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oversized screen elements and menus -- which confi file line to edit?

Following an automatic update the other day, everything in Thunderbird is oversized. There are in fact some things I can no longer see at all! The program has become very… (emoñe’ẽve)

Following an automatic update the other day, everything in Thunderbird is oversized. There are in fact some things I can no longer see at all! The program has become very difficult to us to read/write emails. See the image below, a full-screen capture showing the problem . There must be a line to edit in the fonfig file to make the display look normal again. Please help me find that line!! I am visually impaired, and life is difficult enough already! tnx, Paul

Oporandu pgschreierOjapo 9 jasy

Ombohovaipyre Wayne MeryOjapo 9 jasy