Vymazat důvěrná data

Tento článek již není aktualizován, jeho obsah tedy může být neaktuální.

Tento článek popisuje funkci, která je dostupná ve Firefoxu 3.0. Jedná se o funkci Vymazat důvěrná data, která vám umožňuje smazat všechnu nebo část vaší historie.

Tato funkce byla ve Firefoxu 3.5 aktualizována a nyní se nazývá Vymazat nedávnou historii. Abyste byli schopni smazat všechnu nebo část vaší historie, musíte určit, jaká historie má být smazána (např. poslední hodina). Pro více informací o této funkci si přečtěte článek Vymazat nedávnou historii.


Firefox uses private data such as user names, history, and cookies, to enhance your experience on the internet.

Sometimes you may not want other users of your computer to see or access this information. You can clear your private data to prevent others from seeing or accessing it. This can be done manually, or you can set up Firefox to clear parts of your private data automatically.

What is private data?

  • Browsing History: contains a log of web locations you have previously visited.
  • Download History: keeps a list of files you've downloaded.
  • Saved Form and Search History: contains a list of phrases you have entered in text fields, such as web searches, and name and address fields.
  • Cache: stores temporary files, such as web pages and other online media, that you have downloaded from the Internet.
  • Cookies: stores files created by web sites, that store information on your computer, such as your preferences when visiting that site. (When a web site has a "remember this" checkbox, they are using a cookie.)
  • Offline Website Data: information web sites have stored on your computer for use without an internet connection.
  • Saved Passwords: contains a list of usernames and passwords you have opted to have Firefox remember.
  • Authenticated Sessions: keeps you logged into secure web sites that you have already used the password manager to log in to.

Clearing your private data

  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Tools menu, and select Clear Private Data....



  2. The Clear Private Data window will open, allowing you to select which private data you want to clear.



  3. Check mark the data you want to clear, then click on Clear Private Data Now, to clear the data. That's it! To close the Clear Private Data window without clearing any private data, click on Cancel, .
Note: If you still see items in the Location bar after clearing private data, those items are Záložky ve Firefoxu and not part of your browsing history. This is part of the Firefox Awesome Bar feature. If you don't want bookmarks to appear in the Location bar, see Skrytí záložek v adresním řádku.

Configuring private data removal

  1. Na liště nabídek v horní části aplikace klikněte na Firefox a zvolte Předvolby.Klikněte na tlačítko nabídky Fx89menuButton a zvolte Nastavení.
  2. Select the Privacy panel. You can see three areas related to your privacy: History, Cookies and Private Data.
  3. In the Private Data section, the following options are available:


    • Always clear my private data when I close Firefox: You can choose to have Firefox clear your private data whenever it is closed. To configure what data is cleared, click Settings....
    • Ask me before clearing private data: With this option selected, Firefox asks you before automatically clearing the specified private data.
      • To immediately clear all private data that you have specified to be removed, click Clear Now....

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