Prašenja ze slědowacej značku pokazać: Wšě prašenja pokazać

The device heats up quickly every time I use it, and I don't like this new update.

Issue 1: Why does Mozilla heat up so fast even though my device has no problems at all, and when will it be fixed? Because I've used Edge before, and it works very well a… (čitajće wjace)

Issue 1: Why does Mozilla heat up so fast even though my device has no problems at all, and when will it be fixed? Because I've used Edge before, and it works very well and consumes little of my device resources. Issue 2 After the last update of Mozilla version 127.0.1, the use of in private mode became more difficult to use, and with my habit of keeping tabs open in private mode for a long time, sometimes up to 3 months. And I'd like to know when Mozilla will make it better for people who like to use it privately, because I don't like to use general mode, it's like there's constant surveillance for Mozilla users, and there are also cookies, so I don't like these and use them in privacy mode all the time I surf the web.And why is it harder for me to use it in In private mode? I have a hard time adjusting the buttons. I don't like the button that comes in place of the homepage button.

Prašany wot Jaaa před 1 tydźenjom

'Remember decision for this site'

I think this has been addressed numerous times? Prompt 'Remember decision for this site's along with a check box & allow. My question is how to fix this as prompted… (čitajće wjace)

I think this has been addressed numerous times?

Prompt 'Remember decision for this site's along with a check box & allow.

My question is how to fix this as prompted even after agreeing to both.


Prašany wot barrbodies před 2 měsacomaj