Exporting your Pocket saves

Pocket Pocket Poslední aktualizace: 05/22/2024 100% uživatelů považuje toto za užitečné
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If you wish to download your saves for use outside of Pocket or to keep a copy for yourself, you can use our export tool which creates a downloadable HTML file with your saved links. To access our export tool, click here: https://getpocket.com/export

Common Questions

What is contained in the export file?

Your export file will included links (URLs) of your saved items. The export does not extract the text of saved links. Additionally, the export does not contain tags or highlights.

Can I export only a select number of items?

This export tool will provide you with an HTML file of your saves, archive and favorites. It's not possible to export only a set of items, but you'll find them all in your export file.

Do I need to create backups of my saves?

Pocket stores your account in the cloud so your items are available on any device, any time. Because Pocket uses the cloud, you don't need to create backups of saved items. However, you may wish to have a backup of your saves on your computer or hard drive if you prefer to keep an additional copy.

Can I use this file to import into another Pocket account?

Our importer tools sadly cannot import a Pocket export file. However, you can open the export file and hand-select links you wish to re-save to another Pocket account.

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