answered by cor-el Prieš 16 valandų

The password I've been using to access my stored payment methods not working

The password I've been using to access my stored payment methods is suddenly not working. I've tried using my Master (sorry, Primary) password and this doesn't work eith… (read more)

The password I've been using to access my stored payment methods is suddenly not working. I've tried using my Master (sorry, Primary) password and this doesn't work either

Asked by julieadougherty Prieš 11 valandų extension doesn't work

I can't download anything by that green download button (Youtube). I just receive error messages, see attachment. I have read their FAQ and I have latest versions of Fire… (read more)

I can't download anything by that green download button (Youtube). I just receive error messages, see attachment. I have read their FAQ and I have latest versions of Firefox and helper.

Asked by Mike the Bike Prieš 12 valandų

Unauthorized LTI Launch Request 401?

I am trying to access the online library website for my college. I had no trouble all week then all of a sudden I keep getting this message: "Unauthorized LTI Launch Req… (read more)

I am trying to access the online library website for my college. I had no trouble all week then all of a sudden I keep getting this message: "Unauthorized LTI Launch Request 401

   Please check the configuration settings used for the LTI/OAuth/OpenID access.
   Your browser's "Block 3rd party cookies" or "Prevent cross-site tracking" setting can also cause this error."

I already changed the cookies settings to allow this website and my school's website. I don't understand the issue and why it popped up out of nowhere. I use firefox latest update on Windows 11. I do use a vpn but I used it the whole time, even when the site was working and I have tried turning it off. It doesn't help.

Asked by Emariehasadhd Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 15 valandų

some shades of white have purple tinge

Some shades of white have a purple tinge to them. The amazon logo, certain themes, and other websites are slightly purple. This is only an issue in firefox, not any other… (read more)

Some shades of white have a purple tinge to them. The amazon logo, certain themes, and other websites are slightly purple. This is only an issue in firefox, not any other program or browser.

Asked by dashgayhartdata Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 15 valandų

Disable or Delete Classlink login

Hi, Every time I attempt to login to YouTube or Google sites, this site pops up and I'm unable to log in using my personal account. I no longer work at this place and ne… (read more)


Every time I attempt to login to YouTube or Google sites, this site pops up and I'm unable to log in using my personal account. I no longer work at this place and need it removed from my browser.

Thank you for your help in either removing it (if you can) or providing directions on how to remove it myself.

Thank you, again, Kay

Asked by knrivers66 Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 15 valandų

What is this?!! about:policies

What is this??? Information Your browser is being managed by your organization. about:policies#documentation Documentation Policy Name 3rdparty Set policies that WebExte… (read more)

What is this??? Information Your browser is being managed by your organization. about:policies#documentation

Documentation Policy Name 3rdparty Set policies that WebExtensions can access via AllowedDomainsForApps Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace. AllowFileSelectionDialogs Allow file selection dialogs. AppAutoUpdate Enable or disable automatic application update. AppUpdatePin Prevent Firefox from being updated beyond the specified version. AppUpdateURL Set custom app update URL. Authentication Configure integrated authentication for websites that support it. AutofillAddressEnabled Enable autofill for addresses. AutofillCreditCardEnabled Enable autofill for payment methods. AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins Define a list of external protocols that can be used from listed origins without prompting the user. BackgroundAppUpdate Enable or disable the background updater. BlockAboutAddons Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). type: boolean BlockAboutConfig Block access to the about:config page. BlockAboutProfiles Block access to the about:profiles page. BlockAboutSupport Block access to the about:support page. Bookmarks Create bookmarks in the Bookmarks toolbar, Bookmarks menu, or a specified folder inside them. CaptivePortal Enable or disable captive portal support. Certificates Add certificates or use built-in certificates. Containers Set policies related to containers. ContentAnalysis Enable or disable connection to data-loss-prevention agent. Cookies Allow or deny websites to set cookies. DefaultDownloadDirectory Set the default download directory. DisableAccounts Disable account-based services, including sync. DisableAppUpdate Prevent the browser from updating. DisableBuiltinPDFViewer Disable PDF.js, the built-in PDF viewer in Firefox. DisabledCiphers Disable ciphers. DisableDefaultBrowserAgent Prevent the default browser agent from taking any actions. Only applicable to Windows; other platforms don’t have the agent. DisableDeveloperTools Block access to the developer tools. DisableEncryptedClientHello Disable use of the TLS feature Encrypted Client Hello (ECH). DisableFeedbackCommands Disable commands to send feedback from the Help menu (Submit Feedback and Report Deceptive Site). DisableFirefoxAccounts Disable account-based services, including sync. DisableFirefoxScreenshots Disable the Firefox Screenshots feature. DisableFirefoxStudies Prevent Firefox from running studies. DisableForgetButton Prevent access to the Forget button. DisableFormHistory Don’t remember search and form history. DisableMasterPasswordCreation If true, a Primary Password can’t be created. DisablePasswordReveal Do not allow passwords to be revealed in saved logins. DisablePocket Disable the feature to save webpages to Pocket. DisablePrivateBrowsing Disable Private Browsing. DisableProfileImport Disable the menu command to Import data from another browser. DisableProfileRefresh Disable the Refresh Firefox button in the about:support page. DisableSafeMode Disable the feature to restart in Safe Mode. Note: the Shift key to enter Safe Mode can only be disabled on Windows using Group Policy. DisableSecurityBypass Prevent the user from bypassing certain security warnings. DisableSetDesktopBackground Disable the menu command Set as Desktop Background for images. DisableSystemAddonUpdate Prevent the browser from installing and updating system add-ons. DisableTelemetry Turn off Telemetry. DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking Prevent the user from blocking third-party modules that get injected into the Firefox process. DisplayBookmarksToolbar Display the Bookmarks Toolbar by default. DisplayMenuBar Display the Menu Bar by default. DNSOverHTTPS Configure DNS over HTTPS. DontCheckDefaultBrowser Disable check for default browser on startup. DownloadDirectory Set and lock the download directory. EnableTrackingProtection Enable or disable Content Blocking and optionally lock it. EncryptedMediaExtensions Enable or disable Encrypted Media Extensions and optionally lock it. ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings Disable warnings based on file extension for specific file types on domains. Extensions Install, uninstall or lock extensions. The Install option takes URLs or paths as parameters. The Uninstall and Locked options take extension IDs. ExtensionSettings Manage all aspects of extension installation. ExtensionUpdate Enable or disable automatic extension updates. FirefoxHome Configure Firefox Home. FirefoxSuggest Configure Firefox Suggest. GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar Force direct intranet site navigation instead of searching when typing single word entries in the address bar. Handlers Configure default application handlers. HardwareAcceleration If false, turn off hardware acceleration. Homepage Set and optionally lock the homepage. HttpAllowlist Origins that will not be upgraded to HTTPS. HttpsOnlyMode Allow HTTPS-Only Mode to be enabled. InstallAddonsPermission Allow certain websites to install add-ons. LegacyProfiles Disable the feature enforcing a separate profile for each installation. LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled Enable default legacy SameSite cookie behavior setting. LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites. LocalFileLinks Allow specific websites to link to local files. ManagedBookmarks Configures a list of bookmarks managed by an administrator that cannot be changed by the user. ManualAppUpdateOnly Allow manual updates only and do not notify the user about updates. NetworkPrediction Enable or disable network prediction (DNS prefetching). NewTabPage Enable or disable the New Tab page. NoDefaultBookmarks Disable creation of the default bookmarks bundled with Firefox, and the Smart Bookmarks (Most Visited, Recent Tags). Note: this policy is only effective if used before the first run of the profile. OfferToSaveLogins Enforce the setting to allow Firefox to offer to remember saved logins and passwords. Both true and false values are accepted. OfferToSaveLoginsDefault Set the default value for allowing Firefox to offer to remember saved logins and passwords. Both true and false values are accepted. OverrideFirstRunPage Override the first run page. Set this policy to blank if you want to disable the first run page. OverridePostUpdatePage Override the post-update “What’s New” page. Set this policy to blank if you want to disable the post-update page. PasswordManagerEnabled Enable saving passwords to the password manager. PasswordManagerExceptions Prevent Firefox from saving passwords for specific sites. PDFjs Disable or configure PDF.js, the built-in PDF viewer in Firefox. Permissions Configure permissions for camera, microphone, location, notifications, and autoplay. PictureInPicture Enable or disable Picture-in-Picture. PopupBlocking Allow certain websites to display popups by default. PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS. Preferences Set and lock the value for a subset of preferences. PrimaryPassword Require or prevent using a Primary Password. PrintingEnabled Enable or disable printing. PromptForDownloadLocation Ask where to save files when downloading. Proxy Configure proxy settings. RequestedLocales Set the list of requested locales for the application in order of preference. SanitizeOnShutdown Clear navigation data on shutdown. SearchBar Set the default location of the search bar. The user is still allowed to customize it. SearchEngines Configure search engine settings. This policy is only available on the Extended Support Release (ESR) version. SearchSuggestEnabled Enable or disable search suggestions. SecurityDevices Add or delete PKCS #11 modules. ShowHomeButton Show the home button on the toolbar. SSLVersionMax Set the maximum SSL version. SSLVersionMin Set the minimum SSL version. StartDownloadsInTempDirectory Force downloads to start off in a local, temporary location rather than the default download directory. SupportMenu Add a custom support menu item to the help menu. TranslateEnabled Enable or disable webpage translation. UserMessaging Don’t show certain messages to the user. UseSystemPrintDialog Print using the system print dialog. WebsiteFilter Block websites from being visited. See documentation for more details on the format. WindowsSSO Allow Windows single sign-on for Microsoft, work, and school accounts.

Asked by Bruce Swanson Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 16 valandų


On 18 June in the morning my bookmarks were all listed to the left of my browser and I shut down my laptop. That evening I turned on the laptop and bookmarks were gone th… (read more)

On 18 June in the morning my bookmarks were all listed to the left of my browser and I shut down my laptop. That evening I turned on the laptop and bookmarks were gone the browser got brighter and my bookmarks are now only accessible thru a tab in upper right hand corner called other bookmarks. I want them back to the left side of my browser and do not know how to do it.

Asked by johnnyc65 Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 16 valandų

YouTube has very long load times

At some point about 5 days ago, Firefox began to load YouTube videos unacceptably slowly. To begin a video it may take around 30 seconds or more to load (with a black scr… (read more)

At some point about 5 days ago, Firefox began to load YouTube videos unacceptably slowly. To begin a video it may take around 30 seconds or more to load (with a black screen and circular loading bar/graphic), and randomly throughout the video it will need to load again which has taken up to 5 minutes at times.

Steps I have taken: - ran Firefox in troubleshooting mode (issue persisted with no extensions) - minimized memory usage - disabled hardware acceleration - refreshed Firefox twice - reinstalled Firefox

Testing/comparing YouTube in Chrome and Edge, videos load near instantaneously (even while running an extension such as uBlock Origin), and I can click anywhere in the duration of the video and it loads in less than a second. Strangely, sometimes the issue doesn't persist for the next 2-3 videos that I try to play, but then goes right back to an extremely long load time for the next video. I've never had such an issue with Firefox before and cannot find a solution. Extensions don't appear to be an issue and other browsers run YouTube perfecty fine.

Asked by Parker Fleming Prieš 17 valandų

Firefox Youtube Grey Boxes when loading page on new tab

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that … (read more)

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that goes away after a long time waiting.

I have tried:

  • Refreshing Firefox
  • Reinstalling Firefox
  • Troubleshoot Mode, which the problem persist in troubleshoot mode so its not an addon
  • Tried creating a new profile
  • User-Agent Switcher which doesn't work all the time.

I want to avoid going chromium-based browsers but this is making me consider.

Asked by allenjftipay10 Prieš 1 dieną

Last reply by cor-el Prieš 18 valandų