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My mouse scroll button no longer works in Firefox

My USB connected mouse no longer scrolls in Firefox. The mouse is working correctly in other programmes eg: Thunderbird and other web browsers. Can you sugest possible s… (続きを読む)

My USB connected mouse no longer scrolls in Firefox. The mouse is working correctly in other programmes eg: Thunderbird and other web browsers. Can you sugest possible solutions please. I am using the latest Firefox update with the latest available windows 10 update . Many thanks Keith Carpenter

1 年前 に keithcarpenter36 が質問

1 年前 に Paul が回答

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Walmart account/password reset

I recently reset my password for my Walmart account. After doing this, I logged out and attempted to log back in. Strangely, the log in page appeared more as a "create a… (続きを読む)

I recently reset my password for my Walmart account. After doing this, I logged out and attempted to log back in.

Strangely, the log in page appeared more as a "create account" page, that is to say, it asked for an email, my full name, and to create a password.

I called support while still sitting on the page, we reasoned that if I tired to "create account" with my existing email that I was using, logically, i would get an error saying that I already had an account using that email, so I continued and to my surprise--I logged in.

However, I cannot view any of my personal information, nor the items I had saved in my cart or any type of payment information.

Mind you, I had an conflict with the Feb update to Firefox and Walmart which was similar except that I can see the image of a cart on the cart and purchase history page, at that time there were no images, but it seemed to sort itself out over a couple of hours.

As with that error, I logged into Walmart with Chrome, using the new password and am able to view all my information. I can also log into the ap with my new password, and view all my information. I simply can't log into it with Firefox and see anything, it's almost as if did create a new accoiunt, except that I can log in with the new password and view all my information in Chrome and the ap on myh phone.

To sum it up, I changed the password in Firefox, the new password works in all three cases except in Firefox I cannot view my personal information.

I do not have a screenshot of the page when I first tried to log back in with Firefox, though it was odd and somewhat unexpected.d The only way to change my password now is in Chrome, or the ap, so I cannot say if that screen would appear again or not or what would happen.

Nevertheless, I understand that Walmart.com has become a "known issue" for a lot of people. I contacted, supposedly, their IT support and was told that it would probably fix itself, more or less.

Still, I thought to post this just in case.

Thank you.

1 年前 に springheel が質問

1 年前 に springheel が回答

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Font rendering gives some errors

I just installed a fresh copy of Windows 11 and last Firefox, and get some weird rendering of letters on some websites. It seems that the end of a letter is bolded so to … (続きを読む)

I just installed a fresh copy of Windows 11 and last Firefox, and get some weird rendering of letters on some websites. It seems that the end of a letter is bolded so to speak (screenshot attached). Also, there is an unnatural widening between the lines of text on the same websites (screenshot attached). This does not appear on other browsers. What can I do to correct it?

1 年前 に boris.jegorovic が質問

1 年前 に boris.jegorovic が回答