Scrolling lags when primary display is disabled (windows 11)

Setup: Laptop with integrated Intel UHD 630, dedicated Nvidia RTX 2060 External Monitor connected via USB-C -> rendered through Nvidia card Issue: Yesterday i disabl… (자세히 살펴보기)

Setup: Laptop with integrated Intel UHD 630, dedicated Nvidia RTX 2060 External Monitor connected via USB-C -> rendered through Nvidia card

Issue: Yesterday i disabled my laptop display in the windows settings as i only need my monitor. This resulted in laggish scrolling behaviour in Firefox. Not always but mostly a delay of ~100-300ms. Scrolling up/down fast doesn't really scroll, it just jumps with said delay. It happens on touchpad or mouse (mx master s3). If i enable the main display (extended) everything is fine.

Checked so far:

  • All input-related add-ons, apps (Logi Options+, xmouse button control, ...) are disabled or off
  • A reset or reinstall of Firefox doesn't help
  • Drivers are up to date
  • Changing the graphics performance preference (accelerated, energy saving) in the windows settings doesn't effect the behaviour
  • Smooth Scrolling is off

Any idea what's the matter?

5일 전에 doppelwhopper님이 질문

3일 전에 doppelwhopper님이 마지막 답변

Firefox slowing system because a site is opening tabs that can only be seen in task manager

I use many tabs on various sites for business and recently went to a site that appears to keep opening tabs that can only be seen in Task Manager. I belive this has been … (자세히 살펴보기)

I use many tabs on various sites for business and recently went to a site that appears to keep opening tabs that can only be seen in Task Manager. I belive this has been happening before as when closing Firefox and watching Task Manger there always seemed to be a lot more app lines than tabs open.

It happened again today with just a few tabs open so I was able to detect the real culprit.

I have popups blocked in settings with a few exceptions ( does not include the site that I have found is causing issues) Example:

I had 15 tabs open. Opened a new tab for the above site. In no time at all Task Manger is showing 23 then jumped to 36.

the tab(s) can increase the firefox total memory used from .8GB to 2.6GB. CPU .7% to 70%+

I am sure this is not the only site doing this.

So my question: Is there a setting that will stop this happening whilst still using the site? Just tested using Edge and the same happens. Might just have to refrain from using the site. Thanks Peter

3일 전에 pbriscall님이 질문

Subject: Issues with Axios Requests and Extended Timeouts in Firefox 128

Hi everyone, Since updating to Firefox 128, I've encountered problems with my Axios requests that have extended timeouts. These requests used to work perfectly fine in p… (자세히 살펴보기)

Hi everyone,

Since updating to Firefox 128, I've encountered problems with my Axios requests that have extended timeouts. These requests used to work perfectly fine in previous versions of Firefox, but now they consistently fail sending status code = 0. I suspect there may have been some breaking changes in the latest update that could be affecting the way Axios handles timeouts.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Axios requests in Firefox 128? Are there any known breaking changes in this version that could be related to this problem? If so, is there a known solution or workaround to resolve this issue?

Thank you for your help!


This should provide enough context for the community to understand your problem and provide relevant assistance.

3일 전에 Vismar Fernández Santana님이 질문

Mozilla Firefox issue

I have an issue with firefox.If I click the tab ,it should move to next field.when I click up /down arrow in drop down field ,it is moving to next field without clicking … (자세히 살펴보기)

I have an issue with firefox.If I click the tab ,it should move to next field.when I click up /down arrow in drop down field ,it is moving to next field without clicking the tab's happening only in Firefox ,If I try in other browsers like chrome ,IE it works. Is this issue related to extension or browser version or should correct it in javascript code.what should I do??

3일 전에 anu0shree님이 질문

all of these questions & answers are old. Ok with Google but most of my info is on Mozilla Firefox. Whenever I sign on in the last 2 days rolling popups warning of System Alert, Virus Attack, etc with via information starting in pwq or cqb.

rolling popups Mozilla Firefox warning, system alert, attention virus attack - have to do multiple dismiss or x out the messages. not happening in google How do I up… (자세히 살펴보기)

rolling popups Mozilla Firefox warning, system alert, attention virus attack - have to do multiple dismiss or x out the messages.

not happening in google How do I update Firefox &/ or make these stop. Firefox was updating every time I went to a website but has not done that in a while

I try to print screen to show you but the warnings are in black The print screen goes behind it.

3일 전에 mwcrow님이 질문

Start automatically with windows NAG

Starting with v128 or so, there is a nag at the top of the browser window about starting Firefox automatically on boot. It only appeared a couple of times so far, but I'… (자세히 살펴보기)

Starting with v128 or so, there is a nag at the top of the browser window about starting Firefox automatically on boot.

It only appeared a couple of times so far, but I'd still like to know if there a setting to prevent this nag from ever appearing again?

3일 전에 tn님이 질문

connected devices

when i try and 'send tab to device' to another of my connected devices it shows 2 ipads. just that they are ipads with no further info. When i check my connected devices,… (자세히 살펴보기)

when i try and 'send tab to device' to another of my connected devices it shows 2 ipads. just that they are ipads with no further info. When i check my connected devices, there is only 1 ipad listed. This is very confusing as i used to have 2 ipads but gave one to a friend whom i no longer speak with. i have no idea if the tab i am sending is going to that ipad or my ipad so i have to send to both. how do i correct 'send tab to device' so it only shows the ipad that i am signed in on?

3일 전에 jkhcast님이 질문

Firefox blocks Instagram on

Windows 11 Pro - Firefox blocks Instagram. I have no site blocks on or in my Firefox browser. There aren't any plug-ins enable or preventing Firefox from opening Instag… (자세히 살펴보기)

Windows 11 Pro - Firefox blocks Instagram.

I have no site blocks on or in my Firefox browser. There aren't any plug-ins enable or preventing Firefox from opening Instagram and sometimes other sites, yet it does this now. Whether it is 1 tab or 8 tabs, the outcome is the same.

I've cleared the cache (daily), browser cookies, temp files (daily) and even restarted my computer many times, yet this issue still persists.

I have attached the error message and proof that I have the latest Firefox update.

Note: Other web browsers I use, don't have this issue. This issue is only with Firefox.

Please help me resolve this issue. Your help is greatly appreciated.

3일 전에 bondesq님이 질문

firefox newpage issue As shown in the picture, users should be able to change tabs freely on this page. But this caused some prob… (자세히 살펴보기)

As shown in the picture, users should be able to change tabs freely on this page. But this caused some problems on my browser. These white tabs cannot be edited, moved or removed by me.

My first two tabs are always blank (even if I try to change it and add a valid URL to it) and other tabs can be changed normally.

When I tried to move a changed normal tab to the first one, I found that my changed tabs became blank and they could not be changed back to normal.

This is very annoying for me. Please help me fix this problem

3일 전에 Jeff liang님이 질문

CSS - device-width breakage

My Stylesheet contains min-device-width with zoom property for body tag, but only in firefox the zoom property changes affects the body, but the device-width should affec… (자세히 살펴보기)

My Stylesheet contains min-device-width with zoom property for body tag, but only in firefox the zoom property changes affects the body, but the device-width should affect the body tag.

3일 전에 aravind zoho님이 질문

My passwords missing since your updates

You guys been having updates. I notice my account was no longer connected and had to tried signing in. My password did not work and had to reset for some reason. Once I s… (자세히 살펴보기)

You guys been having updates. I notice my account was no longer connected and had to tried signing in. My password did not work and had to reset for some reason. Once I signed in, all my passwords I had been syncing are gone. I been using firefox for a very long time with my passwords saved. Almost when you guys first release. Already tried your forums and steps, that's not helping to get back my sync passwords. I have always relied on you guys for my passwords for years. Please help me.

3일 전에 Nikey님이 질문 is blocking me from accecing my google accounts by rederecting me to

I'm having a problem and need your help. Every time I try to go to Gmail ( or Google Earth (, I get redirected to this site called … (자세히 살펴보기)

I'm having a problem and need your help. Every time I try to go to Gmail ( or Google Earth (, I get redirected to this site called which is the website my school uses to log in to school accounts. This is my home cumputer so i am not intrestend in that and would like to completly block from ever redirecting me. It's blocking me from logging into my accounts and using these services.

I've cleared my cache and cookies and even tried blocking with extensions, but nothing is working. This is really frustrating and messing up my ability to check my emails and use Google Earth.

Can you please help me fix this?

3일 전에 when cent님이 질문


I live in the UK and recently when going to the I get the website as after a few seconds. I know that I usually see .com when overseas and this is norma… (자세히 살펴보기)

I live in the UK and recently when going to the I get the website as after a few seconds. I know that I usually see .com when overseas and this is normal. Why has this started happening while I am still in the United Kingdom?

1주 전에 herman1rg님이 질문

1주 전에 herman1rg님이 마지막 답변

I've got a auto download file named wwcqxSmw without my permission

if (! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off' ) { // $redirect_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // header("Locati… (자세히 살펴보기)

if (! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off' ) { // $redirect_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // header("Location: $redirect_url"); // exit(); } ob_start("ob_gzhandler");

function microtime_float(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); }

if(($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=='')or($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']=='')){ $start_time=microtime_float(); }


setlocale(LC_ALL, 'bg_BG.UTF-8');

//header("Content-type:text/html"); $locname="bg"; require_once("configs/");

$pimvars['conf']['ismobile'] = is_mobile(); //echo $pimvars['conf']['ismobile']; //die ($pimvars['conf']['ismobile']);





} /* if(($_GET['full']=="true" or $_COOKIE['fulloff']=='true')){

   $pimvars['conf']['ismobile'] = 'false';

header('Location:'.$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit();




header('Location:'.$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit();


} }

  • /

// Connecting, selecting database

$dbh = @mysql_connect($pimvars["conf"]["db"]["host"], $pimvars["conf"]["db"]["user"], $pimvars["conf"]["db"]["pass"]) or fail(mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($pimvars["conf"]["db"]["name"]) or fail(mysql_error());

$tempres=mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'"); $tempres=mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");

set_error_handler("errorHandler", E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING);


$memcache = memcache_connect($pimvars['conf']['memcache'],11211) or warn('Could not connect to memcache server.');

$pimvars['cachekey'] = memcache_get($memcache, 'cachekey'); if(!$pimvars['cachekey']){

$pimvars['cachekey'] = time(); memcache_set($memcache, $pimvars['conf']['mobile_cache'].'cachekey', $pimvars['cachekey'], false, 3600*24); }





require_once(getcwd().'/lib/Smarty.class.php'); require_once(getcwd().'/lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');

$smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = '.'.$pimvars['conf']['mobile_templates'].'/templates'; $smarty->compile_dir = '.'.$pimvars['conf']['mobile_templates'].'/templates_c'; $smarty->cache_dir = './cache'; $smarty->config_dir = './configs';

$act = sec_check($_GET["act"],"str","");

$smarty->assign("loc",$pimvars["loc"]); $smarty->assign("design",$pimvars["conf"]["design"]); $smarty->assign("user",$pimvars["user"]); $smarty->assign("main_top",main_top()); $smarty->assign("main_menu",rubriki_menu()); $smarty->assign("menu_bottom",rubriki_menubottom()); $smarty->assign("content_bottom",content_menubottom()); $smarty->assign("main_body",main_main()); $smarty->assign("right_body",main_right()); $smarty->assign("partners",partners_first()); //$smarty->assign("weather",weather_top()); $smarty->assign("query_string",$_GET['qstr']);

if($act==){ $smarty->assign("featured",news_featured()); }

if($act!="" and $pimvars["loc"]["html_title"]){ $smarty->assign("html_title",$pimvars["loc"]["html_title"].' | '.$pimvars["loc"]["loc"]["4"]); $smarty->assign("html_title_min",$pimvars["loc"]["html_title_min"]); } else{ $smarty->assign("html_title",$pimvars["loc"]["loc"]["4"]); }

if($act!="" and $pimvars["conf"]["meta_description"]){ $smarty->assign("description",$pimvars["conf"]["meta_description"]); } else{ $smarty->assign("description",$pimvars["loc"]["loc"]["6"]); }

if($pimvars["loc"]["html_image"] != ){ $smarty->assign("html_image",$pimvars["loc"]["html_image"]); } else{ $smarty->assign("html_image",'https:'.$pimvars['conf']['baseurl'].'/design/logo.gif'); } $smarty->assign("conf",$pimvars["conf"]); $smarty->display("main.tpl");


if( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=='' || $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']=='' ){ $end_time=microtime_float();

echo "
    echo "\n\ntime to create and output ". ($end_time-$start_time);
    echo "\n";
    echo "



3일 전에 Веселин Минчев님이 질문

How can I make etc.. dark mode, since dark reader is blocked here

I find all white websites extremly unpleasant. I have other problems, but frankly I can't stand getting flashbanged like this. I have tried setting "Website appearance" … (자세히 살펴보기)

I find all white websites extremly unpleasant. I have other problems, but frankly I can't stand getting flashbanged like this.

I have tried setting "Website appearance"

To automatic, light, dark, it does nothing, does not respect this request apparently.

I searched in profile while logged in, there is no option to dark mode the website.

I understand that is a website you just visit rarely when you have a problem. So it is expected that the user will endure some discomfort. But this is just too annoying, I will search for my problems on stackoverflow instead argggg !

Alternatively, can I whitelist darkreader to work on all pages include ?

thanks !

3일 전에 Salon님이 질문

“new sign-in” message with wrong platform!

I received new sign-in message immediately after reconnecting my Firefox/Mozilla account in Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04, but the message claimed that I had just logged in in … (자세히 살펴보기)

I received new sign-in message immediately after reconnecting my Firefox/Mozilla account in Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04, but the message claimed that I had just logged in in Firefox on Windows 10!

3일 전에 rsbrux님이 질문

3일 전에 rsbrux님이 마지막 답변

Firefox pop-up stating "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave

When on , Firefox pop-up stating "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved." appears wi… (자세히 살펴보기)

When on , Firefox pop-up stating "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved." appears with out add data somewhere. Is not happening with other browsers or other devices.

3일 전에 Rest Tores님이 질문