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fonts are messed up

I cannot even upload multiple screenshots, it is stuck at uploading. Everywhere fonts are just like this. The whole browser is unusable. I switched from Chromium and it's… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I cannot even upload multiple screenshots, it is stuck at uploading. Everywhere fonts are just like this. The whole browser is unusable. I switched from Chromium and it's just giving me more and more issues here. I had to tweak dev options, config, and what not. And even after all that, now fonts are dead.

I am using three extensions: uBlock, AdGuard, and DarkReader and none of them are messing up.

Gefragt von Amay vor 2 Jahren

Beantwortet von Paul vor 1 Jahr

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new tab opening unprompted

The same website opens repeatedly in a new tab. It's a trusted website (public library). I've run a virus scan and looked for solutions but can't find the problem. Any id… (Lesen Sie mehr)

The same website opens repeatedly in a new tab. It's a trusted website (public library). I've run a virus scan and looked for solutions but can't find the problem. Any ideas please?

Gefragt von Sarah vor 2 Jahren

Beantwortet von Sarah vor 1 Jahr