Exporting data to SeaMonkey

Toś ten nastawk wěcej se njewótwardujo, jogo wopśimjeśe by mógło pótakem zestarjony byś.

You can export your Firefox bookmarks for use in other browsers. This guide shows you how to export your Firefox bookmarks and import them into SeaMonkey.

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Bookmarks menu and choose Organize Bookmarks....


  2. A window will open that allows you to manager your bookmarks. From this window click on Import and Backup and choose Export HTML....


  3. The Export Bookmark window will appear. Choose a spot to save your exported bookmarks that you can remember. The desktop or your My Documents folder are usually good spots that are easy to remember.


  4. Now that your bookmarks have been exported, we need to import them in to SeaMonkey. Go ahead and launch SeaMonkey.
  5. Click on the Bookmarks menu, then choose Manage Bookmarks.... The Bookmarks Manager window should open.


  6. In the Bookmarks Manager window, click on the Tools menu and choose Import....


  7. In the Import Wizard window, choose File and then click the Next button.


  8. Locate the bookmarks.html file you previously created and then click the Open button.
  9. In the Bookmark Manager you should see your newly imported bookmarks.


  10. Go back to the SeaMonkey browser and click on the Bookmarks drop down menu to ensure all of your bookmarks have been successfully imported.

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