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  • Archiwowany

Want Thunderbird sync

We appreciate and enjoy the settings continuity within Mozilla Firefox, allowing us to operate across multiple devices with same passwords etc. Why can't we get that sam… (čitajće wjace)

We appreciate and enjoy the settings continuity within Mozilla Firefox, allowing us to operate across multiple devices with same passwords etc.

Why can't we get that same functionality with THUNDERBIRD? Traveling away from the office with Thunderbird on my tablet I lose access to emails stored in folders in my main PC. I have tried the migrating process before and after trips abroad but it never collects ALL my emails. Most recently, the migrating method picked up setting, folders and emails up to 2021 - but nothing more recent. Consequently, I had to travel without a proper record.

The 'migration' process is clumsy and unreliable.

Why can't we open a THUNDERBIRD account on any device and find all our work, settings and history as we do with Mozilla Firefox?

Prašany wot Robert před 10 měsacami

Poslednja wotmołwa by david před 10 měsacami