Mozilla People Directory - Managing account data

Privacy and Security Privacy and Security 최종 변경일: 01/03/2023 75% of users voted this helpful
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What data do you receive from my account?

Required Account Data

  • Username
  • Email address

We will authenticate your account using OAuth.

Optional Account Data

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Location, time zone
  • Secondary email address
  • Telephone number
  • Biography (blank text box)
  • Access Groups
  • Tags
  • Languages
  • GitHub and Bugzilla identities
  • Links to other accounts (e.g. Discourse, Vouches, Matrix, IRC, Slack, Zoom and IRC)

How do I access my account data?

This is easily accessible by logging in to your account at

How do I update my account data?

You can update or edit your personal data at Sections that can be edited have a pencil icon in the top right corner of the section that on selection (and when you are signed in) allow you to edit the section.

How do I delete my account data?

To delete your account, contact by email.

How long do you keep my account data?

We keep it for as long as your account is open, unless you choose to delete it.

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