Ehechauka porandu heramoĩpyréva: Ehechaukapaite porandu
  • Ñongatupyre

Firefox on Motorola really laggy

Frequently crashes without warning, pages lag constantly where scrolling down is impossible, even after the page is refreshed. Creates way too many new tabs (like 50 a da… (emoñe’ẽve)

Frequently crashes without warning, pages lag constantly where scrolling down is impossible, even after the page is refreshed. Creates way too many new tabs (like 50 a day) and ads mess up the design of the webpage.

Oporandu tm5281520Ojapo 10 jasy

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 10 jasy mba’e

  • Moĩporãmbyre
  • Ñongatupyre

Crash on crash reporter

Firefox Android just crashed when opening a bunch of bookmarks and then again every time I wanted to report a crash. I hope someone here can forward this to whoever usual… (emoñe’ẽve)

Firefox Android just crashed when opening a bunch of bookmarks and then again every time I wanted to report a crash. I hope someone here can forward this to whoever usually receives the crash reports.

1cb54f1f-11f5-4fa7-9d97-b4bf58d29ac2 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()' on a null object reference

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()' on a null object reference at java.lang.String.valueOf( at java.lang.StringBuilder.append( at java.lang.Throwable.printEnclosedStackTrace( at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace( at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace( at$default(Throwable.kt:19) at mozilla.components.lib.crash.service.MozillaSocorroService.sendCrashData(MozillaSocorroService.kt:607) at mozilla.components.lib.crash.service.MozillaSocorroService.sendReport$lib_crash_release(MozillaSocorroService.kt:285) at at mozilla.components.lib.crash.CrashReporter$submitReport$2.invokeSuspend(CrashReporter.kt:70) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9) at at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.LimitedDispatcher$ at at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$ Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@6aec4f8, Dispatchers.IO]

The original bookmarks crash was this:

300e77b6-00e5-458d-ae84-d1202c866a1b java.lang.NullPointerException

* New Sentry Instance:

java.lang.NullPointerException at org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks.BookmarkFragment.refreshBookmarks(BookmarkFragment.kt:103) at org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks.BookmarkFragment$refreshBookmarks$1.invokeSuspend(BookmarkFragment.kt:14) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9) at at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@26f4bf6, Dispatchers.Main]

Oporandu FabianOjapo 10 jasy

Ombohovaipyre FabianOjapo 10 jasy

  • Ñongatupyre

Full screen mode bug

When attempting to enter full screen mode on Firefox for Android, and to get into landscape mode, the browser appears to crash, keeps audio playing, and "entering full sc… (emoñe’ẽve)

When attempting to enter full screen mode on Firefox for Android, and to get into landscape mode, the browser appears to crash, keeps audio playing, and "entering full screen mode" dialogue pops up. Have to open Firefox again, and can only be viewed in landscape mode while session is continued. To return to non-landscape mode, the app needs to be force stopped, otherwise you only get to see the left one third side of any web page you navigate to. Seems to have started with most recent update. Is there any way to fix?

Oporandu fartnakkerOjapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha daniel278Ojapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Moĩporãmbyre
  • Ñongatupyre

Crash caused by inactivity?

Hi, We use about ten Android tablets running Firefox in our shop for our employees to enter on a webpage daily some informations. Tablets are programmed to keep display … (emoñe’ẽve)


We use about ten Android tablets running Firefox in our shop for our employees to enter on a webpage daily some informations. Tablets are programmed to keep display active 24h/7d, firefox is pinned so the app stay opened and users don't go to other app. The extension LeechBlock NG prevent users from accessing other webistes. Everything work well except on mondays morning.

Without fault first person to try to connect on the website will see the app crash to the desktop. Since the app is pinned user will have to wait for a supervisor to come in and unpin the crashed (and invisible) app, re-launch it and pin it. Then it will work all week without issue as long as the tablet is used at least once a day. We recently added a new tablet which is used less than others and that one does crash during the week but never twice in same day. Here's the crash report that we have (I checked multiples tablets and they all share the same crash code):

99526033-8b07-4d48-9ea2-bf4b81157f56 mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApiException$UnexpectedPlacesException: reason=Invalid metadata observation: Observed view time is invalid (too long)

mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApiException$UnexpectedPlacesException: reason=Invalid metadata observation: Observed view time is invalid (too long)

at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverter$DefaultImpls.liftFromRustBuffer(places.kt:13)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterRustBuffer$DefaultImpls.liftFromRustBuffer(places.kt:6)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterTypePlacesApiError.liftFromRustBuffer(places.kt:2)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterTypePlacesApiError.liftFromRustBuffer(places.kt:1)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterRustBuffer$DefaultImpls.lift(places.kt:7)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterTypePlacesApiError.lift(places.kt:3)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FfiConverterTypePlacesApiError.lift(places.kt:2)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApiException$ErrorHandler.lift(places.kt:2)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApiException$ErrorHandler.lift(places.kt:1)
at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesConnection.noteHistoryMetadataObservation(places.kt:162)
at mozilla.appservices.places.PlacesWriterConnection.noteHistoryMetadataObservation(PlacesConnection.kt:19)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@57af652, java.util.concurrent.Executors$FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService@1d40d23]

Wondering if someone can help me decypher this to fix/prevent it. Is it the extension or browser itself that cause the crash if the page hasn't changed long enough? Thanks for suggestions (I will not consider "have you tried without the extension" as a valid suggestion)

Oporandu SimonProulx2999Ojapo 1 ary

Ombohovaipyre SimonProulx2999Ojapo 1 ary

  • Ñongatupyre

Playing videos in full screen causes app to close

Just updated to latest version of Firefox for Android (ver 113). When I try to watch a YouTube video in full screen, the app suddenly closes, as if I pressed the home but… (emoñe’ẽve)

Just updated to latest version of Firefox for Android (ver 113). When I try to watch a YouTube video in full screen, the app suddenly closes, as if I pressed the home button (note: I say "close" rather than "crash" because when I reopen it, all the pages are still loaded). This doesn't happen every time, but it is annoying. Is there any way to fix this?

Oporandu mike.cairns86Ojapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Ñongatupyre

Firefox freeze and crash

When reading the site after a while Firefox freezes and crashes. It's not a site problem because with Chrome works fine. … (emoñe’ẽve)

When reading the site after a while Firefox freezes and crashes. It's not a site problem because with Chrome works fine.

Oporandu c.i.christodoulou2Ojapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Ñongatupyre

Firefox on Android freezing/crashing when pressing address bar while scrolling

My phone is on Android 13 with the latest Firefox update. Under "Crashes" in Settings, there isn't much. Here's a video: … (emoñe’ẽve)

My phone is on Android 13 with the latest Firefox update. Under "Crashes" in Settings, there isn't much.

Here's a video:

Oporandu lakimensOjapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Jokopyre
  • Ñongatupyre

Phone crash log

Firefox has been crashing my phone for a while now. It finally was able to generate a crash log. Can someone take a look at the log and see what might be causing it? Than… (emoñe’ẽve)

Firefox has been crashing my phone for a while now. It finally was able to generate a crash log. Can someone take a look at the log and see what might be causing it? Thanks.

Old thread talking about the crash if anyone's interested.

Oporandu bluechairOjapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Ñongatupyre

Firefox crashes on Android, but Only on my profile

So on my main firefox account the app crashes after a few mins consistently, on my phone and Tablet. However I recently made a different account using a different email … (emoñe’ẽve)

So on my main firefox account the app crashes after a few mins consistently, on my phone and Tablet.

However I recently made a different account using a different email adress and zero crashes.

Is it likely to be a settings issue?

Oporandu ShinobiOjapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e

  • Moĩporãmbyre
  • Ñongatupyre

Firefox crashes repeatedly, on multiple devices

So usually ill be playing a youtube video, and eventually the frames will stop and then firefox will crash, with the Sorry Firefox crashed error Now i just got a new T… (emoñe’ẽve)

So usually ill be playing a youtube video, and eventually the frames will stop and then firefox will crash, with the

Sorry Firefox crashed error

Now i just got a new Tablet my partner was using with no crashes and im crashing on that too, so it could be an account issue?

Already tried clearing cache and data and having no Addons Any help would be appreciated :)

Oporandu ShinobiOjapo 1 ary

Ombohovaipyre PaulOjapo 1 ary

  • Ñongatupyre

How to Solve Crashes or unexpected shutdowns.

i am badly facing the unexpected shutdowns issues on my website about call girl in bangalore rajajinagar i have checked the following issues but still not solved? Conflic… (emoñe’ẽve)

i am badly facing the unexpected shutdowns issues on my website about call girl in bangalore rajajinagar i have checked the following issues but still not solved? Conflict with other software or programs running on the computer.

Corrupted or outdated browser or system files.

Insufficient system resources, such as memory or storage.

Issues with the browser's profile or settings.

Conflicting add-ons or extensions.

Outdated graphics drivers.

Malware or viruses.

Corrupted or outdated browser extensions.

Conflicting third-party software.

Network connectivity issues.

Oporandu embady45Ojapo 1 ary

Mbohovái paha PaulOjapo 1 ary mba’e