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Update now all tabs gone - NO restore previous session option anywhere!

Just updated Firefox to version 112.2 on my iPad which has iOS 15 Did the update via the apple App Store. Relaunched (restarted) Firefox and ALL tabs that were open are … (자세히 살펴보기)

Just updated Firefox to version 112.2 on my iPad which has iOS 15 Did the update via the apple App Store. Relaunched (restarted) Firefox and ALL tabs that were open are Gone! I can’t find the “restore previous session” option anywhere.

Can you tell me where to find it? How do I get the previous session back?!?

I’ve been using Firefox for years. Firefox not starting up after the update with all the previous tabs open is devastating to me. I need to get the previous session restored. Please help

1년 전에 george198님이 질문

9개월 전에 tjwgray님이 마지막 답변