टैग किए गए सवाल दिखा रहा है: सभी प्रश्न दिखाएँ

Serious New Privacy Issue

I recently got seriously worried when I became aware about the new AI firewalls these days, which monitors or inspect SSL encrypted packets, before the packets reach to t… (और पढ़ें)

I recently got seriously worried when I became aware about the new AI firewalls these days, which monitors or inspect SSL encrypted packets, before the packets reach to the main website. These new AI firewall systems are installed in some countries by their governments to suppress free speech, or just spy on its people. These firewalls, as you may already know, uses DPI-SSL system, which decrypts packets traveling from user to the main website. To decrypt the HTTPS packets, these firewalls uses its own self signed CA certificates. So I am asking the firefox developers, that why you guys allow this privacy issue? Does the packets sent from a firefoxe browser to other websites are also decrypted, by these firewalls? If yes, then why you guys allow this? Firefox must ONLY allow a specific CA certificate made for firefox browser only. Firefox browser must never let other third party softwares, or any software, to decrypt its encrypted packets. This is a serious privacy issue. With these firewalls, they can see what users write in chats, or posts, they can see witch content we are watching on a website, they can see who we follow on social media platforms, they can see which content or posts we like and etc. Even passwords are not safe anymore, which e use for any website of platform. When passwords are not safe, so does our accounts of various websites. This is a serious privacy breach.

These firewalls is a weapon for those countries which want to suppress free speech or suppress opposition sides in a government or spy on its own people.

Please let me know if I am mistaken or my concerns are genuine.

problem playing YouTube vids and audio from some sources

Have been using Firefox for many years with no issues , very happy. Recently i've just starting having trouble playing video on youtube and audio from some sources. wonde… (और पढ़ें)

Have been using Firefox for many years with no issues , very happy. Recently i've just starting having trouble playing video on youtube and audio from some sources. wondering if there is a possible problem with the most recent update to vers. 128 as the timeframe seems to jive. when starting a youtube vid. i get a message saying if video doesn't play try restarting your computer. at first this seemed to work but has been getting progressively worse to where multiple restarts do not work. If i switch to a different browser , no problem , everything plays fine , however i do not want to switch permanently to a different browser. Prefer to continue with FireFox

Copy bookmark bar from one computer to the other?

Got a new computer. Exported and imported bookmarks. However, that did not copy over my bookmark bar. Is there a way to get it to copy or do I have to recreate it? … (और पढ़ें)

Got a new computer. Exported and imported bookmarks. However, that did not copy over my bookmark bar. Is there a way to get it to copy or do I have to recreate it?

Google and Mozilla

HI, Half the time when I go to a website like Google Flights or something to do with Google it just automatically brings me to my employer's website like to sign in and … (और पढ़ें)


Half the time when I go to a website like Google Flights or something to do with Google it just automatically brings me to my employer's website like to sign in and use the Google tools there. I don't even work for them anymore and I don't know how to get rid of it automatically wanting me to go there. It won't even let me use Google Flights because it says it not supported by my employer. Thanks.