Signing out using Persona

Entretien esalemaka lisusu te na article oyo, nayango contenu nango ekoki kozala esili ngala.

As of November 30th 2016, the service is no longer supported and is shutting down. and related domains will be taken offline before the end of 2016.

Signing out with Persona

Persona makes it simple to sign in to websites, but sometimes you want to make sure the next time someone tries to sign in using your computer, they are asked for a password. For example, if you're using a shared computer in a school, library or at work. There are three steps to ensuring this:

  • sign out of the website
  • sign out of the Persona service
  • sign out of your email

Signing out of websites

Signing out of a Persona-enabled website is just like signing out of any other website. It'll have a button labeled "Sign out" or "Log out": click it, and you're signed out. For example, if you're signed in to the Persona demo site 123done, you'll see something like this:

123done new design

Click the LOGOUT button to sign out.

Signing out of Persona

However, it's likely that your browser will still be signed in to the Persona service, meaning that you can sign back in again without entering your password. This is convenient, but might not be what you want if, for example, someone else might be using your computer after you. To sign out of Persona, visit and click Sign Out:


This will make the browser forget your Persona credentials.

Signing out of your email

Even if you've signed out of Persona, if your email provider supports Persona and you're still signed in to your email, then your browser will still be able to sign you in to Persona-enabled sites without needing a password.

So to make sure that Persona-enabled websites will ask for a password next time someone tries to sign in, go to your email and sign out of there, too.

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