Firefox for Fire TV

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Since April 30, 2021, we no longer support Firefox on Amazon Fire TV or Echo Show. See End of support for Firefox on Amazon Devices.

Firefox for Fire TV is an app available in the Amazon AppStore in the United States. Once installed, you can launch popular video websites, like YouTube, load any website address, and search the web for videos to play full screen on the Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick.


How to Install Firefox for Fire TV

From your Fire TV or Fire TV Stick

  1. On the Fire TV home screen, select the search icon in the upper left, and search for "Firefox".
    • Or press and hold the microphone key on your voice-enabled remote and say “Firefox”.
  2. Select “Firefox for Fire TV” from the search results. This will load the Firefox details page.
  3. Press on the Get button to install.


  1. Log in to
  2. Next to the search bar, select Apps & Games, and then search for “Firefox”.
  3. Select Firefox for Fire TV from the search results.
  4. On the right side of the page, make sure Deliver to has your device selected.
  5. Click the Get button, and Firefox will be installed automatically on your device.

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