Getting started with Firefox Lockwise

Firefox Lockwise Firefox Lockwise Last updated: 10/24/2023 56% of users voted this helpful
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Effective December 13, 2021, Mozilla has ended support for the Firefox Lockwise app on Android and iOS. To continue to access and use your password management, see End of support for Firefox Lockwise.

Firefox Lockwise syncs passwords from the browser so that you can use them to easily sign in to your apps on Android and iOS. This article helps you get started quickly.

Step 1: Sign up for Mozilla account

Sign up for a free Mozilla account if you don't already have one.

Step 2: Sync your logins in Firefox

Step 3: Install or set up Firefox Lockwise

Step 4: Enable auto-fill

Firefox Lockwise can enter your login credentials automatically on apps if you enable this feature so that you don't have to keep manually entering them. First, you have to enable autofill on your phone.

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