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site images often do not load (ex: amazon shopping cart)

This started a week or two ago intermittantly on some websites. Today I cannot see any images of amazon items in the shopping cart. I can see the thumbnails in the righ… (자세히 살펴보기)

This started a week or two ago intermittantly on some websites. Today I cannot see any images of amazon items in the shopping cart. I can see the thumbnails in the right side bar, and if I click on an item, the image appears on its for sale page. Ebay usually shows the first image, but the rest won't load, unless I click on "unable to load images" and then they might. Or if I use the icon to put the images in their own box, I can < and > to navigate them

Turned the new "secure DNS" feature off & on, no difference. Turned off NoScript, no difference.

4일 전에 FireFoxSucks님이 질문

8시간 전에 cor-el님이 마지막 답변

I cannot any of my email to work either send or get

i cannot log on to either one of my E-mail accounts, I had lost a password and got a account recover key from Mozilla that won't work either. I need help Deanna Spencer … (자세히 살펴보기)

i cannot log on to either one of my E-mail accounts, I had lost a password and got a account recover key from Mozilla that won't work either. I need help

Deanna Spencer Dream Host cannot to get the mail to go through either

1개월 전에 dspencer2님이 질문

1개월 전에 jscher2000 - Support Volunteer님이 마지막 답변

Mozilla vs Dementia & Alzheimers - where is the User Interface that remains exactly the same for 25 years?

The fundamental nature of dementia and Alzheimers is that the victim cannot remember new information. But for some time they can recall information and processes which w… (자세히 살펴보기)

The fundamental nature of dementia and Alzheimers is that the victim cannot remember new information. But for some time they can recall information and processes which were learned previously.

After some years, they will be unable to utilize any of the technology they depend upon - they will not be able to turn on their device to make a phone call. They won't be able to locate the menu they need to utilize. Because all that changes CONSTANTLY. They will become helpless sooner than necessary. They will strain their families and the taxpayer sooner than necessary.

The only solution is for software makers to roll out, every 5 or 6 years, a "stable version" where the user interface will not change one iota for 25 years. Of course, they must still make internal updates for security and changes in the Internet Protocol layer system. The portions of the code that deal with the user must be modular to be plugged into newer hardware and communication protocols.

When someone is diagnosed with memory impairment, they will have time to learn the latest Stable Version.

This is a very fundamental change to business as usual, but there is no other solution other than continuing to balloon the cost of elder car.

In the old days this would be a call for an RFP...

2개월 전에 FireFoxSucks님이 질문

2개월 전에 cor-el님이 마지막 답변

Disabling update nag screen

I've got a really old MacBook Pro that's still running 10.13, and Firefox has started displaying a nag screen telling me that this version is no longer supported, and to … (자세히 살펴보기)

I've got a really old MacBook Pro that's still running 10.13, and Firefox has started displaying a nag screen telling me that this version is no longer supported, and to install a newer version of MacOS.

Is there something in the advanced settings that will stop it nagging me? I now know it's not going to get any more updates, there's no need to keep telling me every 20 minutes...

(Note to the devs: a "don't remind me again" checkbox would be nice for things like this!)

2개월 전에 julian.templeman님이 질문

2개월 전에 James님이 마지막 답변

Incorrect Password

I would like to change my password for Mozilla Firefox account. I am doing so because I have been notified of a password security breach. However, upon signing into my ac… (자세히 살펴보기)

I would like to change my password for Mozilla Firefox account. I am doing so because I have been notified of a password security breach. However, upon signing into my account via https://accounts.firefox.com/signin (it doesn't matter which device), I cannot change my password with the new one without the red-colored incorrect password window popping up. I know my signin is correct because I have just signed in using it. Whats the problem guys?

2개월 전에 curation님이 질문

2개월 전에 jscher2000 - Support Volunteer님이 마지막 답변

Wyłączenie blokady reklam

Dzień dobry, W mojej przeglądarce chciałabym skorzystać z czatu GPT, ale pojawia się komunikat, że żeby skorzystać muszę wyłączyć blokadę reklam. Szukałam takiego czegoś … (자세히 살펴보기)

Dzień dobry, W mojej przeglądarce chciałabym skorzystać z czatu GPT, ale pojawia się komunikat, że żeby skorzystać muszę wyłączyć blokadę reklam. Szukałam takiego czegoś w ustawieniach i firefox support, ale nie znalazłam nic co by pomogło w wyłączeniu blokady reklam. Czy mógłby mi ktoś pomóc i pokierować jak mogłabym wyłączyć blokadę reklam? Jeśli tak, byłabym wdzięczna.

Proszę o szybką odpowiedź

Pozdrawiam Lena Cieślak

2개월 전에 Lena Cieślak님이 질문

2개월 전에 cor-el님이 마지막 답변

Delete History fails to do a complete job

I've been noticing that when I click History > Clear Recent history, after clicking and going back to History, it hasn't removed everything. I have Firefox on my Andro… (자세히 살펴보기)

I've been noticing that when I click History > Clear Recent history, after clicking and going back to History, it hasn't removed everything. I have Firefox on my Android phone which is set to clear history upon close. For for unknown reasons, its leaving sites from both desktop and phone apps after clearing.

I'm running Firefox v 115.9.1esr on my Mac.

Any ideas?

2개월 전에 jontalk님이 질문

2개월 전에 zeroknight님이 마지막 답변

Authenticity verification

I just updated the Firefox browser and installed it successfully. When I tried to open the browser, I got a msg stating that the security of the page I am trying to open… (자세히 살펴보기)

I just updated the Firefox browser and installed it successfully. When I tried to open the browser, I got a msg stating that the security of the page I am trying to open has not been verfied. Really don't understand that since it is the firefox browser and this came from Mozilla. How do I correct that?

5개월 전에 Brian Davenport님이 질문

5개월 전에 cor-el님이 마지막 답변