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Idea: Being able to organize tabs by changing their order (manual sorting)

Hi, this is an idea: To be able to sort the order of tabs. Often I'll be browsing for something one day, then move on to something else and continue browsing/researching… (자세히 살펴보기)

Hi, this is an idea: To be able to sort the order of tabs.

Often I'll be browsing for something one day, then move on to something else and continue browsing/researching the first thing again later or the next day. Suddenly I have lots of tabs on differrent subjects open and no way to organize the order of them, with using bookmarks/collections, which would be timeconsuming. Being able to reordering them would be really helpful, and also make the „swipe between tabs“ a lot more useful, without having to scroll back and forth through tabs within different subjects.

And especially on my tablet, where I have lots of tabs open when researching this would be great. :)

Hope you'll consider this.

1년 전에 ssssaaaa님이 질문

1년 전에 Paul님이 답변