Firefox prints pages in a different layout

Эта статья больше не поддерживается, поэтому её содержание может устареть.

Certain kinds of web page layout techniques can cause Firefox to print pages incorrectly. Problems can include a different print layout than the screen layout and only the first page being printed.

Copy the page to another program

You can copy the web page to another program, like a word processor, and print from there.

  1. In the Edit menu, choose Select All.
  2. Again in the Edit menu, choose Copy.
  3. In the other program, choose Edit, then Paste.
  4. Print from the other program.

Print the page as text

You can save the page as plain text and then print that. You will lose any formatting and images on the page.

  1. In the File menu, choose Save Page As....
  2. Save the page as a Text File.
  3. Open the file you saved and print it.

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