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Firefox Multi-Account Containers | Container Name in URL Bar

Firefox 126.0.1 displays a very long name of a container completely in the URL bar. Firefox 127.0 truncates container names AWS long account and role names make keeping… (baca lebih lanjut)

Firefox 126.0.1 displays a very long name of a container completely in the URL bar.

Firefox 127.0 truncates container names

AWS long account and role names make keeping the long name very convenient (works with the 'AWS SSO Containers' Add-On

Ditanyakan oleh Itai 3 minggu yang lalu

Dijawab olehjscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 minggu yang lalu

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

I am using apache tomcat web server at If I access Windows r %mis_int% it is opening However it is displaying the warn… (baca lebih lanjut)

I am using apache tomcat web server at If I access Windows r %mis_int% it is opening However it is displaying the warning: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead To resolve this error I used to perform following action: Tools => Settings => Search Trust => Click View Certificates => Add exception => provide Click Get cerfiicate Click Confirm security exception Press Ok Refresh This is displaying updated page at local host. However I am having clogall shell script inside bash.exe (putty.exe) at localhost This used to clear all cache and files at /tmp and $TEMP directories at windows and cygwin. Due to this if I open %mis_int% again it is reporting same security warning. clog actions: 1. cd /cygdrive/c/Users/MURUGE~1/AppData/Local/MICROS~1/Edge/USERDA~1/Default/Sessions Remove all all wastage of memories Remove all cookies at banking/post office session related entries I need to know how to remove exception "Potential Security Risk Ahead" without adding localhost certificate again ? clogall never use .cer *.crt related sed -i actions. I used to upload postofficeinterest.html to geocities after testing that file at localhost.

Ditanyakan oleh MURUGESAN N 3 hari yang lalu

Google won't keep me logged in

Hello! Google won't keep me logged in onto their services on Firefox, so that means for every time i open up Firefox I have to re-log in. I don't know why this happens, a… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hello! Google won't keep me logged in onto their services on Firefox, so that means for every time i open up Firefox I have to re-log in. I don't know why this happens, and I want to keep myself logged in onto google services but I don't know how to toggle it. Please help thank u!

Ditanyakan oleh voicualex785 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh voicualex785 5 hari yang lalu

Can't download files in yahoo browser today. Yesterday I could

I have no idea how to fix a problem that just emerged in the last hour. I can't download file attachments sent by email. Yesterday I could. I have been using Mozilla Fir… (baca lebih lanjut)

I have no idea how to fix a problem that just emerged in the last hour.

I can't download file attachments sent by email. Yesterday I could. I have been using Mozilla Firefox as my browser for more than 10 years. I tried restarting my computer that didn't help.

Stephanie Ezrol

Ditanyakan oleh stephanieezrol 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh gijs 1 minggu yang lalu

Can't download any Attachments

All of a sudden, I can't download any attachments, no matter what file type it is. I've reset Firefox to it's default, restarted, everything suggested. I don't have the f… (baca lebih lanjut)

All of a sudden, I can't download any attachments, no matter what file type it is. I've reset Firefox to it's default, restarted, everything suggested. I don't have the first clue as to what this is.

Ditanyakan oleh Stacy Russell 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh gijs 1 minggu yang lalu

Unable to download/failed/cancelled downloads

I tried redownloading Firefox after I saw that i was unable to download any extenstions/add-ons. Anytime i try to download something from the firefox browser, the downl… (baca lebih lanjut)

I tried redownloading Firefox after I saw that i was unable to download any extenstions/add-ons. Anytime i try to download something from the firefox browser, the download fails or gets cancelled. I never changed any settings, how can i fix this?

Ditanyakan oleh Qtip_69 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh gijs 1 minggu yang lalu


I have a local web server which is misconfigured. Its my server, its on my LAN, and no data traverses any devices not under my control. I need to be able to access it v… (baca lebih lanjut)

I have a local web server which is misconfigured. Its my server, its on my LAN, and no data traverses any devices not under my control. I need to be able to access it via HTTPS with an expired certificate in order to FIX THE EXPIRE CERTIFICATE. How do I do it? Firefox used to have a "accept the risk and continue". Whoever took this feature aware has created a very significant problem for me and I want the capability back.

Ditanyakan oleh alabamatoy 2 minggu yang lalu

Random Total Freezes

For a while now, I've been having recurring issues with Firefox desktop freezing and becoming totally unresponsive. If there's any pattern to what causes it, I haven't be… (baca lebih lanjut)

For a while now, I've been having recurring issues with Firefox desktop freezing and becoming totally unresponsive. If there's any pattern to what causes it, I haven't been able to notice it; sometimes it happens as soon as I open the browser, sometimes it happens after several hours, sometimes it happens twice in ten minutes, sometimes it happens twice in a few hours (however, I can count the number of days it's happened less than twice in one day in the past few weeks on the fingers of one hand). When the browser freezes, it becomes totally unresponsive - it doesn't fade or display "Not Responding", and Task Manager shows nothing abnormal, but it doesn't accept any input at all, any video or other animated material that may have been displaying freezes, and it can only be "fixed" by force quitting from the task manager and reopening. This is exclusively a firefox issue; other programs open at the same time as the browser freezes are not affected.

The only real lead I have as to what could be going on is that sometimes, things don't freeze all at once, but in a cascading effect. For example, tabs, bookmarks, etc. might not highlight when moused over, but still accept the clicks, or selecting another tab might causes the address bar to display the URL of the selected tab, but the screen displayed in the window will not change. Once these cascading changes start, they generally progress to total freeze before I have a chance to do much with that information (only a few seconds), but it's unusual enough behavior to be worth noticing.

Things I've already tried that haven't fixed the issue:

  • Reducing the number of tabs used and otherwise reducing Firefox's system resource usage has not impacted the problem in any way.
  • Running in Troubleshoot Mode has not had a consistent effect on the problem (the most recent time I did, the browser ran stably for longer than I could stand to use the internet without my ad blocker, but this is only one data point in an already inconsistent spread; prior instances of the problem have occurred in Troubleshoot Mode)
  • Disabling hardware acceleration has not fixed the issue.
  • The issue has persisted through multiple refreshes and at least one full uninstall and clean reinstall.
  • The issue persisted after creating and switching to a new profile multiple times.
  • The issue persisted after renaming places.sqlite
  • The issue persisted after clearing cache and cookies multiple times.
  • The issue persisted after clearing downloads and history.
  • And very likely some other stuff that I'm forgetting, I've been trying to fix this on my own for a while now.

Ditanyakan oleh 8bitorne 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh 8bitorne 2 minggu yang lalu

Profile switching

I recently switched from windows to Linux, and was using it for 3 months now. It was due to window recall Feature. But still i was using chrome as default and daily brows… (baca lebih lanjut)

I recently switched from windows to Linux, and was using it for 3 months now. It was due to window recall Feature. But still i was using chrome as default and daily browser. I wanted to explore firefox, its great actually, except 2 things which might need me to switch back to chrome or brave.

1. it don't have fu**king Profile switch, I mean i use 11 Profiles On Chrome, most people still use 2-4 profiles, how can we move to a browser that dont support profiles. I know we can add profiles by "about:Profiles" I tried it. It worked but guess what? To switch profile i have to manually go to that page to launch it. So much time consuming and frustrating. Why not simply add a btn on profile pic like chrome to switch profiles?

2. Add-ons is good thing, but there should be a way to install things from chrome web store, i not found any.

If firefox can fix these two things firefox can simply grow back to 30+ % market share, but if not people will just test l;like me and go.

Ditanyakan oleh Amanullah 2 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh TechHorse 2 minggu yang lalu

Firefox maintained and released by mozilla

Hi folks, I'd like to obtain some clarity on provenance aspects of Firefox released as a Flatpak. I see in this article that one of the options is to use flatpak packag… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hi folks,

I'd like to obtain some clarity on provenance aspects of Firefox released as a Flatpak.

I see in this article that one of the options is to use flatpak package:

Is this article produced / reviewed by mozilla? Is flatpak an officially trusted, backed by mozilla, means of installing firefox on a system?

On flathub one can observe the "Verified" seal which indicates that such package is developed and maintained by original package developers (in case Mozilla). One can also observe in multiple forums here and there that mozilla is the one that builds and maintain this package.

Though a seal is nice, and users opinions are ok, it would be good to have artifacts that would evidence better this relationship. Also, would be good to have this officially stated in mozilla's website, under "Download options and other languages" section, something like "you can also safely install firefox through the flatpak package available on flathub which is developed / maintained / signed by mozilla itself".

Or maybe all of this information is around and i am just not able to link it together.


Ditanyakan oleh Fred 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Paul 2 minggu yang lalu

2nd "Other" folder in bookmarks that is linked to the original

I have a 2nd identical "other" folder located in the "other" folder. They are somehow linked to each other, so that if I try to delete a bookmark under the 2nd duplicate … (baca lebih lanjut)

I have a 2nd identical "other" folder located in the "other" folder. They are somehow linked to each other, so that if I try to delete a bookmark under the 2nd duplicate one, it deletes it from both. If I select something in one folder and then click on the second one that selected item shows under the second as well. I don't want two folders but cannot delete or change anything or it deletes the original as well. Other than restoring an old bookmark backup to replace this defective one does anyone have any solution to fixing this? Thanks Cheers

Ditanyakan oleh Chelle 2 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh cor-el 2 minggu yang lalu

Lost bookmarks

Hello, Relevant system referenced below: MacBook Pro 2021 Mac OS 14.5 Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit) Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.11 (7673) I have a case of vanishing bookmarks. I… (baca lebih lanjut)


Relevant system referenced below:

MacBook Pro 2021 Mac OS 14.5 Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit) Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.11 (7673)

I have a case of vanishing bookmarks. I quit Firefox last evening with command-Q as I’ve done a thousand times before. When I launched it this morning I was greeted with Firefox with an empty Bookmarks Toolbar and “Getting started” message. I opened a Manage Bookmarks window and everything there was empty too. I found, as well, that all of my saved UIDs and passwords were gone except for three, two of which I haven’t used in months. Weird.

Next I opened Firefox Help and found information about Troubleshooting Mode; I restarted in troubleshooting mode but nothing had changed. After restarting in normal mode, I tried Restoring Bookmarks; I chose Manage Bookmarks from the dropdown and then clicked the button in the Library window. Restore showed only one file and it was created today with only 14 items. Selecting Choose File… showed Desktop with Old Firefox Data highlighted. In that folder was only w34y3u9y…628 folder. From there I selected bookmarkbackups and the only file there was bookmarks-2024-06-06_11…lz4, a file created at 3:33 today. I found the key4.db file and it was created at 3:33 today.

I have Carbon Copy Cloner and use it for a weekly backup to a remote SSD drive. There are a year's-worth or so of weekly backups on that device. I tried trashing Firefox and reinstalling it from last week’s backup. While this worked, it didn’t solve the issue; it was still like a fresh copy of Firefox with no bookmarks.

I’m hopeful that I can restore the bulk of the lost bookmarks from CCC but I have no clue as to which files/folders to restore and I don’t want to guess. If you think this is possible, please tell me which files or folders to replace. Should I delete the files to be replaced from the current system and if so where are they located? I’m comfortable using Terminal for basic purposes but need explicit directions for entering commands and navigating to locations or files.

Thanks for your time,


Ditanyakan oleh wuzupdc 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh wuzupdc 2 minggu yang lalu

Picture In Picture mode isnt sticky

Im using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Intel cpu I7 9th gen NVIDIA gpu but i disabled it My problem is that the Picture in Picture mode isnt sticky if i press anything it vanishes fro… (baca lebih lanjut)

Im using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Intel cpu I7 9th gen NVIDIA gpu but i disabled it My problem is that the Picture in Picture mode isnt sticky if i press anything it vanishes from view.

Ditanyakan oleh Mcmunhuu 3 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh cor-el 2 minggu yang lalu

After the last FF update, I can only connect to FF

After the last FF update, I can only connect to FF ... no other website! I did a system restore to an earlier date which seemed to make it worse. Absolutely zero content … (baca lebih lanjut)

After the last FF update, I can only connect to FF ... no other website! I did a system restore to an earlier date which seemed to make it worse. Absolutely zero content appears on any website I choose to go to. The tab shows the name of the website, however it doesn't "connect."

Please help me rectify this challenge. Thank you.

Ditanyakan oleh TruthAndLight 3 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Paul 3 minggu yang lalu

In a hacked computer, using Firefox, I see the content-security-policy for chatgpt includes chrome-extension://iaiigpefkbhgjcmcmffmfkpmhemdhdnj Would this extension be installed in the computer?

Below is the content-security-policy Firefox loads for chatGPT: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-eec8ce04-1f27-4481-8ed6-b8f877eef280' 'wasm-unsafe-eval' cha… (baca lebih lanjut)

Below is the content-security-policy Firefox loads for chatGPT:

default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-eec8ce04-1f27-4481-8ed6-b8f877eef280' 'wasm-unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* wss://* wss://*; script-src-elem 'self' 'nonce-eec8ce04-1f27-4481-8ed6-b8f877eef280' 'sha256-RvbVrdDS11FSnQaULCOgXPA5u0nMP2Im1d2pGiRBGC4=' 'sha256-eMuh8xiwcX72rRYNAGENurQBAcH7kLlAUQcoOri3BIo=' https://* https://* https://* wss://* wss://*; img-src * 'self' blob: data: https:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://* https://* https://* wss://* wss://*; font-src 'self' data: https://*; connect-src 'self' ** http://localhost:* https://* https://* https://* wss://* wss://* wss://* wss://*; frame-src https://*; worker-src 'self' blob:; media-src blob: 'self' *; frame-ancestors chrome-extension://iaiigpefkbhgjcmcmffmfkpmhemdhdnj; report-to chatgpt-csp-new; report-uri

Notice that it includes " frame-ancestors chrome-extension://iaiigpefkbhgjcmcmffmfkpmhemdhdnj"

Would this extension be installed in the computer, kind of like the extensions that are loaded from Chrome (i.e., C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\extensions_crx_cache)?


Ditanyakan oleh cybertrapped 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh cor-el 3 minggu yang lalu

Cannot interact Nature journals on firefox browser

I am using Firefox version 126.0.1 (64-bit) on MacOS Ventura 13.0. I cannot interact with any Nature journal webpages ( ,… (baca lebih lanjut)

I am using Firefox version 126.0.1 (64-bit) on MacOS Ventura 13.0. I cannot interact with any Nature journal webpages ( , , etc). I can only scroll, no clicking on links, highlighting or anything else you might expect. Not sure if this is specific to my computer/browser/extensions or if others are experiencing this and what steps I might take to resolve?

Ditanyakan oleh Munib Hasnain 3 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Munib Hasnain 3 minggu yang lalu

history deleted recover requsted this date 18\06\2024 this account firefox

I am writing to request assistance with recovering my deleted browsing history for my Firefox account. On June 18, 2024, I accidentally deleted my browsing history and I … (baca lebih lanjut)

I am writing to request assistance with recovering my deleted browsing history for my Firefox account. On June 18, 2024, I accidentally deleted my browsing history and I am hoping there is a way to restore it.

Ditanyakan oleh mktsura 3 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 minggu yang lalu