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Websites won't load properly when using FireFox

I'm having problems using Firefox in general. No websites will load properly except for the Firefox support site. It's not an internet issue because everything works fine… (read more)

I'm having problems using Firefox in general. No websites will load properly except for the Firefox support site. It's not an internet issue because everything works fine when I use Google Chrome (I'm typing this from Chrome). I tried deleting my history and clearing caches/cookies but that didn't fix anything. I've included some screenshots of what I'm dealing with below.

Asked by Macee (Juke Bokks) 4 hours ago

Last reply by scott_smart2000 3 hours ago

Cookiebot consent popup justifiably blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection settings?

If you open this website: with the option Enhanced Tracking Protection the cookiebot popup banner is not shown as the third party tracking cook… (read more)

If you open this website: with the option Enhanced Tracking Protection the cookiebot popup banner is not shown as the third party tracking cookie from domain is protected and NOT loaded.

Does this mean Mozilla Firefox sees the cookie as a third party tracking cookie that needs to be blocked as nobody gave consent to load the cookiebot consent popup?

Question 1: Is according to Mozilla Firefox a third party tracking cookie that needs to be blocked if you as a user want to have guarantees over your privacy online?

Question 2: Is it not strange to see Firefox blocking a widely used cookie consent system to protect users by giving consent to select which cookies will be set yes/no?

Asked by Jordan van Bergen 6 hours ago

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 hours ago

I've read the Enlarging the Font for menu bar and tabs.

I cannot find, from the Menu bar, Tools, Settings, General, scroll to bottom to Config Editor I have not been able to find this "Config Editor". I also did not find .css … (read more)

I cannot find, from the Menu bar, Tools, Settings, General, scroll to bottom to Config Editor I have not been able to find this "Config Editor". I also did not find .css file in that I might be able to modify. I am not understanding why the option isn't present in the settings for Firefox!

Asked by Kevin 15 hours ago

Last reply by thepillenwerfer 10 hours ago

Secure Connection Failed

After years of using Firefox and accessing my grocery store online for the weekly ad and specials it suddenly says shows me this when I try to open the website: Secure C… (read more)

After years of using Firefox and accessing my grocery store online for the weekly ad and specials it suddenly says shows me this when I try to open the website:

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to

   The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
   Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

When I look for solutions it tells me there is no way to allow this website to open now. What is going on? I don't care if it's a secure connection, it's just a grocery store ad.

Asked by srlatham8 20 hours ago

Last reply by Paul 13 hours ago

Absturz des Webbrowsers

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, leider wird beim Starten des Mozilla Webbrowsers folgende Fehlermeldung im Absturzbericht angezeigt: AdapterDeviceID: 0x4680 AdapterDrive… (read more)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

leider wird beim Starten des Mozilla Webbrowsers folgende Fehlermeldung im Absturzbericht angezeigt:

AdapterDeviceID: 0x4680 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 8953103c AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons:,,,, AvailablePageFile: 14618140672 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 16711909376 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138522598903808 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240704121409 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0x35 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 7 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1722400226 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Running GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1721637838 LastStartupWasCrash: 1 LauncherProcessState: 1 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Apple Inc.":["mdnsNSP.dll"],"ESET, spol. s r.o.":["eOppBrowser.dll"],"Microsoft Windows":["twinapi.dll","explorerframe.dll","dataexchange.dll","AudioSes.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","ktmw32.dll","directmanipulation.dll","textinputframework.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","Windows.UI.dll","wininet.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","wscapi.dll","wsock32.dll","winmm.dll","MMDevAPI.dll","version.dll","NapiNSP.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","winrnr.dll","nlansp_c.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","mscms.dll","dbgcore.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","dbghelp.dll","windows.staterepositorycore.dll","iertutil.dll","Windows.System.Launcher.dll","urlmon.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","avrt.dll","directxdatabasehelper.dll","wshbth.dll","DWrite.dll","dcomp.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","npmproxy.dll","winhttp.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","msvcp110_win.dll","propsys.dll","netprofm.dll","uxtheme.dll","dxgi.dll","dwmapi.dll","winnsi.dll","DXCore.dll","WinTypes.dll","","slc.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","winsta.dll","srvcli.dll","netutils.dll","umpdc.dll","powrprof.dll","wtsapi32.dll","secur32.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","ntmarta.dll","sspicli.dll","msv1_0.dll","mswsock.dll","cryptbase.dll","msasn1.dll","NtlmShared.dll","ntasn1.dll","ncrypt.dll","devobj.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","profapi.dll","bcrypt.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","wintrust.dll","ucrtbase.dll","crypt32.dll","win32u.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","gdi32full.dll","msvcp_win.dll","user32.dll","kernel32.dll","imm32.dll","ole32.dll","gdi32.dll","shlwapi.dll","SHCore.dll","msvcrt.dll","advapi32.dll","shell32.dll","clbcatq.dll","nsi.dll","setupapi.dll","combase.dll","msctf.dll","ws2_32.dll","oleaut32.dll","sechost.dll","psapi.dll","rpcrt4.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll","VCRUNTIME140_1.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","xul.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","freebl3.dll","osclientcerts.dll","mozglue.dll","nssckbi.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} Notes: FP(D00-L1000-W0000100-T00) DWrite? DWrite+ WR? 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TelemetryServerURL: TelemetrySessionId: 2e9c5cae-5f81-42c4-83c9-cf70aaeafdd6 Throttleable: 1 TotalPageFile: 36160798720 TotalPhysicalMemory: 34013315072 TotalVirtualMemory: 140737488224256 UptimeTS: 10.53031 Vendor: Mozilla Version: 128.0 Winsock_LSP: Hyper-V RAW : 2 : 34 : 1 : 1 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 1234191b-4bf7-4ca7-86e0-dfd7c32b5445

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useragent_locale: de Diese Meldung enthält Informationen über den Status der Anwendung zum Zeitpunkt des Absturzes.

Asked by wolf33 16 hours ago

Last reply by Adeel Ahmad 15 hours ago

How to keep FF from closing when closing last tab?

howdy y'all, ff = 128.03 os = win11 extensions = problem still there when all off when i close the last tab ... firefox closes. [*sigh*] way back when [several years ag… (read more)

howdy y'all,

ff = 128.03 os = win11 extensions = problem still there when all off

when i close the last tab ... firefox closes. [*sigh*] way back when [several years ago], i could close all the tabs quickly and still have FF open and ready to go to my next site.

how can i get FF to behave as i want? [*grin*]

take care, rld

Asked by RLDailey 20 hours ago

Last reply by TechHorse 19 hours ago

Why hasn't Mozilla fixed the terrible verticle scroll bar too thin issue?

I've been using Mozilla Firefox since ... well, before Firefox, I used Netscape, your great-great-grandfather. I am not blind. I have some issues with visual objects on… (read more)

I've been using Mozilla Firefox since ... well, before Firefox, I used Netscape, your great-great-grandfather.

I am not blind. I have some issues with visual objects on web pages like scroll bars when you can't effectively use them. They are too thin. Mozilla has had complaints about this since 2022.

Please Fix them. Otherwise I may have to migrate to Chrome or Edge and leave my Mozilla legacy behind for a differnent fork in browsers. It's a dealbreaker folks. People will leave this browser and probably are every day for one stupid reason. Scroll bars than are inaccessible without using something like windows magnifier when you need to scroll.\

C'mon Fix the scroll bars!!

Asked by Jim Muir Firefox 1 day ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 day ago

The VA recommends against Firefox

I use the Department of Veteran Affairs for my health care. They set us a system that works well for me to get care appointments, order medications and send messages, an… (read more)

I use the Department of Veteran Affairs for my health care. They set us a system that works well for me to get care appointments, order medications and send messages, and called it MyHealtheVet. It is being merged into larger data bases, I think, and no longer works in a small area for me: Surveys. So I sent a Help Desk inquiry to them and received a reply that says:

Dear Veteran L, Friendly tip: Please ensure that you are using internet browser Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for quality internet service. The issues with Firefox, Safari, Internet explorer internet browsers does not provide full access of the portal and will continue to provide some type of error message. Thank you for your Service to our Nation. We are in this together. V/R B----- D----- My HealtheVet Assistant Veteran’s Experience Office Bay Pines VA Health Care System PO Box 5005 (OOCR) Bay Pines, FL 33744

I read in Mozilla help instructions that there are changes to my settings that may work for me, but my concern is that the VA folks are going down a path that leaves out Firefox. If I need to start using Edge or Chrome for MyHealtheVet because that is what it is, fine. I'm just surprised.

Asked by Jay 2 days ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 day ago

Some Sites are lagging

i have been working for several days on the same website that I'm now, and it starts lagging and turning the screen to black until I close the browser completely idk why … (read more)

i have been working for several days on the same website that I'm now, and it starts lagging and turning the screen to black until I close the browser completely idk why is this happening while it works on other browsers perfectly. please fix this

Asked by Aseel x 2 days ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 day ago

Firefox opening two windows at startup

Firefox is now opening two windows at startup: one that has my previous session (which I always prefer) and one window with one blank tab. It used to open only the saved… (read more)

Firefox is now opening two windows at startup: one that has my previous session (which I always prefer) and one window with one blank tab. It used to open only the saved session. What can I do do change this. Thank you. (I have Firefox 122 version)

Asked by VegRunner66 5 months ago

Last reply by solkeys 1 day ago

Update available prompt

I am constantly getting a message on my Win computer saying an update for Firefox is available? Happens all day, many times a day. But when I press update, nothing happ… (read more)

I am constantly getting a message on my Win computer saying an update for Firefox is available? Happens all day, many times a day. But when I press update, nothing happens.

Asked by Oscar Levant 2 days ago

Last reply by cor-el 2 days ago

Firefox updated to 127 even though I indicated not to

I first mentioned this in r/Firefox, and was asked to re-post here. My FF just updated to 127.0.1 even though I have "Check for updates but let you choose to install the… (read more)

I first mentioned this in r/Firefox, and was asked to re-post here.

My FF just updated to 127.0.1 even though I have "Check for updates but let you choose to install them" and told it to wait. This was on a Windows 11 box. Everything seemed fine, but then one of my tabs crashed. I selected the reload tab option, at which point it informed me it could not load the tab because a background update had happened and I was now required to restart Firefox.

I'm not certain what version of FF I was on, I believe it was either 126 or 126.0.1.

Now, to be completely fair, I cannot with 100% certainty say that I clicked on the update later option. That said, as I _did not want to update then_, and I have put off the update before, it seems unlikely I would have made the mistake, but I wasn't recording everything I did so I can't play it back and prove it. My initial reaction was to associate it with the tab crashing somehow, as everything was working as expected right up until that moment.


Asked by pobox3 4 weeks ago

Last reply by ncalexander 5 days ago

I keep getting pop up box "please enter your primary password"

I have no idea but a pop up box keeps coming up even when logged in Password Required-Mozilla Firefox "please enter your primary password" No idea why hope its not a spa… (read more)

I have no idea but a pop up box keeps coming up even when logged in Password Required-Mozilla Firefox "please enter your primary password" No idea why hope its not a spammer scam

Asked by JIM454 2 days ago

Last reply by cor-el 2 days ago

Copying text on some websites some lines get lost

This data some of the lines with underscore gets lost if I try to copy them in Firefox but works in Chrome… (read more)

This data some of the lines with underscore gets lost if I try to copy them in Firefox but works in Chrome

FörnamnUlrika Eleonora EfternamnFalström Titel/YrkeFriherrinnan Dödsdatum1754-11-29 DödsförsamlingÄlghult DödslänKronoberg Ålder60 år Könf Källor Källa: Älghult C:2 (1717-1760) Bild 216 / Sida 423 Genväg r12.p122825682

Skapad av Kronobergs Genealogiska Förening

Asked by Per Olof Johansson 3 days ago

Last reply by cor-el 3 days ago

An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR … (read more)

An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR


Asked by moalem.yousofzahi01 3 days ago

Last reply by e73054351 3 days ago