შეკითხვები ჭდეებით: ყველა კითხვის ჩვენება

mozilla monitor

I'm considering purchasing Mozilla monitor Plus. How many email addresses will I be able to have scanned if I sign up for that product? My wife & I currently have 3 e… (ვრცლად)

I'm considering purchasing Mozilla monitor Plus. How many email addresses will I be able to have scanned if I sign up for that product? My wife & I currently have 3 email addresses we use.

კითხვის დამსმელია vpops 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი James 2 თვის წინ

many issues with YouTube on Firefox on pixel 8

On YouTube the video will start playing but the rectangle it should be in will still be black, refreshing usually works. Sometimes a video will simply stop playing. Somet… (ვრცლად)

On YouTube the video will start playing but the rectangle it should be in will still be black, refreshing usually works. Sometimes a video will simply stop playing. Sometimes i have to close all apps and restart the browser twice to get it to work. Sometimes trying to go to full screen will crash the app. Sometimes popping the app out of full screen into a floating window crashes it. This one is new, it's the uploaded screenshot, it crashed mid video and made the video look funny.

კითხვის დამსმელია David Vanderheide 2 თვის წინ

Trying to update email address

Am trying to update my email address. When I try to make the secondary the primary, it wants a verification code entered. The field for this code will not let me paste it… (ვრცლად)

Am trying to update my email address. When I try to make the secondary the primary, it wants a verification code entered. The field for this code will not let me paste it or enter it manually. Will this glitch be fixed soon?

კითხვის დამსმელია Carmen 2 თვის წინ

I want to write an addon firewall but it fails

#!/bin/bash # Verzeichnis erstellen mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit # package.json erstellen cat <<EOF > package.json { "title": "Foxy A… (ვრცლად)


# Verzeichnis erstellen
mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall
cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit

# package.json erstellen
cat <<EOF > package.json
  "title": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
  "name": "foxy-addon-firewall",
  "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
  "author": "Your Name",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "license": "MIT"

# background.js erstellen
cat <<EOF > background.js
var permissionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]

// Addon-Liste abrufen
function getAllAddons() {
    var {AddonManager} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", {});
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(addons) {

// GUI aktualisieren
function updateUI() {
    getAllAddons().then(function(addons) {
        var addonList = document.getElementById("addon-list");
        addonList.innerHTML = ""; // Zurücksetzen der Liste

        addons.forEach(function(addon) {
            var listItem = document.createElement("li");
            listItem.textContent = addon.name;
            var blockButton = document.createElement("button");
            blockButton.textContent = "Block";
            blockButton.addEventListener("click", function() {


// Internetzugriff für ein bestimmtes Addon blockieren
function blockInternetAccessForAddon(addon) {
    var host = addon.getResourceURI("").host;
    permissionManager.remove(host, "allAccess");
    console.log("Internetzugriff für " + addon.name + " wurde blockiert.");

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    updateUI(); // GUI beim Laden der Seite aktualisieren

# index.html erstellen
cat <<EOF > index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Foxy AddOn Firewall</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  <h1>Foxy AddOn Firewall</h1>
  <p>Welcome to Foxy AddOn Firewall!</p>

  <h2>Installed Addons:</h2>
  <ul id="addon-list">
    <!-- Addon-Liste wird hier eingefügt -->

  <script src="background.js"></script>

# style.css erstellen
cat <<EOF > style.css
body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  text-align: center;

h1 {
  color: #007bff;

h2 {
  margin-top: 20px;

ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;

li {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

button {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;

button:hover {
  background-color: #0056b3;

# manifest.json erstellen
cat <<EOF > manifest.json
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
  "icons": {
    "48": "icon.png"
  "permissions": [
  "browser_action": {
    "default_popup": "index.html",
    "default_icon": "icon.png"

# Icon herunterladen
wget -O icon.png "https://img.icons8.com/ios-filled/50/000000/firewall.png"

# Installationsanweisungen anzeigen
echo "FoxyAddOnFirewall wurde erfolgreich initialisiert!"
echo "Um das Addon in Firefox zu installieren:"
echo "1. Öffnen Sie Firefox und geben Sie 'about:debugging' in die Adressleiste ein."
echo "2. Klicken Sie auf 'Dieses Firefox installieren' unter 'Temporäre Add-ons laden'."
echo "3. Navigieren Sie zum Verzeichnis 'FoxyAddOnFirewall' und wählen Sie die 'manifest.json' Datei aus."
echo "4. Das Addon wird nun installiert und kann verwendet werden."

კითხვის დამსმელია j.sobiech 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 თვის წინ

Username data field

While this is a Privacy and Security setting issue - at least tangentially - my question isn't about security so much as how this data is being stored/retrieved. I navig… (ვრცლად)

While this is a Privacy and Security setting issue - at least tangentially - my question isn't about security so much as how this data is being stored/retrieved.

I navigated to an entirely new site the other day and it requested a username and password. When the cursor was in the Username field, a set of proposed entries showed up. These were all (recognizable) first names - not emails. When I checked the Privacy and Security settings, I couldn't find any of the names in stored data. While this may be just cached entries for similar fields ("username" or "name" etc...), the list I saw was heavily curated. One of the names I don't ever recall even entering in any name field (and wouldn't have been used for any login) - but even if I had, the list that I saw was far from exhaustive and would only have been a very specific subset of any data I would have entered into any "name" or "username" field.

Is there somewhere I can find how that list was generated?

Thank you,

კითხვის დამსმელია nikolai42 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 თვის წინ

Disable "Entering Full Screen Mode" Message in Firefox Android

Hi, In Firefox Android, Could you add an option to disable the display of the message "Entering Full Screen Mode" when entering a full screen mode for a web app such as … (ვრცლად)


In Firefox Android, Could you add an option to disable the display of the message "Entering Full Screen Mode" when entering a full screen mode for a web app such as an online video player? I find it annoying because I can clearly see that the video player is in full screen mode and the message just blocks whatever I'm trying to view in the video player like the subtitles of a video.

კითხვის დამსმელია imninja007 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი Paul 2 თვის წინ

  • გადაწყვეტილი

Can I keep Firefox DevEd and Firefox isolated?

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Please read my post completely before answering! Thank you! I'm using Firefox DevEd (manually installed) as my primary driver and the … (ვრცლად)

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please read my post completely before answering! Thank you!

I'm using

  • Firefox DevEd (manually installed) as my primary driver and
  • the standard Firefox (installed from the package manager) for leisure/hobby related browsing

each with its own Mozilla account and profile, on Manjaro KDE. Sadly, either Firefox sees all the profiles. They have usually different versions. If I mistakenly start one of the Foxes in the other Fox's profile, the newer version of Firefox (usually Firefox DevEd) autostarts migrating that profile. Which it renders the profile "corrupted" for its intended Firefox.

I'd like to have Firefox DevEd unable to see profiles (or anything else) intended for the standard Firefox and vice versa. Or at least unable to botch profiles. I do not want to disable migration or use no. Given that Firefox configuration location is hard-coded, I'm not having high hopes for my wish.

I'm wondering if there is a way to keep two Firefox installations completely isolated, other than running them in containers.

Thank you for your time!

კითხვის დამსმელია The G 3 თვის წინ

პასუხის გამცემია zeroknight 3 თვის წინ

  • გადაწყვეტილი

Inter font not dispalying properly

I've installed Inter font from Google fonts (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Inter) on my windows, but as you can see in the image, the font is not displaying correctly… (ვრცლად)

I've installed Inter font from Google fonts (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Inter) on my windows, but as you can see in the image, the font is not displaying correctly in Firefox.

კითხვის დამსმელია Aram 2 თვის წინ

პასუხის გამცემია jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 თვის წინ

AOL icon link in Firefox

How do I setup AOL as my default email when I click on the Email link icon? Currently, only Gmail shows a link and I am not sure how to get AOL as the default.

კითხვის დამსმელია Fred B 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი zeroknight 2 თვის წინ

Firefox for Android does not follow system theme changes

Firefox for Android does not follow system theme changes i.e. dark to light. Discovered on Samsung Galaxy A22, Android 14 and Firefox 124.2.0 Steps to reproduce: Co… (ვრცლად)

Firefox for Android does not follow system theme changes i.e. dark to light.

Discovered on Samsung Galaxy A22, Android 14 and Firefox 124.2.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure Android to automatically switch themes. For Samsung Galaxy this is Settings - Dark Mode Settings - Turn on as scheduled
  2. Wait until Android toggles theme from dark to light.
  3. Notice Firefox has a black border.
  4. Go into Application info for Firefox and force stop, then reopen
  5. Now notice it doesn't.

This is a reopen of this archived issue: 1421453

კითხვის დამსმელია Chris Vitalos 2 თვის წინ

Serious Problem: Firefox Only Opens In "Safe Mode"???

Greetings everyone, I've had this problem for a while and I don't know what to do. I had a problem where Firefox kept crashing before it had finished loading up all of… (ვრცლად)

Greetings everyone,

I've had this problem for a while and I don't know what to do.

I had a problem where Firefox kept crashing before it had finished loading up all of my former tabs and windows and so I was given the option of opening Firefox in "Safe mode" which I did, but now Firefox only starts in "Safe mode"...

I'm running the most up to date version of Firefox.

Thank you for any help!

კითხვის დამსმელია Helpless_Quest 3 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი Helpless_Quest 2 თვის წინ

ALL bookmarks wiped out by April 2024 Firefox update to Android phone 😡

Why were my bookmarks wiped out by April 2024 forced Firefox update to my Android Samsung S21 Ultra? 😡 Since I don't synch, can't find a way to restore my many bookmarks.… (ვრცლად)

Why were my bookmarks wiped out by April 2024 forced Firefox update to my Android Samsung S21 Ultra? 😡 Since I don't synch, can't find a way to restore my many bookmarks.

კითხვის დამსმელია Ki Ki 2 თვის წინ

many issues with YouTube on Firefox on pixel 8

On YouTube the video will start playing but the rectangle it should be in will still be black, refreshing usually works. Sometimes a video will simply stop playing. Somet… (ვრცლად)

On YouTube the video will start playing but the rectangle it should be in will still be black, refreshing usually works. Sometimes a video will simply stop playing. Sometimes i have to close all apps and restart the browser twice to get it to work. Sometimes trying to go to full screen will crash the app. Sometimes popping the app out of full screen into a floating window crashes it. This one is new, it's the uploaded screenshot, it crashed mid video and made the video look funny.

კითხვის დამსმელია David Vanderheide 2 თვის წინ

  • გადაწყვეტილი

How do I disable search suggestions based on my search history, without deleting my search history?

I've disabled this for my google account. So when I search from google.com this behavior doesn't happen. But when I type anything into my address bar on Firefox to search… (ვრცლად)

I've disabled this for my google account. So when I search from google.com this behavior doesn't happen. But when I type anything into my address bar on Firefox to search, the first suggestions are from my search history.

I don't want to delete my search history.

I often use my search history to find specific things that I need, but didn't bookmark at the time. I need my search history to be saved. I just don't want to automatically receive suggestions based on it.

Is there any way to turn this off? Even with an extension or something?

კითხვის დამსმელია Clinton Graham 2 თვის წინ

პასუხის გამცემია jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 თვის წინ

Pinning an app

Am I able to pin a podcast app player that is no longer available in the Google play store nor has an email or website? I would like to put it on my homepage as I use it … (ვრცლად)

Am I able to pin a podcast app player that is no longer available in the Google play store nor has an email or website? I would like to put it on my homepage as I use it all the time.

კითხვის დამსმელია grayfloyd21 2 თვის წინ

Firefox informs me that I need to update every few days

Does Firefox really need to update repeatedly, every few days? I used to accept these but then I started losing my tabs.

კითხვის დამსმელია Pamela Luft 2 თვის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი cor-el 2 თვის წინ