Global Privacy Control in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Zuletzt aktualisiert: 03/09/2024 100% der Nutzer finden dies hilfreich
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Introduced in Firefox for Android version 122, you can make use of Global Privacy Control (GPC) to automatically notify websites not to sell or share information about your browsing session on that website.

GPC operates as a “Do Not Sell” mechanism in some US states such as California, Colorado and Connecticut. It may also be used to indicate an opt-out of targeted advertising or general request to limit the sale or sharing of your personal data in those jurisdictions, as well as in jurisdictions such as the EU, UK, Nevada, Utah and Virginia.

To turn on this preference:

  1. Tap the menu button.
    Settings icon in address bar in android
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Under Privacy and Security, tap Enhanced Tracking Protection.
  4. Tap the switch next to Tell websites not to share & sell data to turn GPC on or off.

Global Privacy Control is enabled by default when you are using private browsing.

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