Porovnání revizí

lane moy sama toluuway sitému Firefox?

Revize 98588:

Revize 98588 od uživatele AbdouAziz z data

Revize 99792:

Revize 99792 od uživatele AbdouAziz z data

Klíčová slova:

Souhrn výsledků vyhledávání:

You can check to see what version of the Firefox OS software you have by looking under Device Information in the Settings app.
Mëne nga xol pour xam bane wersion sistèmu Firefox nge àm ci kàw nge xol ci informaçion aparëy bi,è ci suufu réglassou aplikaçion yi.


Some of our support articles refer to different versions of Firefox OS and you may be wondering what version you have. Don't worry, it's easy find out. Here's how: #Open the Settings app on your device. #Scroll down and select '''Device information'''. #On the Device information screen, look for the version numbers under ''Software''. #*''Firefox OS'' means you have version 1.0.1 #*''Firefox OS'' means you have version 1.1 For information about updating your device, see [[How do I check for Firefox OS updates and install them?]]
Yène ci suñiu xibaru ndìmbël yi dañuy wax cii ay wersion sistému Firefox te mëna ya ngi bëgg xam bane wersion nge àm. Bùul jaxlè, yombnë xam. Ni nay def: #Ubìl réglassu aplikaçion yi çi se aparéy. #Watial nge tàne '''informaçion aparëy bi'''. #Ci ekran bu informaçion aparëy bi, xolal numèro wersion bi ci ''Lozissièl''. #*''Firefox OS'' mi ngi tekki wersion 1.0.1 ne yor #*''Firefox OS'' mi ngi tekki wersion 1.1 ne yor Ngiir yénéne xibar ci naka ngay yëssalè se aparey, xolal [[Nakk¨lay xolé ndax amn¨ay yëssalu sistém Firefox ngir instalè lene?]]

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