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Image Size starting with Firefox 103

The first image is with Fx 103 This next one is with Fx 102 Others having resolutions other than 1920 x … (emoñe’ẽve)

The first image is with Fx 103

This next one is with Fx 102

Others having resolutions other than 1920 x 1080 are having the same problem. Any help would be appreciated

Oporandu JoseyOjapo 1 ary

Ombohovaipyre AliceWymanOjapo 1 ary

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How To undo Update 103.0

I just updated and now everything is larger. The bookmarks toolbar is larger, the tabs are larger... There's barely any room for the page I want to see. How do I go back … (emoñe’ẽve)

I just updated and now everything is larger. The bookmarks toolbar is larger, the tabs are larger... There's barely any room for the page I want to see. How do I go back to the previous version? OR how do I get stuff back to normal? Thank you for any help. It will be appreciated.

Oporandu VanessaOjapo 1 ary

Ombohovaipyre TyDraniuOjapo 1 ary

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Everything is WAY too big!

After updating to Firefox 103, everything in the browser including web pages, are way too big. Oversized. What the heck happened? Why do they do this? On the tool ba… (emoñe’ẽve)

After updating to Firefox 103, everything in the browser including web pages, are way too big. Oversized. What the heck happened? Why do they do this? On the tool bar with the address field, on the right, I have a zoom icon, etc., and they're all much bigger!

I could adjust zoom, but this is not right. It's all messed up!

Yes I went into Customize Tool bar - Density - and it was already set to "compact - not supported"

I went into about: config - browser.display.os-zoom-behavior - changed to zero. Nothing happened.

I went into the windows settings - display - set to 125% which it always was. Changing to 100% didn't do anything. Went into display - Make display bigger - and it's 160, where I always had it.

Not happening in Chrome or Windows. So it's Firefox.

Oporandu Steve09Ojapo 1 ary

Ombohovaipyre TyDraniuOjapo 1 ary