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Firefox Hangs Upon Launch, Cannot Connect to any Websites (Mac Sonoma)

On Mac OS 14.4 Firefox hangs on launch and crashes, requiring "Force Quit" when I try to Refresh or Troubleshoot. Uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, and restarte… (čitajće wjace)

On Mac OS 14.4 Firefox hangs on launch and crashes, requiring "Force Quit" when I try to Refresh or Troubleshoot. Uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, and restarted computer several times. Have spent several hours trying multiple community suggestions to now avail.

I am not a programmer, but am able to follow instructions. I clearly need someone to hold my hand and walk me through the solution. (I even checked out the Kaspersky suggestion, but cannot install it because Firefox cannot connect to the Internet.)

I have downloaded and saved "Raw Data.docx" and "Application Basics tex.docx" from one of the crash reports.

P.S. On this question form Firefox guessed that my operation system was Mac OS x 10_15_7, but it is 14.4


Prašany wot julian.donahue před 5 měsacami

Poslednja wotmołwa by julian.donahue před 3 měsacami