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IMAP ok but SMTP fails on Windows 11

Hello, I have been using Thunderbird for many years without any issues. I recently bought a laptop running Windows 11. On this machine, I have two accounts that cannot s… (자세히 살펴보기)


I have been using Thunderbird for many years without any issues. I recently bought a laptop running Windows 11. On this machine, I have two accounts that cannot send emails via SMTP. What is puzzling is that I can retrieve emails through IMAP without any problems.

For another account I had to use STARTTLS to get it working. But on my Windows 10 machine, the same account is sending emails correctly with SSL/TLS.

Thunderbird is allowed through the Windows firewall and is on the antivirus whitelist.

I recently fixed an issue (connecting to Gmail) by allowing cookies, so it might be a simple fix like that.

Could someone help me, please?

Many thanks!

2주 전에 Plortus님이 질문

1주 전에 Plortus님이 답변

Thunderbird, cannot send emails out.

Error message: "Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: <ec2-54-219-72-248.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com[54.… (자세히 살펴보기)

Error message:

"Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: <ec2-54-219-72-248.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com[]>: Client host rejected: NO THANKS. Please check the message recipient "patrick.gilroy@harmonydesigninc.com" and try again"

Occurs regardless of recipient, whether replying to an incoming email, or composing a new email.

1주 전에 robertlhunter1님이 질문

Intermitent SMTP errors

We have recently moved to a new mail server. We currently have about 20 Thunderbird email clients on Windows in an office location and a macOS home machine. On all machin… (자세히 살펴보기)

We have recently moved to a new mail server. We currently have about 20 Thunderbird email clients on Windows in an office location and a macOS home machine. On all machines email is configured to use IMAP on hostname.com port 993 SSL/TLS with Normal Password and SMTP on hostname.com port 465 SSL/TLS with Normal Password.

The home machine is working 100% with no issues, it does have a much faster and lower latency internet connection than the office machines.

Many of the office machines are experiencing intermitent SMTP error messages when sending, intermitent, "unable to save mail in the Sent folder of the Inbox", messages and intermitent unable to move messages between folders.

I have checked and double checked the settings on affected machines - however, I believe a settings issue would result in nothing working, not intermitent functionality. Plus all is working fine on the home machine with the same settings (different OS, but ports and security settings all dictated by server).

With one client behaving properly, the server likwise behaving properly when addressed by the working client and the intermitent nature of the problems we are finding, I suspect we have some sort of network issue. Somthing timing out or a firewall/AV software causing a delay.

I have increased mailnews.tcptimeout on affected machines to 250 based on a forum article but this has had no effect (No idea of units here but if it is seconde then I am not supprised - the SMTP errors, when they happen are almost instantanious).

Any ideas on how to trobleshoot this problem further - The problem seems to get worse through the day, although that may just be peoples tollerance of an intermitent issue going down.

2주 전에 rob.garner님이 질문

1주 전에 sfhowes님이 마지막 답변

Pop Up when opening Thunderbird slowing down progress!

Is there a way to stop initial pop ups when opening FireFox? They slow productivity! I don't need to be reminded that I have new emails when I am already in Thunderbird. … (자세히 살펴보기)

Is there a way to stop initial pop ups when opening FireFox? They slow productivity! I don't need to be reminded that I have new emails when I am already in Thunderbird.

1주 전에 Frank Polizzi님이 질문

IMAP messages not being retrieved on time from Comcast or Gmail

I set up a new Windows 11 PC (64-bit) about 2 months ago, and installed Thunderbird Supernova. I allowed MTS to choose all the settings and everything was working fine un… (자세히 살펴보기)

I set up a new Windows 11 PC (64-bit) about 2 months ago, and installed Thunderbird Supernova. I allowed MTS to choose all the settings and everything was working fine until about 3 weeks ago I am now running version 115.11.1 (64-bit). I noticed that many messages I recieve at scheduled times every day were not appearing in my MTS message list until sevveral hours (a few actually took 3 days) after their normal delivery times. Checking with the senders revealed no change to the time they were sent. Looking at the messages when they appeared showed that they WERE received on time. Logging into the web interfaces for Gmail and Comcast/XFINITY email revealed that the messages were arriving on time. The only logical conclusion is that MTS has a problem in its IMAP protocol implementation that does not recognize new/unread messages as such, and therefore does not retrieve them. I am legally blind, and up to this point, mTS is the only fully accessible, easy-to-keyboard-navigate email program.

1개월 전에 Paul Gelinas님이 질문

1주 전에 Paul Gelinas님이 마지막 답변

Outlook authentication

I know this problem has been discussed extensively, but I can't fix it even after reading the previous posts. I have an institutional email address that uses outlook.of… (자세히 살펴보기)

I know this problem has been discussed extensively, but I can't fix it even after reading the previous posts.

I have an institutional email address that uses outlook.office365 server and mandatory two factor autentication. I had my Thunderbird setup with this, which suddenly stopped working one day on my office PC. I updated Thunderbird to the newest version, but the issue pertains. Currently I'm running Thunderbird 115.12.2. on a Windows 10 machine.

When I try to fetch my emails from this server, a popup window appears that asks for my institutional login credentials. When I enter them, a second window appears, asking for the two factor autentication. However, this window seems to be corrupt, as it does not contain any information, and and it's impossible to type in verification code, as there's no input area at all (see the first picture - note that I'm using a localized version of Thunderbird).

When I click on Privacy and cookies in the right bottom corner, then two lines appear (although without any labels), where I can type in my verification code (I guess that it is the second line, because it shows dots in place of the typed characters, as for passwords). A screenshot of this window can be seen in the second picture.

However, after typing the correct code and clicking on the grey button, the first window reappears, this time with my email address that keeps flashing forever and nothing happens. It does not even matter if I type in the right verification number or just anything, it produces the same behaviour. As a result, I can't log in to my mailbox, which is operational, because I can log in there through the web interface of outlook, and also from my laptop using Thunderbird 78.14.0. I also made sure that the server name and authentication methods are correct (outlook.office365.com, port 993, SSL/TLS, OAuth2).

Do you have any suggestion how to solve this issue?

Many thanks.

2주 전에 AL님이 질문

1주 전에 AL님이 마지막 답변


Updated Thunderbird to 117.12.2 on the 25 June 2024. Since then I am not receiving emails on my computer. I have actually sent some emails but they don't save into the se… (자세히 살펴보기)

Updated Thunderbird to 117.12.2 on the 25 June 2024. Since then I am not receiving emails on my computer. I have actually sent some emails but they don't save into the sent folder and I have had a "Add security exception" warning occured when sending.

So problem is not getting new emails since the latest update was loaded. Thanks Neil

1주 전에 ncrendell님이 질문

Thunderbird wont connect to verizon/aol mail server

All morning I had been receiving and sending emails without issue. Then at approx 12:41 PM EST Thunderbird stopped working. I can send and receive emails through AOL to A… (자세히 살펴보기)

All morning I had been receiving and sending emails without issue. Then at approx 12:41 PM EST Thunderbird stopped working. I can send and receive emails through AOL to AOL but they do not show up in Thunderbird. I did not have any other computer issues and did not change any settings. Verizon told me it was an AOL issue, but I was able to successfully send and receive messages with AOL. AOL tried to fix it but ultimately said it was a Thunderbird issue. In the last 6 or 7 weeks I have had issues with Thunderbird. What is going on? Very Very Frustrating!!!

1주 전에 k.machv님이 질문

Thunderbird error message?

I installed the new version of Thunderbird, and it's strange. I can receive emails and send emails, but I'm getting an error message at the bottom right corner of my scre… (자세히 살펴보기)

I installed the new version of Thunderbird, and it's strange. I can receive emails and send emails, but I'm getting an error message at the bottom right corner of my screen:

Could not connect to the mail server (and then it names my server name) The connection was refused

What do I gotta do to make this go away?

2주 전에 tkangas님이 질문

Junk and Trash Folders in Thunderbird empty

Ever since the last update of Thunderbird, my Junk and Trash folders are empty. When I mark a message as Junk or throw something in the Trash, the messages simply disappe… (자세히 살펴보기)

Ever since the last update of Thunderbird, my Junk and Trash folders are empty. When I mark a message as Junk or throw something in the Trash, the messages simply disappear. I have no way of checking the Junk mailbox for messages that might be there in error. I am also unsure whether my Trash messages are being deleted permanently, or whether they are in a hidden mailbox somewhere. Please help if you can!

2주 전에 susan104님이 질문

Cannot send messages

I posted this the other day and have had no reply or I maybe cannot find the thread. Please help. I cannot send messages from Thunderbird since it was last updated on m… (자세히 살펴보기)

I posted this the other day and have had no reply or I maybe cannot find the thread. Please help.

I cannot send messages from Thunderbird since it was last updated on my pc. Version 115.12.2 (32 bit). I have checked the server settings and they have not changed in years. I have been in touch with Virgin Media, my service provider, and I can send emails when logged on to my account and not involving Thunderbird. I can also send emails from my mobile phone using Gmail. The issue would seem to be with Thunderbird and this recent update. Please point me in the right direction, bearing in mind I am not particularly computer literate.

2주 전에 billbrysland님이 질문

Error after last Update- Email Server timeout

After Thunderbird update 115.12.2(20240621154414) was installed on my PC on the 25/6/2024 I am unable to receive emails. I continue to get an error message on account noe… (자세히 살펴보기)

After Thunderbird update 115.12.2(20240621154414) was installed on my PC on the 25/6/2024 I am unable to receive emails. I continue to get an error message on account noeljc@optusnet.com.au (IMAP)

   Connection to server mail.optusnet.com.au timed out.

or Failed to connect to server mail.optusnet.com.au. I have looked thru all the forums and tried various solutions without success including extending the setting for mailnews.tcptimeout to 3000. I have checked and validated my account server settings are as recommended by my ISP(Optus) are correct for authenticated emails. I even turned off my Norton VPN completely to no avail even though I use Split tunnelling to allow Thunderbird thru it as an exclusion. It appears to me there maybe a bug in the last Thunderbird update causing this. I have had this issue in the past at various times intermittently but it has always seemed to correct itself. I have been in contact with my ISP(Optus) regarding this error and all they could say was to logon to email server via webmail and did not offer any other solution. It appears there is a communication breakdown between my PC and the Email server somewhere. As I stated this only happened after the last Thunderbird update on my PC on 25/6 as it was working up until 24/6. I also have another optus email account for my wife on Thunderbird which has the same error messages. Could the Mozilla gurus please advise what to do.

2주 전에 Noel Cook님이 질문

Lost my thunderbird emails from ny laptop

First I got problem.with my laptop. I went to a service shop, but the technician caused me to loose the old files of my e mails. I seriously need help to get my old e mai… (자세히 살펴보기)

First I got problem.with my laptop. I went to a service shop, but the technician caused me to loose the old files of my e mails. I seriously need help to get my old e mails accessible

2주 전에 Bambang Winarto님이 질문

2주 전에 david님이 마지막 답변

  • 잠김

Why is my Local Inbox now arranged in groups?

My Local Inbox suddenly started to arrange itself by group according to correspondent. I can't get the emails back into chronological order. I can't work with a mail pr… (자세히 살펴보기)

My Local Inbox suddenly started to arrange itself by group according to correspondent. I can't get the emails back into chronological order. I can't work with a mail program that doesn't give me my messages in chronological order, with most recent at the bottom. If I did something to cause this change, please tell me how to undo it. I have about eight email addresses, and they all feed mail into the Local Inbox.

2주 전에 Purebeads님이 질문

2주 전에 Purebeads님이 마지막 답변

layout for incoming email

On the top of the left side of the incoming email page, next to my email address, I would like the following alternatives to appear: answer, answer all, forward . . . I … (자세히 살펴보기)

On the top of the left side of the incoming email page, next to my email address, I would like the following alternatives to appear: answer, answer all, forward . . . I have had them before, have never had a problem with them, but I must have pressed the wrong key as now I get the following instead: an icon with a pin-up button, a phrase about filtering, and then five icons with an envelope, a star, a notebook . . . What do I need to do to recover the original layout?

2주 전에 Jamesrsamec41님이 질문

2주 전에 david님이 마지막 답변

outgoing mail

I keep getting "can't connect" message and I have to enter my password for outgoing mail. Incoming comes through no problem. How can I get Thunderbird to remember my prov… (자세히 살펴보기)

I keep getting "can't connect" message and I have to enter my password for outgoing mail. Incoming comes through no problem. How can I get Thunderbird to remember my provider password for outgoing? They obviously already have it for incoming.

3주 전에 vansks님이 질문

2주 전에 christ1님이 마지막 답변

Thunderbird local folders gone :-( Self-inflicted misery. Recovery possible?

Short background: Critically low on disc space. Windows pointed out a potentially extraneous 8.5gb NS3TMP Thunderbird file. Extensive Googling convinced me it would be s… (자세히 살펴보기)

Short background: Critically low on disc space. Windows pointed out a potentially extraneous 8.5gb NS3TMP Thunderbird file. Extensive Googling convinced me it would be safe to delete this file. To be safe (HA!) I first copied it to an external drive just in case things went south. They did.

After the copy, I went back and deleted the NS3TMP file. However, much to my horror, instead of deleting 8.5gb as expected, 30.5gb got deleted. After that, Thunderbird would not start claiming my profile was missing.

I copied the 8.5gb backup file back to its original place. No joy. Same message from Thunderbird.

At this point, I recreated my profile pointing Thunderbird to my Outlook email account.

I could now sign into Thunderbird and T'bird started populating the inbox and sent folders, but only partially. Worse (MUCH worse) my critical Thunderbird local folders were nowhere to be found. I attempted several folder recovery procedures to no avail.

I confess, I do not know how Thunderbird works its magic behind the scenes. Were my local folders part of the surprise 30gb file deletion and thus gone for good? Would the original emails that had been dragged into the various folders still be sitting on Outlook's servers?

As I said, totally self-inflicted but hopeful there's a road to recovery.

Any assistance or consoling words would be much appreciated.

2주 전에 dpfreedman님이 질문

2주 전에 david님이 마지막 답변