Firefox does not work - Common fixes to get you back up and running

Dotal njeje něchtó pomhał, tutón nastawk přełožować. Jeli hižo wěsće, kak so na SUMO přełožuje, započńće hnydom přełožować. Jeli chceće wuknyć, kak móžeće nastawki za SUMO přełožować, započńće prošu tu.

Do you have days where Firefox just doesn't work? Well, we put together this guide to help. It'll show you where you can find solutions to many common issues and, as always, if you need extra help with any of this, we have a community of volunteers standing by.

Restore Firefox to its default state

The Refresh Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its default state while saving your essential information. Consider using it before going through a lengthy troubleshooting process.

Firefox crashes

Check out our handy guide, Avoid crashes - Tips and tricks.

Firefox won't start

That's a pretty big problem. The Firefox won't start - find solutions article should cover it.

Firefox is slow

Slowdowns can be caused by a number of things so we've summed them up in the Quick fixes if your Firefox slows down guide.

Websites won't load

Getting error messages when you try to load up a website? Here's a few articles to help fix specific connection problems.

This didn't solve my problem. What do I do now?

Sometimes tracking down the source of these kinds of problems is difficult. We have a community of volunteers ready to help you figure it out. To ask a question or find other support resources, see Get community support.

Je tutón nastawk wužitny był?

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Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

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