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Change primary email address on Mozilla account

Révision 267984 :

Révision 267984 par aparise le

Révision 282086 :

Révision 282086 par basmaaab7583 le

Mots-clés :

Résumé des résultats de recherche :

How to change your email address for your Mozilla Account.
How to change your email address for your Mozilla Account.

Contenu :

You can change your primary email address associated with your Mozilla account if you have two emails registered. You'll need to add your preferred email as your secondary email. After that, you can change your secondary email to your primary email: #[[Template:fx29menu]] #Click on your Mozilla account (your email address - you may need to sign in first). #After you've signed in, click {menu Manage Account}. Your Mozilla account settings page will open. #Add your new email as your secondary email: #*Click the {button Add} button next to ''Secondary email''. #*Enter the new email then click {button Save}. You will need to verify the new secondary email with a verification code. #Click the {button Make primary} button next to your secondary email to change the email address associated with your account. You might have to sign out and sign back in to your Mozilla account on your mobile devices in order for Firefox to display your new email.
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