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I am afraid to update to Firefox 124 since I don't want the new default of ordering tabs by how recently they were opened to kick in before I have a chance to preserve the existing tab order.

I am afraid to update to Firefox 124 for fear of losing the existing order of 100s of open tabs if the default setting of ordering tabs by "Recently Opened" kicks in befo… (続きを読む)

I am afraid to update to Firefox 124 for fear of losing the existing order of 100s of open tabs if the default setting of ordering tabs by "Recently Opened" kicks in before I have a chance to change the setting to "Tab Order". Can anyone help me? I'd like to upgrade to 124 if I can do so safely!

2 か月前 に PLS1 が質問

2 か月前 に jscher2000 - Support Volunteer最後の返信

Updating Firefox & losing open tabs.

Yesterday, I was invited to update Firefox on my desk-top PC running Windows 10. When I did, all of my open tabs were absent from the new version. Luckily the old versi… (続きを読む)

Yesterday, I was invited to update Firefox on my desk-top PC running Windows 10. When I did, all of my open tabs were absent from the new version. Luckily the old version was still open with my open tabs. Today, my old version opened again with the open tabs and a window that said the automatic updated didn't happen. It invited me to update again. I clicked on "More information" and it went to an error message. My question is, how do I save all of my open tabs when I update Firefox?

2 か月前 に Eli Dumitru が質問

2 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Loosing Open Tabs

Why am I losing my open tabs. I have it set to open where left off. This has happened about 3 times recently. It is a huge inconvenience as I have multiple windows w… (続きを読む)

Why am I losing my open tabs. I have it set to open where left off.

This has happened about 3 times recently. It is a huge inconvenience as I have multiple windows with a lot of tabs open in each. It is too active and difficult to save them all as bookmarks. I thought if you were signed into your account, that would automatically remember what your open tabs were.

I think it has something to do with clearing history. A couple times that function seemed to stall. Like this time. This doesn't happen all the time though. I can clear data & history, have all my tabs sitting there, and they are restored when I go back in, as usual.

I am going to have to change browsers if this continues because I need all my working tabs, many which I will not even remember, to get back to manually.

I just turned sync on (was reluctant to do that as I don't know all the specifics how it works). My mobile phone open tabs did not wipe out as I feared probably because looks like I'm not signed in there. Might have lost everything there also. But does having sync turned on keep things stored in your account so it can't get wiped out?

3 か月前 に m267 が質問

2 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Is there an add-on that enables when clicked links are opened in new tabs ---> THAT TAB's volume ALREADY muted ?

Here the scenario that presents the issue that I'm curious about. I go to a lot of sports websites to check game times, scores, box score statistics, etc. While at page… (続きを読む)

Here the scenario that presents the issue that I'm curious about.

I go to a lot of sports websites to check game times, scores, box score statistics, etc.

While at pages listing the scores of multiple games that are still being played (in-progress), there's an option to click a link on any individual game to see per-player stats about their performance so far in that game, etc.

So, when I click a right-click a link and select to open it in a new tab, fine, it opens okay, no problem there.

However, within the page of the newly opened tab, there is usually a right sidebar column, that is mostly a series of ads and links to related content, yet, there's always at least 1 (and sometimes 2-3,etc) that have embedded video highlight reels in players embedded directly into the page that automatically begin playing when the page/tab loads. It may take a few seconds, maybe up to 30 seconds, but it will eventually start. And, as you probably can guess, yes, of course you have to sit thru a 30-second ad before the real content.

These are little sidebar embedded video players on my 27" 4K screen are no more than a few square inches, with tiny little control buttons, such as pause, volume sliders, etc, the usual array, and a "[+]" expand-icon to expand the player size to full-screen.

So therein lies the nuisance. And it is really annoying. When the tab opens, that little highlights-reel video player is off to the side, very small, barely noticeable to begin with, and at first page load, usually SILENT. But that doesn't mean it's muted, it's not- it just hasn't fully loaded yet and self-started began playing YET.

And then when it finally does, the volume is usually at a default setting of MAXIMUM. And it is LOUD.

It's a pain in the neck that anytime I click a link at any of these kinds of sites by major sports networks that over time you learn to expect that the page is gonna get audio-hijacked whether or not the user is even remotely interested in that content (way over there in that little inky-dinky player on the right), and it just absolutely RUINS the user-experience overall IMHO.

I'm looking for an ADD-ON / EXTENSION that remedies this, ...or-- asking any of you developers who may be reading this to take this post VERY SERIOUSLY. I absolutely can't believe I'm the only user P.O.'d with this horrible "SNAFU" with major sports networks websites. To call it an "inconvenience" is the understatement of the century.

Just to be clear, ad-block has absolutely no effect (ZERO) on this. Cookies ? I'm using Privazer in addition to Firefox's own Privacy & Security settings and built-in cookie cleaning capabilities. And I have used that tandem for years, with remarkably fantastic results, no complaint there, everything works great as far as that is concerned. Except of course the issue of this post/inquiry - this problem doesn't get fixed by clearing cookies or caches, it's apparently loaded & controlled at the server-side, so I'm looking for a way to over-ride that by the client-side by having new tabs open with volume muted as default page-load value (if such a thing is possible).

Also, the above scenario, is my most frequently encountered PERSONALLY, however this issue happens also at quite a number of other website pages where sidebar video content is regularly displayed such as tabloid/ journalism websites, product review websites, and the list goes on and on.....

Getting back to the title of this post ::: "" Is there an add-on that enables when clicked links are opened in new tabs ---> THAT TAB's volume ALREADY muted ? "" .... if there already is an option for this in firefox open new tabs settings please remind me where to find it..... because I am pulling my hair out over this... thanks all.

Version last update :: Firefox Version 112.0.2 (64-bit) Operating System :: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit | Version 22H2 | (OS Build - 19045.4239) Misc Info :: i7-3540M CPU @ 3.00 GHz | 8 GB RAM | Dell Latitude

2 か月前 に Jim “Jim Throwaway” Tomsen が質問

2 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Firefox reopens previous tabs while incognito window is active

As long as I have an incognito window open, Firefox will reopen old tabs everytime I open a new "regular" window, even if "Open previous windows and tabs" is unchecked. … (続きを読む)

As long as I have an incognito window open, Firefox will reopen old tabs everytime I open a new "regular" window, even if "Open previous windows and tabs" is unchecked.

5 か月前 に lokeyhermit が質問

3 か月前 に Graham最後の返信

how to permanently keep the warning about closing multiple tab

how to permanently keep the warning about closing multiple tabs? Every so often, probably due to an unseen update, when I press the red X at the top of of a page where m… (続きを読む)

how to permanently keep the warning about closing multiple tabs?

Every so often, probably due to an unseen update, when I press the red X at the top of of a page where multiple tabs are open, to see how many tabs are open, they disappear, and the preference option to not close multiple tabs without warning (which says the # of tabs open), has to be turned back on.

3 か月前 に johnlk99 が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Lost sessions again!

FF doesn't reliably open my last session. It used to but for nearly 18 months now it has become hit and miss. I have FF docked on my taskbar (Win 7 sp1) when I click it s… (続きを読む)

FF doesn't reliably open my last session. It used to but for nearly 18 months now it has become hit and miss. I have FF docked on my taskbar (Win 7 sp1) when I click it some times it opens all my tabs (I have it set to do that) but more frequently it doesn't and just opens one tab. Usually I catch it and in history select the tab showing many other tabs and I get it all back, but this doesn't always work like today, no option to do that because there's nothing there. When is it likely to be fixed, I've been complaining about this for months. I've even suggested FF collects a stack of last sessions (say 20) each time a session is closed and have a fixed entry for that in the menu, but nothing seems to change. I'm heartily sick of it, it's such a basic requirement of any browser and yet with FF it's just a pain in the neck.

3 か月前 に `Vic が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Can't restore Firefox session after doing System Restore in Windows 10

I used System Restore in Windows because I lost my Search Engine in Firefox and it didn't exist in "Customize Toolbar" option. I researched how to get the Search Engine b… (続きを読む)

I used System Restore in Windows because I lost my Search Engine in Firefox and it didn't exist in "Customize Toolbar" option. I researched how to get the Search Engine back but nothing worked. I thought System Restore would solve the problem. Now I can't restore my previous Firefox session. And I can't find a sessionstore.jsonlz4 file. I read you have to rename a file in sessionstore-backups folder to sessionstore.jsonlz4 but I don't know which file to rename. I also read you can restore a recent upgrade.jsonlz4 but that is dated 3/5/24. I loaded previous.jsonlz4 file using the Scrounger tool but that didn't restore the session I had. (The previous.jsonlz4 file is dated 3/22/24 about 45 minutes ago.) I want to restore the session I was using earlier in the day. And "Restore Session" option has disappeared from the Firefox History dropdown menu. I tried the "Restore Firefox" option but that didn't help anything and it made my dropdown menus disappear. I have no idea how to get the session back that I was using earlier in the day.

3 か月前 に rjc7394 が質問

3 か月前 に jscher2000 - Support Volunteer最後の返信

Firefox preventing Win10 going into sleep mode

Hi I read these articles and they doesnt help to resolve the problem https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1349609 https://support.mozilla.org/bm/questions/1206172… (続きを読む)

Hi I read these articles and they doesnt help to resolve the problem https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1349609 https://support.mozilla.org/bm/questions/1206172 https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/ip88y7/firefox_is_preventing_windows_10_from/?rdt=53488

Problem: I have Win10. Firefox 107. I have noticed that if I have opened only regular/textual web pages in my tabs like news/articles then PC goes to sleep after specified time of inactivity. But if I open in the one tab some media content like videoclip/animation/movies and put media content on pause then PC doesnt go to sleep after specified time. PC goes to sleep only by manual command (Start>Sleep). Even If I close the tab with media content PC doesnt go to sleep after specified time. I should or totally close the browser with all opened tabs or manually select Start>Sleep.

Could you help to resolve this issue ?

On the screenshots are shown that some of firefox processes couldn't stop making some activity, every second they make some web request or disk operation. May be this is reason why PC cant go to sleep. But again, this is happen only or some media content is put on pause or some tab with media content has been closed.

3 か月前 に Alex Blade が質問

3 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Firefox never restore my tabs

Hi, Since few weeks ago, firefox never restores my previous tabs/session (I lost a year worth of tabs..), no matter what/how I tried, it keeps starting with a clean sess… (続きを読む)

Hi, Since few weeks ago, firefox never restores my previous tabs/session (I lost a year worth of tabs..), no matter what/how I tried, it keeps starting with a clean session, not even the history in there. I tried: Deleting profile, creating a new one Resetting Firefox Fully delete FF and delete the profile folder Heck, I even used librewolf, and even FF on linux and also Librewolf, same issue!!

I notice this happen once I enable the sync (login to my account), there's no setting in my account says to never restore the session or something similar.

How to solve it?! I need to have the tabs open again..

3 か月前 に null が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Losing all tabs when closing FF on MacOS with the red cross at the top left

Hi, I use the latest FF for MacOS. When I "close" Firefox by clicking the red cross in the top left corner of the window, I lose all open tabs when I start again despit… (続きを読む)


I use the latest FF for MacOS.

When I "close" Firefox by clicking the red cross in the top left corner of the window, I lose all open tabs when I start again despite having the option of restoring the previous session checked. When I "close" the whole thing (right click on FF in the Dock, Quit, and then re-open), all my tabs are back normally.

So basically every time i click this red cross, by mistake or not, I lose anything that's open.

Feels like I did not have this issue before.

Anyone has a workaround or experiences a similar issue?


3 か月前 に AussieUser が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Favorite shortcuts in new tab randomly deleted

I have pinned various shortcuts in the New tab to link to websites I frequently use. I use two different laptops and both are configured the same. However the New tab r… (続きを読む)

I have pinned various shortcuts in the New tab to link to websites I frequently use. I use two different laptops and both are configured the same. However the New tab randomly clears the pinned shortcuts. I have attached two screenshots illustrating the changes.

I'm not aware of anything I do that caused the shortcuts to be deleted. When they are pinned I think they should be there permanently.

3 か月前 に rousea が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Yahoo search opening new tabs

Just recently been getting yahoo search engine results to open in new tabs rather than the same tab. I have searched for other users that have the same problem and have d… (続きを読む)

Just recently been getting yahoo search engine results to open in new tabs rather than the same tab. I have searched for other users that have the same problem and have done the tracking protection thing and deleted cookies, but nothing helped. Also tried Troubleshooting Mode and it still persists. Any other ideas that may help? I'd appreciate it.

3 か月前 に Orlando Soto (DeviantWolf) が質問

3 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Open custom url when opeing a new tab

Is it normal that we should install an extension to be able to open a specific url when opening a tab. That don't work because of x-frame options. We already can add a … (続きを読む)

Is it normal that we should install an extension to be able to open a specific url when opening a tab. That don't work because of x-frame options.

We already can add a custom url for new windows, so why not for tabs.

Firefox is taking weird directions.

3 か月前 に valentin.jeudy が質問

3 か月前 に zeroknight最後の返信

Tabs Crashing

Everytime I try to open a tab on my Firefox window, it loads for a second before a blank screen saying that my tab has crashed. The only times I can open a new tab is on … (続きを読む)

Everytime I try to open a tab on my Firefox window, it loads for a second before a blank screen saying that my tab has crashed. The only times I can open a new tab is on a private window.

4 か月前 に honologobo36 が質問

3 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信

Assistance with Tab Activation Order

Hello! Can you help me sort out a little problem? I am reaching out to seek assistance with a specific issue I am encountering in the Firefox browser. In my previous bro… (続きを読む)

Hello! Can you help me sort out a little problem? I am reaching out to seek assistance with a specific issue I am encountering in the Firefox browser.

In my previous browser, when opening new tabs, they were considered active even if I did not immediately switch to them. This behavior allowed me to open multiple tabs, for example, by using the mouse wheel to open several videos from the main YouTube page. Subsequently, when closing the main page, the videos would be available in the order they were opened, facilitating a seamless viewing experience.

Upon transitioning to Firefox, I have attempted to configure the browser to replicate this behavior using the Sidebery extension. However, even with the extension, new tabs are not recognized as active unless I explicitly switch to them, making it challenging to maintain the desired tab activation order.

I have explored various settings and experimented with the Sidebery extension but have not been successful in achieving the desired result. In contrast, the Yandex browser, with the "Switch to the previous active tab when closing a tab" option enabled, behaves in the manner I am accustomed to.

Could you please provide guidance on how I can configure Firefox to consider new tabs active immediately upon opening, regardless of whether I switch to them immediately?

I added pictures to make it clearer what I'm talking about.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

4 か月前 に Vilian が質問

4 か月前 に cor-el最後の返信